Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2320 Who is the murderer 6

An Ran couldn't help but feel sad after hearing what Ye's father and mother said. She thought that this was probably the reason why she was unwilling. She had such a good relationship with her parents, so her parents expected her to live a good life. As a result, not long after, she died. Having a car accident and passing away, can the original body be reconciled?

I hope that my mission this time can be completed smoothly, and that I will not let the original person continue to carry regrets while waiting for the next mission. I also hope that Ye’s father and Ye’s mother will not experience the pain of losing their daughter.

Thinking of this, An Ran thought that she had to work harder and find out who was behind the scenes!

The class reunion was scheduled for noon the next day. The reason why it was set at noon was because the nights were not friendly to women recently. I was afraid that the class reunion would be too long and very late. The female classmates wanted to avoid anything happening on the way back, so we decided to schedule it at noon. At noon, after everyone had a meal together, we dispersed during the day, so it would be less likely to cause trouble.

There are quite a few people coming to attend Song Tuhao's classmate reunion this time. Except for some people who work hard in big cities and are too far away from City A to come back, most of them are here.

However, An Ran didn't feel anything about this party, because it was just the same thing anyway. She didn't need to pay too much attention to the show-off competition, but should pay more attention to the people participating in the meeting to see if there was anything wrong.

Although I have checked the situation of these people through IT and found nothing wrong, it is only an investigation done through the Internet. To be specific, I still need to see in person whether there is any problem with the real person.

After observing everyone one by one, An Ran found that nothing was out of the ordinary. This made An Ran frown and thought, could it be that the most suspicious ones were the original person's relatives?

However, when she came back this time, time was tight, and she couldn't visit them one by one. In this way, she wouldn't be able to see everyone's situation.

If she couldn't visit them one by one and had to take a look, maybe she could secretly check on a few people tomorrow, but time was tight and she didn't know if she could see everyone.

An Ran was thinking here when he heard someone next to him ask: "An Ran, what were you looking at just now, staring at us two by one so carefully?"

It turns out that what An Ran was staring at everyone just now was discovered by a classmate who had been paying attention to her. This classmate was none other than Yuan Yuan's good friend in high school.

Because they were good friends, she naturally paid more attention to An Ran. When she paid attention, she found that An Ran was looking at people, and everyone looked at them very seriously. This inevitably aroused her curiosity, so she asked this question. .

When An Ran was asked, she made an excuse and covered it up: "I just want to see how everyone is different from four years ago."

This reason is quite reliable, and the original high school friend has no doubts at all, and only said: "We have really changed a lot in the past four years."

This is also normal. In high school, everyone studied hard and didn’t dress up much. When they got to college or went out into society, both men and women began to pay attention to dressing up. One or two people became much more fashionable. Many people even It has become unrecognizable. I wonder if it was due to some cosmetic surgery in the past four years.

Then the friend surnamed Li whispered to An Ran: "Song XX really loves to show off, I just want to hear him brag."

The Song XX she was talking about was naturally the wealthy Song Dynasty.

What Friend Li said is true. Song Tuhao has been bragging about the demolition of his house since everyone came here. When he saw new people coming, he would talk about it again, so that after An Ran came in, he kept talking about it. Now, why didn't everyone come at the same time? He needs to tell every newcomer about this.

An Ran said: "This is not unusual. Isn't it the reason why he came to a gathering with us just to brag about this matter? So it is normal for him to keep bragging about it."

Friend Li said speechlessly: "He doesn't feel embarrassed either. Although five houses is a lot, there are many people in our class who are well off, some of whom have more property than his family. He keeps bragging and is not afraid of those people." The rich guy can't stand it and slaps him in the face, that would be funny."

An Ran said: "Unless you have a bad emotional intelligence or have a grudge against him, no one would do this just to slap him in the face."

After all, although Song Tuhao's boasting makes people unhappy, there is no need to disregard his classmates' friendship and put him down and embarrass him in public for such a trivial matter.

Friend Li nodded and said, "That's what you said."

As An Ran expected, no one slapped Tuhao Song in the face. Of course, the main reason was that several people whom Tuhao Song had ridiculed in the group did not come today - this is normal, knowing that Tuhao Song wanted to show off, What else are you doing?

Soon the party was over, and everyone went back to their homes to find their respective mothers.

An Ran saw that it was still early, so she decided to sneak over to see a few relatives to see if anything was wrong, so as to avoid having to go back tomorrow afternoon and being short of time to watch everything in one hour tomorrow morning.

Of course, the first place An Ran went to was his grandparents and uncle's house. After all, these two families were the most suspicious.

My grandparents live in the suburbs and are not from the city. My family came to the city after my parents moved to the city, so my hometown is still in the countryside.

Although it is a rural area, because it is on the outskirts of the city, there are direct buses.

An Ran dressed up in disguise and took the bus to her grandparents' house.

The old couple were already very old, so they were at home and not running around. An Ran could easily see them chatting with someone in the shade of the trees at the door.

"...How much does your son give you a month?" Grandma Ye asked an old neighbor.

"What kind of money are you paying? It's fine if we don't pay them back. Every time we come back, we have to take things in large and small packages from home." The old neighbor complained. "It's not like your two sons, who are both promising and can give you money every month."

When Grandma Ye heard this, An Ran saw that she was obviously proud, and she pretended to be humble and smiled: "It's the same, your son also has a future. In big cities, housing prices are high there, and they have to provide housing. Method."

In just a few words, An Ran figured out that the son of the neighbor's grandma should be working in the first or second line. He bought a house, had no money, could not be filial to his parents, and had to provide subsidies from his parents, and his parents would give him monthly allowance. Grandpa Ye and Grandma Ye paid a sum of money. As for the original uncle, An Ran preferred that he probably did not give it to him. It was just that Grandma Ye loved her younger son and did not say this in front of outsiders. She only said that she would give it to both sons.

The reason why An Ran felt that the original uncle did not give the old couple money was because during her previous investigation, she heard their communication records. The old couple asked the original uncle if his family was short of money. If so, they would give him money. He asked the old couple to give them money, and how could there be any money for the old couple, so Grandma Ye proudly said that her son gave them money, but in fact she was taking the eldest son's money and giving it to the younger son. In fact, her younger son, like the neighbor's son, also asked them to provide money.

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