Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2305 The divorced woman 57

At that moment, An Ran followed Li Miao's instructions and returned to Uncle Chengyi's Mansion to be married.

Although she has Mrs. Qin's Mansion, it is her private residence, and it is not appropriate to get married there. After all, women in this era always get married from their natal home, so An Ran naturally returns to her natal home, Uncle Chengyi's Mansion.

At first, the Fang family all lived in the safe mansion of Mrs. Qin. However, after the emperor named Mr. Fang as Uncle Chengyi, the Fang family had their own mansion. Naturally, it was no longer possible for them to live in their daughter's mansion. Moved to Uncle Chengyi's Mansion given to the Fang family by the emperor.

So An Ran came back from Uncle Chengyi's Mansion.

When Mrs. Fang saw An Ran coming back, she thought she would go out of the palace to do things like before and then go back after finishing the work.

As a result, it was discovered that she had returned with several confidants and some cages, saying that she was going to stay at home for a few days. Mrs. Fang was shocked when she heard this, and said fearfully: "Daughter, you are not irritated. Your Majesty, has His Majesty driven you back?"

If this is really the case, it would be terrible. You must know that everything in the Fang family is due to the emperor's appreciation of his daughter. If the emperor has a problem with his daughter and gets angry, he wants to take everything back. But what to do? So it's no wonder Mrs. Fang is afraid.

After finally becoming rich, she was really afraid of being knocked back to her original form.

An Ran looked at Mrs. Fang's frightened eyes and couldn't help being speechless, saying: "No, you will know in a few days."

It was not convenient for her to say now that the emperor wanted to make her the queen, in case there were any twists and turns in the matter and the title was not granted in the end. If she said this now, wouldn't she be slapped in the face later?

However, since Li Fang asked everyone about this in the court, An Ran believes that even if no one from the Fang family is in the court - the title granted by Mr. Fang is an idle title, and he has no errands and does not have to go to court - he will get it soon. As for the news, you will naturally know it by then.

When they found out about this from other officials, they were happy, but then Li Miao regretted it and didn't make her his queen. At least she didn't tell her about it, and he wouldn't slap her in the face.

Mrs. Fang Da looked at the expression on An Ran's face and saw that she was very calm. It seemed that nothing had happened. She couldn't help but feel relieved at the moment, and then she was curious about why An Ran came back suddenly.

Grandma Fang and others also wondered why An Ran came back.

Like Mrs. Fang, Mrs. Fang was also worried that An Ran might have come back because something happened, and she couldn't help but come over and make inquisitive inquiries.

An Ran looked at her as if she was worried that something happened to her and would implicate her, so she said angrily: "I said it's okay, if you don't believe it, then you can separate the family. If you separate the family, you don't have to worry about being implicated by me. "

Grandma Fang couldn't help but be unhappy when she saw An Ran say this, but she didn't dare to break up with An Ran now before she was sure that something happened to An Ran. She could only leave unhappily and prepare to talk to a few people who had a relationship with An Ran before. Bad people, talk about them in private.

It was a pity that many of the people who had a bad relationship with An Ran at that time were now married, and only the sisters-in-law were left. The number of them was much smaller, which made her talk a little bit unhappy.

Although there were fewer people and the chat was a little less lively, the group of people still chatted for a long time and expressed their worries about the future situation.

Just when everyone was chatting happily, suddenly, Grandma Fang's confidant maid rushed in and shouted: "Grandma, I'm so happy, I'm so happy!"

Grandma Fang saw that she was so unstable and felt that she had embarrassed herself in front of her sisters-in-law and made people think that she was not able to discipline her servants well, so she couldn't help frowning and reprimanded: "How unbecoming is it to be in such a panic!"

The maid did not take Grandma Fang's scolding to heart, but still smiled and said: "Grandma, I heard that the master came back from outside and said that His Majesty is discussing with the ministers about appointing our third young lady as the queen! It is said that the ministers We have already agreed. In less than two days, the palace will issue an order to the third lady. By then, our house will become the queen’s natal family. Isn’t this a great joy?"

The so-called third lady, of course, refers to An Ran, who was originally in the Fang family.

Grandma Fang, who was chatting with some sisters-in-law about whether An Ran came back this time, was ominous. When she heard the news, she couldn't help but stood up and said in disbelief: "You said that?" it is true?"

The maid nodded vigorously and said, "Of course! Everyone is discussing it outside now!"

"Miss Third has been married before, and she is eight years older than the emperor! Why would the emperor want to marry her?!" Grandma Fang couldn't believe it at all.

"I don't know about this slave, but this thing seems to be true." The maid said.

Grandma Fang was still a little shocked and could not recover for a while.

You know, although An Ran did well in the palace and became a first-class wife of the Qin State with an extremely noble status, in the eyes of Grandma Fang, An Ran is still a failed woman because she has no man and no children. Naturally, she is People who fail, and this also represents the thoughts of most people in this era. This is also normal. After all, many modern people still think this way, let alone this era. Grandma Fang doesn’t think about it at all. As long as An Ran is willing , with her powerful position, she can find countless young and handsome faces. If she wants a child, she can have one at any time. They only see An Ran as unmarried and have no children, and they think she is a failed woman, even if she is a first-class woman. Mrs. Qin is still a failed woman. There is no way. In the eyes of some people, only women with men and children are successful women.

Therefore, although Grandma Fang did not dare to say anything about Anron because Anron was now prosperous, she still had a sense of superiority towards Anron in her heart and felt that her life was much better than that of Anron.

But what does she hear now? Fang Anran was actually getting married, and she was marrying an emperor and becoming a queen. Could this make Grandma Fang stand up immediately without being shocked?

To be honest, when I heard that An Ran became the queen, Grandma Fang was not like others. Her first feeling was that she was happy, but she couldn't accept it. After all, a person she had always looked down on, a person she had always had a sense of superiority, suddenly became He has surpassed her in all aspects, and he has surpassed her by many, many, many things. Is this something she can bear?

After a while, Grandma Fang accepted the news, calmed down the complicated emotions in her heart, and began to think about the benefits that her family would gain if An Ran became the queen.

Although I couldn't accept that someone I had always felt superior to and was the object of pity suddenly became better than myself, but I still calmed down this discomfort when I thought about the benefits I would receive in the future.

In any case, Fang Anran becoming the queen is a great benefit to her family. In the future, her husband will be able to become the heir apparent. After all, the queen's natal family wants to be granted a title. It will be even better when Anran becomes the queen mother. Because the Queen Mother's family wants to be granted a public title.

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