Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2261 The divorced woman 13

It turns out that after Li Dianbo asked Wu Nushi to do the accounting, Wu Nushi was promoted to bookkeeper and An Ran was promoted to female historian. The accounting matter changed from An Ran doing the accounting as an agent to An Ran becoming the person doing the accounting. In this way First of all, there are indeed many people who want to bribe Anron and want Anron to settle his family's accounts as soon as possible so that he can receive money.

There are six bureaus and one department in the palace, as well as various large and small agencies in each palace. The money required by these agencies is all issued by the Shanggong Bureau.

The Shang Palace Bureau is directly under the direct leadership of the Queen.

But unless there are special circumstances and the Queen decides whose money will be distributed first, usually it is up to the Shang Palace Bureau to decide whose account should be settled first.

In this way, the boss of Shanggong Bureau will definitely become the target of bribes from all parties, all of whom want to settle their own accounts first and distribute them.

But the boss of the Shang Palace Bureau has many things to decide, just like the queen. Unless there are special circumstances, she says whose account should be handled first. Under normal circumstances, it is decided by the secretary below.

The boss of the Secretary, like the boss of the Shang Palace Bureau and the Queen, cannot make the decision in everything, and can only give the main instructions. As long as she tells her, whose account should be done first, and the rest will be done by the specific accountant. People decide, that is, Enron decides.

As a result, one can imagine how prosperous Enron is.

After completing the accounts ordered by the leaders at all levels first, in the end, if she still has time, she can decide on her own whose account should be done first.

It's easy to imagine how powerful this authority is, how transcendent the status is, how many connections it can manage, and how many people can fawn over it. It's no wonder that Cai Nvshi was unwilling to let go of the accounting work.

But Enron is not afraid of investigation.

First, she told the leaders at the top, including the Queen, Shang Gong, Si Bu, Dian Bu, Zhang Bu, etc., who had done the accounting first, and the remaining time was originally her free time. She could Decide whose account to settle first.

In the past, Ms. Cai's level of history was low. After completing the accounts assigned by the Queen, the Palace Chief, the Secretary, the Dian Book, the Treasurer, etc., unless she stayed up late at night and worked overtime, she would have no free time to help those who bribed her to do it first. account.

But An Ran's level is many times higher than that of Cai Nvshi. She can do accounting very quickly, and she has a system to help check for errors, so even if she doesn't stay up late and work overtime, she still has a lot of time every day, and she can freely decide what to pay. People do the accounting first.

Enron did not accept bribes as to who would do the accounting first, but of course Enron also screened.

Most people will do the accounting in the order in which the other party submits the accounting information. They will not give it to whoever takes the bribe first, because she will not take bribes from anyone in the first place. She wants to do it in the palace. She was working for the top, and in that case, she couldn't be put in such a position, so how could she accept bribes.

But there are also a small number of people, and An Ran is procrastinating as much as she can. Unless her superiors tell her to take care of someone else's account, she will do it.

Needless to say, who this small group of people are, they are naturally those who have caused trouble for An Ran, such as Cai Nvshi, Han Nvshi, Song Nvshi, etc., as well as people from other departments who have previously vassed Cai Nvshi and caused trouble for her.

An Ran is not a good-tempered person. It is impossible for her to bully her and not fight back.

And this naturally made these people very angry.

At that time, Cai Nvshi spread the news that An Ran had accepted bribes and asked people to investigate An Ran. These people also followed suit and wanted to bring down An Ran.

Regarding these, An Ran did not publicly refute. When someone came to ask, she only said that she had a clear conscience and that the superiors were welcome to check at any time. She had a clear conscience, after all, she had indeed never received a penny in bribes.

In the end, Gong Zhengsi actually sent someone to investigate. This was naturally the result of Han Nvshi's activities. Cai Nvshi was incompetent, so how could he find someone to investigate. In other words, Han Nvshi was capable, so she was able to find people.

Gong Zhengsi came to investigate An Ran, and Cai Nvshi gloated. She felt that An Ran could not confiscate the bribe. Even if the bribe was small, as long as she took it and Gong Zhengsi found out, she would be finished.

But what she didn't expect was that An Ran found nothing in the end, but she was unlucky.

It turned out that Gong Zhengsi wanted to check. Although he only checked the accounts taken over by Enron at the beginning, because Enron took over less than a year ago, some of the accounts were still related to the previous ones. Soon Gong Zhengsi discovered that there was something wrong with the accounts, and after following the clues, he discovered Someone is suspected of embezzling public funds. Needless to say who this person is, it is naturally Cai Nvshi.

In fact, An Ran had discovered that Cai Nvshi had embezzled public funds a long time ago. After all, her accounting methods were not as clear as the modern An Ran. However, Anron never said anything and planned to expose it at the right time. Now Cai Nvshi actually Dare people come to investigate her, the time has obviously come, so she naturally goes with the flow and deliberately lets people investigate her. Firstly, she is really not afraid of the investigation. Secondly, it is to expose what Cai Nvshi has done. After all, it is Cai The female historian asked someone to investigate, not herself. No one else would have thought that she wanted to cause trouble for the female historian Cai.

Speaking of it, Cai Nvshi is also funny. She has done a lot of bad things, her hands and feet are dirty, and she dares to let Gong Zhengsi's people come to check her. She has a bad mind.

At this time, Gong Zhengsi's people came to investigate, and An Ran deliberately led them to discover that Cai Nushi had embezzled public funds.

At this critical moment, another palace maid under Cai Nvshi (Wang Qingqing) produced evidence that Cai Nvshi had accepted bribes.

Wang Qingqing has long hated Cai Nvshi, but the other party is her leader and she has been unable to deal with her. However, she has also been paying close attention to Cai Nvshi's movements and has obtained a lot of evidence against her. Now the superiors are going to investigate her. Wang Qingqing There's no reason not to take advantage of this opportunity to cause trouble for Ms. Cai.

Moreover, Wang Qingqing thought that by taking down Cai Nvshi, she would not only avenge herself, but also help An Ran. When An Ran takes over, with their good relationship, she might be able to become a Nvshi, even if she is young and inexperienced. , If you can't do it, Anron will be assigned more maids to serve you. It will be better for her to work with Anron than to work for others.

Thinking of these benefits, Wang Qingqing will naturally try her best to correct Cai Nu's history.

Cai Nvshi also didn't expect that there would be a fire in her backyard and Wang Qingqing would betray her. When she saw Wang Qingqing reporting her, she couldn't help but hate her. She scolded Wang Qingqing and said: "You betray your master like this. So what if you kill me? Who can Dare to use you?"

Wang Qingqing sneered and said: "You don't have to worry about it. I just want to see you fall and I will be happy!"

With these evidences, Cai Nvshi was soon investigated. Without the investigation, she would not have known. When Gong Zhengsi was investigated, he was shocked to find that she, a little Nvshi, had accepted bribes of tens of thousands of taels of silver, and had also misappropriated tens of thousands of taels of silver. Two public funds.

Now it's good. Cai Nvshi, let alone being promoted, was also detained by Gong Zhengsi. She probably won't be able to come back in the future. She will probably end up worse than Gongnu Cao and Gongnu Liu. After all, those two people just bullied their colleagues, and she is I broke the law, so I have to go to the Dali Temple Prison for tea.

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