Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2249 The divorced woman 1

It stands to reason that for such a task, the former is often easier to accomplish, while the latter is not easy to accomplish if you have to find out the reasons.

But the original person didn't know the reason. As soon as An Ran read the original person's memories, he could immediately understand why. Without him, the original person's husband had been replaced.

In the memory of the original person, her ex-husband started a business soon after he reconciled with her, selling soaps and mirrors, and when novelty things became developed - he was clearly a time-traveling man.

However, even a time-traveling man doesn't necessarily know that he will be prosperous in the future. After all, what if the business fails? Wouldn't it be impossible to find a wife by then? So besides being a time-traveling man, there should be other reasons that make him know that he will definitely become prosperous in the future.

Since he is definitely going to be prosperous, it is normal for him to divorce his original body first. After all, some male protagonists in male videos do not want to be the so-called takers of other people's bodies after taking over them, so they will After the original couple divorced, it is normal for them to remarry a virgin, because many men have a virginity complex. They can play with many women, but their women must all be virgins, and they must not be virgins. Collect, collect everywhere, has always been popular.

It is normal for the original person Fang Anran to want to take revenge on her ex-husband Han Feng, because the original person married Han Feng for only half a year without any fault, and they divorced her when they said they wanted to divorce. Can the original person not be resentful?

What's more, after she was driven back, her brothers and sisters-in-law were very unhappy and had strong objections to her. Her parents were afraid that their sons and daughters-in-law would be unhappy and that it would affect other girls' marriages, so they had to remarry her in a hurry. In her haste, she inevitably didn't inquire much about the other person's situation, which resulted in the remarried person having a bad character and treating her very badly, which made her end miserably.

However, Han Feng has become more prosperous, and I don’t know how many people laughed at her - seeing how she was treated by Han Feng, not only did those people not sympathize with her, they also laughed at her, saying that it must be her fault, otherwise how could Han Feng drive her away? Well, you must know that Han Feng was very good to those women after him. Everyone said that he was good, so when they broke up, it was definitely not Han Feng who was bad, but her.

Being kicked back even though there was nothing wrong with him, and being told that it was his fault, the resentment in his heart reached its peak, so after he died in depression, it was normal for him to seek revenge on his ex-husband.

An Ran came at a good time - she had already returned home with Han Feng and Li, so she didn't have to face Han Feng's disgusting face.

As for returning to Fang's house, the original body's brothers, sister-in-law, and sisters would be unhappy. Since An Ran was not the original body, there was nothing to be afraid of.

In fact, we can understand their unhappiness. After all, in this era, a girl who comes back from the family will always make outsiders gossip and affect her reputation. No wonder they are unhappy.

Although An Ran can understand that they are unhappy, she will not let Mr. and Mrs. Fang rush to find a marriage for her like the original world. After all, she does not want to marry someone with bad character again like the original person. , causing trouble in the future.

Although this time the original person did not say that she must use her own abilities to take revenge, An Ran still decided not to use her own abilities if she could. She would only take revenge within the scope of the original person's abilities, so as to get a better evaluation from the original person.

The reason why the original person didn't say that she could only use her ability to take revenge is probably because she was afraid that she wouldn't be able to get revenge without using the tasker's ability. After all, Han Feng (in the original person's opinion) was too good at doing business and wouldn't use the tasker's ability. Ability, it is difficult to take revenge.

Han Feng is very good at doing business. In fact, that’s because the original person didn’t know his origin, so he thought he could do business. In fact, for time travellers, it’s nothing. As long as a man comes through, he can make soap and mirrors, as long as he doesn’t know how to do business. Even if you are too stupid, you can make a fortune.

An Ran didn't have a clue about how to take revenge on Han Feng. For the time being, she still had to settle the marriage matter first before talking about anything else. Things had to be resolved one by one.

Thinking of this, An Ran sorted out her thoughts and took her maid Jin Huan to the main room, ready to pay her respects to Mrs. Fang Da.

Although the Fang family is from the capital, and their ancestors were once wealthy, in this generation, they are just a wealthy family, and their wealth is not very rich. Therefore, in the capital, they are actually just an ordinary family. After all, there are too many dignitaries in the capital. too much.

It is precisely because of this that life will be difficult for her when she comes back after being divorced. After all, if the family is in good condition, they may buy a house for her when she gets married. If she returns to her parents' home, if she doesn't want to see the faces of her brother, sister-in-law and others, You can live in your own house.

But it is a pity that the original person did not have such conditions. When she got married half a year ago, her parents only gave her a dowry of a few hundred taels, which naturally did not include a house. After all, houses in the capital were very expensive.

In this way, after being driven away by Han Feng, the original body naturally had no choice but to return to her parents' home and see the faces of her brothers and sisters-in-law.

Therefore, the economic base determines the superstructure. If the economic conditions are good, they should be better.

Because the conditions of the Fang family were average, it was only a second-entry house. A few brothers and sisters-in-law lived in the front room, Mrs. Fang and his wife lived in the main room at the back, and the unmarried girls and young masters lived in the side rooms on both sides.

After An Ran came back, because the wing was full, it was not good for people to move it. After all, the original person's return would have had an impact on the marriages of these girls. If An Ran came back and drove them away from where they originally lived, what would happen? I guess their aunt is going to make trouble.

An Ran had no place to live, so she lived in the back room - the place where the servants lived.

The original body couldn't accept it. After all, she was originally a legitimate daughter and lived in the best wing. Now that she and Li came back, she actually lived in the back room. How could she accept it?

But An Ran didn't care, after all, this was what she expected.

When An Ran and Jin Huan came to the front, at the door of the main room, they met several concubines, brothers, brothers and sisters-in-law who also came to greet them. They glanced at her with indifferent expressions.

They looked at An Ran indifferently. Anran did not smile at them in order to please them like the original person did, but also looked at him indifferently.

An Ran couldn't do the thing of putting a smile on someone's face when others were cold to her, so it was natural that she looked like this.

Fortunately, she was driven back and looked like this. Others just thought she was sad, so they were not angry because she didn't smile - after all, they had already been angry because of her and Li's return.

Immediately, everyone entered the main room and paid their respects to Madam Fang.

Mrs. Fang Da saw An Ran coming. Although she saw the other people's faces were ugly, as the original mother, knowing that her daughter was sad, she naturally would not show off to her. She still forced a smile and said: "Ran Ran is here too?"

It’s no wonder Mrs. Fang said this. After she was divorced and came back, she kept crying and didn’t care about anything. She only felt sad by herself. In addition, she was afraid of being laughed at by her family, so she stayed in the house all the time. I have never been out before. An Ran came to say hello now. This was the first time I went out since returning home. No wonder Mrs. Fang Da said this.

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