Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2237 A prosperous woman 25

She didn't know that Liu Feng was bragging about how great he was in stock trading back then. In fact, he was successful because of his original self. She just thought that Liu Feng's stock trading should be passable, so she planned to observe it for a while to see if the situation was wrong, and then withdraw. Not too late.

As Liu Feng and Wang Cheng returned to their original forms, Ding Xiping was under great pressure.

Although he was engaged in an entity, because the company could not be sold, he was worse than Liu Feng. After all, Liu Feng was in finance and the company could not be sold. He sold the stocks purchased by the company and then filed for bankruptcy liquidation. At least he still had something on hand. Can keep some money.

And if his company cannot be sold, it will cost a lot of money every day. After all, he has many employees.

If he wants to apply for bankruptcy liquidation, to be honest, after deducting the money from investors, some of the company's debts, and various other miscellaneous expenses, he really won't have much money left. After all, many companies are now borrowing money to finance their business. After paying off the debt, what else is left, I'm afraid it's even less than what Liu Feng might have left. After all, Liu Feng is a financial company, so it's much easier to deal with.

If you can sell the company, you don't have to worry about this.

It's a pity that he couldn't sell it, so he had no choice but to go bankrupt and liquidate.

Originally, he wanted to hold on for a while to see if things would turn around, but seeing that he was suppressed by all parties and there was no turnaround at all, Ding Xiping could only apply for bankruptcy liquidation. If he went bankrupt and liquidated one day earlier, he would lose less money.

And just as he thought, after the liquidation, the money was divided among various disposals, and there was not much left.

Seeing that Ding Xiping's company had collapsed and her family was going to have a hard time, the queen mother couldn't help but feel depressed.

Even though Ding Xiping still has three melons and two dates in his hands, living a life with that money is not what the queen mother wants. She just wants to live a life of wealth, so she will not sit still and wait for death.

Queen Mother is the youngest among the three - she has only married Ding Xiping not long ago, and Ding Xiping does not know how to find older women, so she is naturally the youngest among the three, not yet thirty. She is 20 years old - both beautiful and young, so she wants to get divorced and find a new life. After all, she is still so beautiful in her twenties. Even if she is not as famous as Tang Jiaojiao, I am afraid she is not as famous as Tang Jiaojiao. It will be easier for Jiaojiao to find a better sponsor. When the time comes, she will have another child, inherit a huge family fortune, and her future wealth will be just around the corner.

She wanted a divorce, but Ding Xiping was naturally unwilling, even more so than Wang Cheng. After all, unlike the Queen Mother, who was the youngest among the three, Ding Xiping was the oldest.

At that time, the original person was old and had been divorced twice. It was difficult to find the right person, so the third marriage was with Ding Xiping, who was eight years older than the original person and had a daughter who was more than ten years old. Now so many years have passed. , Ding Xiping is already in his forties.

He is in his forties, has no money, and has a son and a daughter. With such conditions, how can he marry a daughter-in-law who is fifteen years younger than himself and very beautiful? Therefore, Ding Xiping naturally does not want to divorce, fearing that if he gets divorced, he will suffer in the future. I can’t find such a young and beautiful wife. If I don’t ask for a wife, who will take care of my younger son? You must know that his mother is already very old. Let alone letting her take care of the children, she might have someone else to take care of her in two years.

But if he is looking for a wife, then on his condition, there are two very old people who need to be taken care of, and there is a very young child below, and there is no money on him. Who is willing to marry? The one he would marry would definitely be worse than Ji Anran back then, and he was used to playing with young and beautiful women over the years, so how could he be willing to marry a woman with worse conditions than Ji Anran.

In this way, it is normal that he does not want a divorce.

However, this is not a question of whether he thinks about it or not. With Tang Jiaojiao's successful divorce experience in front of him, Queen Mother also has a way to make Ding Xiping let him go.

When Ding Xiping heard that the queen's mother mentioned the matter between Wang Cheng and Tang Jiaojiao, he did as she wished and divorced her.

After all, Ding Xiping didn't want to be like Wang Cheng, who was ridiculed by the entire Internet, and even recognized by netizens, throwing tomatoes at his family every day. That would be too miserable.

He was already miserable enough now, and he didn't want to get worse, so when the Queen Mother threatened Wang Cheng's example, Ding Xiping had no choice but to leave.

Although they are divorced, Ding Xiping will not let the queen mother get her wish.

Didn't this woman want to kick him so that she could find a rich man and become prosperous again? He wouldn't let her do so.

After Ding Xiping got divorced, he posted the divorce certificate online.

"This is my retribution. After I became rich, I abandoned my wife who was a loser. One day, when I became a loser, I was also abandoned. At that time, I abandoned the woman who was willing to share the hardships with me. Today, no one is willing to share my troubles with me. Share your adversity with me."

Afterwards, he also liked the queen's mother, and also included photos of himself and the queen's mother in their daily life.

On the surface it looks like repentance, but how could a JP like Ding Xiping repent of his mistakes? At most, he regretted that he did not discover that An Ran had a prosperous physique and let the opportunity to make a fortune slip away. He would not feel that he had done what he had done before. wrong.

The reason why I sent such a letter was just to lay a trap for the Queen Mother.

No matter who the queen mother meets in the future, if that person searches for her name on the Internet, he will definitely find his scarf. After all, he wrote the queen mother's name on it, and he is also a celebrity after all. With a scarf, There is a certain amount of traffic, so if others search for it, they won’t be able to find the queen’s mother.

In this way, even if the person doesn't know the past experience of Queen Mother, if he sees this scarf with Queen Mother's name and photo on it, he can be sure that he is her ex-husband.

In that way, no matter how the queen mother and the other party try to sugarcoat her divorce, in the end, when people know her identity, they will know that she divorced her previous husband because he ran out of money. Woman, in that case, it is not certain whether she can successfully marry into a wealthy family.

Although Ding Xiping's reputation on the Internet is also bad, it is slightly better because he is not stuck on divorce like Wang Cheng.

In this case, if the queen mother kicked him, it would only make the queen mother, whose reputation was similar to his, even worse than his.

You must know that Tang Jiaojiao was clamoring for a divorce because the videos of Wang's mother scolding her were released, so she divorced. Netizens did not scold her as a person who can only share wealth but not adversity, so although she is older, her reputation It's not that good yet, but at least he doesn't have a reputation among men as someone who can't share the joys of adversity. If you want to find him, you can still find him by relying on his past background as a big star.

But the queen's mother was different. She got divorced without any preparation. Now that Ding Xiping exposed the matter, she suddenly became a being that everyone was shouting about. She felt that her character was really bad. Of course, Forget about mistresses, as soon as they see that they are in trouble, they kick them, so their reputation will naturally become worse and worse. In the future, it will be a little difficult for them to be with the money master, or at least it will be a little difficult for them to marry each other. At most, they just look at her. She is beautiful. Spending a few wallets to raise her is incredible. After all, with the example of Ding Xiping in front of her, who would dare to marry her?

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