Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2225 A prosperous woman 13

Once Mother Ding believed it, she naturally regretted it just like Miss Ding. She should not have driven Ji Anran away in the first place. If she had known that she was such a prosperous husband, she should have kept her at home to continue to prosper her son.

At that time, she just felt that Ji Anran had been married twice and was dumped both times. He was old, not good-looking, and had a bad background, so he was not worthy of her son.

In addition, the son did not have a son yet, and the queen mother happened to be pregnant, so Ding's mother became interested. Although she knew that the queen mother's personality was not as good as Ji Anran's, she still fanned the flames in front of her son, just like Miss Ding, and encouraged him to kill Ji Anran. Divorced so that he could marry Miss Wang, who was more beautiful, younger and still pregnant.

Ding Xiping happened to have the same idea, and the family hit it off immediately, so he divorced his original wife and married the Queen Mother.

After the Queen Mother came in, it turned out that as Mother Ding thought, she was not as easy to control as Ji Anran. Because she was young and beautiful, her son liked her, and whenever she wanted to manipulate her, she would immediately apply eye drops in front of her son.

Despite all her shortcomings, Mother Ding was still satisfied with her because she was young and beautiful and was envied by others, and then she gave birth to a son.

But this satisfaction ended after I heard that An Ran could make her husband prosperous.

What a sin, she thought. She drove away the daughter-in-law of such a prosperous husband, and married a daughter-in-law with such a nose in the air, who had no respect for her. She was really stupid.

However, after having had more than a few decades of food, she knew that since Ji Anran married the opponent of Xiping Logistics, she knew that she wanted revenge. She was full of resentment towards the Ding family. In this case, No matter how regretful she was, she never thought about asking Ji Anran to come back, because she knew that if she really asked, she would only humiliate herself and make the other party laugh at her.

So no matter how much I regretted it, I was not as stupid as Miss Ding, thinking that I could go back safely.

Because she found out that she had missed a good opportunity, Ding's mother would not blame herself for doing something wrong. Of course, she would not blame her son either. She would only throw fire on the queen's mother, thinking that if it weren't for such dishonest women as the queen's mother, If you seduce her son, her son will not cheat on her, let alone leave Ji Anran, causing trouble in her son's company.

Faced with Mother Ding's scolding, Queen Mother naturally refused to be outdone and formed a dragon gate formation with her.

But this time, Ding Xiping was not on her side.

Obviously, even if Ding Xiping doesn't think that Jiang Ji Anran's departure is entirely the fault of the Queen Mother, he also thinks that the Queen Mother must be at fault. After all, a slap in the face can't make a difference. Even if he cheated on him, it would have been wrong if it hadn't been for the Queen Mother. If such a woman seduces him, he may not cheat; at the same time, if a woman like the queen mother does not want to be in power, he may not leave Ji Anran. Even if Ji Anran is not good-looking, he feels that he cannot take her out. It's not necessarily that he will leave her - it's something that hasn't happened anyway, so he can predict it by himself.

When the queen mother saw that she had revealed to Ding Xiping that Ding's mother was unfriendly to her, Ding Xiping did not stand on her side and said a few words to Ding's mother as usual, and her heart couldn't help but "thump", knowing that something was wrong. Great, secretly it seems that Ding Xiping also feels that he is at fault?

Although the queen mother did not feel that she was at fault, if Ding Xiping felt that she was at fault, she could not say anything. After all, although the market value of Ding Xiping's company has dropped a lot, he is still considered a rich person. Since he is rich She would naturally support him, but she would not dare to offend him. After all, she would offend him and make him unhappy. If he could let himself be in power, he would naturally be able to let those vixens outside be in power, and then she would not be able to take advantage of him. And left.

Not to mention that she has a son, don't worry, Ding Xiping is still young. As long as he wants, he can still marry a young and beautiful girl and continue to have sons.

When he has other sons, it is not certain whether he will let his son, born of the woman who offended him, inherit the property. After all, such a rich man will usually make a will early. If he doesn't like himself , there was nothing she could do if she didn’t leave a penny for herself in the will.

This kind of thing is not uncommon. There was a rich man before who also liked to play with women, but if you let it go, he would only have children with his wife. He would raise other women who came to Ba, but he would not have sex with them. Even if he gave birth to a child, he would not admit it.

As a result, a woman who did not believe in evil gave birth to his son secretly, hoping to use the son to share the money.

What was the result? The rich man really ignored the other party and did not support the son born by the other party. In the end, he passed away and the woman did not get a penny of his property.

The woman thought that her son was that person's son after all, and she couldn't give him anything, so she kept guarding her son, thinking that when the person died, she would be able to rely on her son to make a fortune. After all, she was much younger than the rich man. , can afford to wait.

In the end, waiting became a joke. Even if she gave birth to a son, they would still not give her a penny. And because she had waited for a long time - rich people endured and survived for a while - she was old and had no money. Fa Pang Xin's financial backer made money, and his life became a joke.

This incident has awakened many female Nuggets, letting them know that if a man becomes ruthless, he can even deny his own son.

The same thing also frightened the queen's mother, so when she faced Ding's mother again, her arrogance was much restrained, and she no longer dared to be as arrogant as before. She was afraid that Ding Xiping would be blamed on him, so don't leave her too. When the time comes, don’t draw water from a bamboo basket and it will be all in vain.

When Mother Ding saw that her son would not help the queen mother, she knew her son's position. When she saw that the queen mother restrained herself, she knew that the queen mother was afraid that her son would not help her.

Now that she knew this, Ding's mother was emboldened, so she naturally started to make trouble for the queen's mother. After all, Ding's mother was not a good person. In the past, the queen's mother relied on her son to dote on her, and she gave her a lot of eye drops, which made her son blame her. Why is she always not getting along with her daughter-in-law? She used to not get along with Ji Anran, but now she is not getting along well with the Queen Mother. If you say she doesn’t get along with one daughter-in-law, you can also say it’s the other daughter-in-law. This is not the case with two daughters-in-law. They didn't get along, so naturally it was her problem. After hearing this, Mother Ding cursed Queen Mother in her heart for applying her eye drops in front of her son, but at that time she could only curse in secret, but she couldn't do anything to her.

Now she's fine, she can get back on her feet.

The queen mother saw that before she gave birth to a son, she could still live as carefree as a queen. Now that she has given birth to a son, not only has she not been promoted to the queen mother, but her status has been higher, which has made Ding's mother take a step back. On the contrary, it has also allowed Ding's mother to find He was in trouble, so he couldn't help but curse Anran again, thinking that if Ji Anran hadn't turned into a woman who could make a husband, would she have ended up like this now? It was because of Ji Anran that she ended up like this, so the queen mother naturally cursed Anran.

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