Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2221 A prosperous woman 9

But the Queen Mother doesn’t have to worry that Ding Xiping will take Miss Ding’s side after listening to Miss Ding’s words, because she knows that Ding Xiping has always wanted a son, and now that she is finally pregnant, she may give birth to a son. In this case Come on, why would he side with Miss Ding and blame herself for entering the house because she was pregnant?

After listening to his daughter's words, he knew that Ji Anran could really make a husband. Ding Xiping, who already regretted leaving her, may not have thought this way in his heart. He thought that if he had not divorced her at that time, maintained the marriage, and then settled his lovers outside, Isn't that great?

But at that time, who knew that Ji Anran was Wangfu? He just thought that she was too tall to take him out, so after he became rich, he didn't like her no matter how he looked at her. He felt that she was not worthy of him, so he kicked her out and married a tall and beautiful woman. of.

Although he regretted it, seeing the queen mother's paunchy appearance, Ding Xiping did what the queen mother thought. He frowned and stopped his daughter's nonsense and said: "What are you talking about? What will happen in the future remains to be seen, Ji Anran You just nodded, do you need to complain like this to your Aunt Wang?"

Although he was scared, he didn't believe that Ji Anran was really that powerful and could bankrupt him. As long as it didn't reach that level, it didn't matter if the company lost a little bit. Whether it was tens of billions or billions, he would be a success in the eyes of others. Everyone can live a wealthy life, but the key is to have a son to carry on the family line, otherwise it would be boring to make so much money by helping others.

He had not yet thought that one day he would be beaten back to his original form by An Ran, so he did not complain to the Queen Mother along with Miss Ding. After hearing Ding Xiping's words, the Queen Mother couldn't help lowering her head and smiling, secretly thinking that she knew that Ding Xiping I won't stand on Miss Ding's side.

Miss Ding saw her father facing the Queen Mother, and she hated the Queen Mother even more. She punched out the Queen Mother's belly fiercely. If the Queen Mother hadn't been so cautious, she would have had this woman aborted, just like back then. , she treated Ji Anran as if she had an abortion.

Yes, although the original person and Ding Xiping did not have children, they were pregnant with children. However, Miss Ding put a few soybeans on the ground. The original person did not pay attention, stepped on them and fell to the ground, killing the child.

——Although it is not good to say this, An Ran feels that it is fortunate that she did not have children with Ding Xiping and the other two people. Otherwise, it would be really difficult to deal with the revenge after the divorce and the children in the middle.

Now it's better, she has no ties with those people at all, and she can take revenge as much as she wants without any psychological burden.

But now Miss Ding is using the same method that she used to harm the original person to harm the Queen Mother. This Queen Mother's fighting power is much more powerful than the original person. Not only did Miss Ding not harm the Queen Mother, but she was also sued by the Queen Mother to Ding Xiping and was sued. Ding Xiping, who had been looking forward to the arrival of his son, but found out that his daughter dared to harm his son, scolded Miss Ding severely and even almost beat her.

Naturally, Queen Mother saw the look in Miss Ding's eyes and couldn't help but snorted coldly.

This little poisonous child thinks that she is as stupid as her mother and stepmother and can let her do whatever she wants. If she dares to mess with him again, he will make her die inexplicably.

Because An Ran didn't pay attention to the affairs of the Ding family, she naturally didn't know that Miss Ding, who was bullying her original self, was being pressed to the ground and rubbed by her new stepmother. It can be said that evil people have their own evil deeds, so they only continued to care about Sunshine Logistics.

Although she has nothing to do now, from the outside, she may be playing all day long, but in fact, she has been paying attention to the development trends of Sunshine Logistics. After all, this is her first customer, and she must protect him. Only when Sunshine Logistics develops can she attract more customers and make more money.

Therefore, she naturally has to observe the trends of Sunshine Logistics. Once she discovers something that is not conducive to Sunshine Logistics, she can remind Shaoyang in time.

However, the original person seemed to be really able to make a fortune. After her inspection, she found that with Shaoyang marrying her, Sunshine Logistics was prospering in all aspects, without any bad trends, and it was more vibrant than before, unlike before. , development was difficult, and it felt like it had reached a bottleneck and could no longer climb up. But now, Sunshine Logistics feels full of energy, vitality, and motivation from top to bottom. This is really incredible. Is it secret? Is there really such a thing as a prosperous husband in this world?

Regardless of whether there is or not, she is happy to see this kind of development anyway. It is conceivable that she will be able to attract more customers in the future and deal with those three scumbags.

The company was developing rapidly, and Shaoyang naturally noticed it. He was originally worried about marrying An Ran and wondered if it would have any effect. Now he is completely convinced. Every time he sees An Ran, he smiles and buys a lot of clothes, jewelry and bags. Safe delivery included.

Enron basically refuses to accept them, and sometimes they only accept one or two items because they are determined not to let them go.

The reason why he sometimes refuses is because Shao Yang said that she is his wife now. If she is poorly dressed, wouldn't it be a slap in his face if there is an occasion where she needs to attend? And he also knew that An Ran had no money for the time being, and since she was his wife in name only, it was right for him to buy her some.

In fact, this is only one of the reasons. What's more important is that Shaoyang saw that An Ran seemed to be really prosperous and wanted to have a good relationship with her, so he gave it to her.

An Ran heard what he said, and considering that he might have to attend some cocktail parties as Shao Yang said sometimes, he took some, but not all.

On the other hand, Shaoyang saw that she had no clothes or jewelry, and he looked down on Wang Cheng, Liu Feng, and Ding Xiping more and more. He thought that after all, she was his wife and she had made so much money, so it was too much to treat her so harshly.

Not only the atmosphere in the Ding family was solemn, but the atmosphere in the Wang family was also solemn.

Tang Jiaojiao's current reputation is so bad that she has no endorsements and no variety shows. Especially as An Ran helped Sunshine Logistics develop rapidly and proved that the other party did have a prosperous physique, she was pulled out and whipped and corpsed. pause.

Of course, she was taken along by the way. The netizens mainly laughed at her husband, Wang Cheng. They mocked Wang Cheng for having eyesight for gold and jade, for mistaking pearls for fish eyes, and even more ridiculously, for marrying fish eyes for pearls. Back home, funny.

——Because Wang Cheng rarely spoke online, netizens could not laugh at him, so they flocked to Tang Jiaojiao’s square and ridiculed Wang Cheng by mocking Tang Jiaojiao.

Fortunately, Tang Jiaojiao turned off comments on her scarf, otherwise her scarf would be unreadable.

Although the comments on the scarf were closed so that she would not see bad comments under her scarf, Tang Jiaojiao still couldn't help but feel angry and resentful when she saw the ridicule and abuse in the square. Thinking about this Ji Anran, what a ghost. It doesn’t matter, how many years have passed, and it has caused such a big trouble for myself!

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