Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2201 The Woman Who Accomplished Nothing 55

Not only do we need to contact a few more people, but we also need to further investigate where the treasures of heaven and earth that Master Wang found for that person will be used to determine the purpose of the person behind the scenes.

And just when Fang Tianhua and An Ran were preparing to take action, something happened to the Song family.

Although Song's father and elder brother Song were running around, no one was willing to cooperate with them, and some companies invested by Enron gradually grew and expanded, constantly encroaching on the Song family's industrial territory, and then the banks urged them to repay the loans, resulting in the Song family's funds The chain can no longer bear it. Even if Song's father and elder brother Song sell some properties at reduced prices, they can't bear to pay back the loan interest. They can't even pay back the interest. Even if the bank was willing to extend the repayment time before, it can't now. If they are willing, they are afraid that the Song family will collapse and the money in the bank will become bad debts, so naturally they will not continue to lend them money, but urge them to repay the principal and interest quickly.

They couldn't afford to pay the interest, let alone the principal. The Song family, which had to repay a lot of loans at once, could no longer hold on and had no choice but to go bankrupt and liquidate.

There is a small episode in the middle.

Although the downfall of the Song family was the result of the interaction between An Ran and Fang Tianhua.

But there is also a force that sees that the Song family's situation is not good and has been looking for trouble for the Song family.

Needless to say, this force is Zhao Hao.

After being forced by the Song family to break up with his girlfriend, Zhao Hao felt deeply that this was a great shame and humiliation.

Making a man feel deeply humiliated and vowing to take revenge can often stimulate the unlimited potential of the other person.

The same is true for Zhao Hao.

As he said himself, he was not stupid back then, but after going to college and no one was taking care of him, he let himself go and became a playboy.

So when he tried hard, the results were gratifying.

He held his breath and wanted to develop a good career and bring down the Song family.

In normal times, this process may take a long time, unless he is a business wizard who can make a huge business in a few years. There will indeed be such people in the future Internet world, but although Zhao Hao is not a fool , but obviously he is not such a genius. If he wants to clean up the Song family, it cannot be done in a short time.

Fortunately, the Song family is currently in a bad situation, with internal and external troubles. Zhao Hao has been paying attention to the situation of the Song family. Seeing that the Song family is going to have problems, Zhao Hao, who originally thought that he would not be able to retaliate against the Song family in a short time, feels that there is hope. With his own purpose, he naturally took action now and added fuel to the flames.

Although the Zhao family is not as good as the Song family, and the industry is different, it seems difficult to retaliate against their family, but don't forget that the Zhao family is in the media industry. The Internet has become more and more developed in the past two years, and people in the media industry , is the most convenient way to manipulate public opinion. No, Zhao Hao exposed the Song family's plight in his own media. The Song family wanted to conceal the crisis, and Zhao Hao deliberately exposed it, putting the Song family in a bad situation. When these news came to light, the stock price plummeted, making things even worse.

It can be said that because of Zhao Hao's fueling, the Song family's stock price plummeted and the Song family's crisis broke out in advance. Otherwise, even if the Song family would fall, it might not be so fast.

The Song family still didn't know why their daughter had changed her life and their family was so unlucky, but they never thought that Song Qiaoqiao had created many enemies for themselves because of targeting An Ran, such as Zhao Hao. If Song Qiaoqiao hadn't forced Zhao Hao to Hao and An Ran are separated, and there won't be one more Zhao family to deal with them now.

However, looking at the Zhao family's website, they always like to publish negative news about the Song family. At this time, Song's father, Brother Song, understands why the Zhao family does this. It must be for revenge when they forced Zhao Hao and Su Anran to separate.

Thinking of this, Song's father, Brother Song, couldn't help but complain a little about Song Qiaoqiao.

When they helped Song Qiaoqiao put pressure on the Zhao family before, Song's father and Brother Song didn't feel much at all. After all, when they did it, they thought it was a trivial matter and nothing at all; but now they found that their family was going to be in trouble and suppressed them. Some of the forces were caused by helping Song Qiaoqiao before, so they started to complain, but they never thought that if they didn't help, this wouldn't have happened. So compared with Song Qiaoqiao, how are they any better? go.

No matter what, the Song family collapsed anyway, so no one could have imagined that the Song family, which was so wealthy and powerful, would one day go bankrupt and liquidate.

But this is not special news. The economy has developed too fast in these years. Not to mention that they are not considered a top group. They are the richest people. They are this year and that next year. Moreover, they are the richest people this year and next year. There are people who go to jail and become bankrupt.

The economy is developing so fast that even large groups are rising and falling quickly.

The Song Group quickly disappeared, and the Song family also declined.

Although a skinny camel is bigger than a horse, even if the Song family is in decline, there is still a little money. If nothing else, at least Song's father, Brother Song, has not sold all the houses and cars in the family, so there are still many cars and houses in the family. From the perspective of ordinary people, it was still a prosperous life, but for the Song family, it was different. This life was too sad.

Especially Song Qiaoqiao and Song Mu.

Father Song and Brother Song had always been worried about the company and rarely had time to enjoy themselves, so it was a little better. At most, they felt uncomfortable seeing their own company collapse and people outside not fawning over them as before.

But Song Qiaoqiao and Song's mother are different. Because their father and brother Song are good at business, they have made countless money, and they have long been used to enjoying themselves. They live a luxurious life. Their main daily tasks are shopping and beauty. Banquets, and then getting together with peers to compete, comparing bags to husbands (fathers), jewelry, and sons (brothers).

Now, let alone the banquet, no one invited them, even if they were invited, they would not go, lest they be laughed at.

As for bags, jewelry, and clothes, they can no longer buy the best of the season. Not only can they not, but they also have to live frugally, otherwise the cost will be too high and the family will have no income, so they will have to sell their house and car to support themselves.

In fact, no matter how frugal they are, they cannot live like ordinary people, and Father Song and Brother Song have no income. In order to maintain their lives, they have sold some cars to pay for their living.

But this will still lead to nothing, so Father Song and Brother Song still have to work.

However, Song's father has lost his ambition because he is old. He thinks that the money at home is enough, so he does not plan to go out to work. Brother Song is still young, so logically, he should have ambition, but... He was a young man and his face was even thinner. He couldn't accept it at all. Without his own company, he would have to work in other companies, so he didn't look for a job. He just planned to take the capital and open another company in an attempt to make a comeback.

However, this matter was opposed by Song Qiaoqiao.

The reason why Song Qiaoqiao objected was that in his previous life, Brother Song had taken the last bit of money from the Song family and prepared to start business again and make a comeback.

But the result was that Brother Song failed to make a comeback.

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