Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2197 The Woman Who Accomplished Nothing 51

Otherwise, they are mother and daughter. Mother Song also had the same idea and said, "I wonder if Master Cao is not capable enough and didn't change it for you. It's a pity that I can't find anyone to help you."

After all, let Fang Tianhua show their family to see if Song's father and brother Song's life was not good, so something happened to the Song family. If the exchange is successful, then how can they dare to let him see it? After all, isn't this just throwing themselves into a trap?

But a master like Master Cao could not be found. After all, there were always few bad people. There were already few monks, and it would be even harder to find bad monks, so she could only be distressed.

Song Qiaoqiao shook her head and said, "Probably not. Can I change my fortune by half?"

However, she also suspected that something was wrong, but she couldn't find another Master Cao to explain her doubts.

Neither of them knew what was going on. Mother Song looked at it and couldn't help but sigh: "It seems that we still have to find a way to make some capable people."

This talented stranger is obviously not as upright as Fang Tianhua. After all, they have to make friends with such an upright person. Don't they have a chance to meet Fang Tianhua? They still want to make friends with the next master like Master Cao. Come, they can find someone to help them if they have any troubles, so as not to only deal with decent monks and fail to achieve their dirty goals.

The mother and daughter made a plan, and Song Qiaoqiao moved to An Ran's community the next day.

Since Song Qiaoqiao has a goal, it is not difficult to "encounter" Fang Tianhua by chance.

So just two days after moving to the new community, Song Qiaoqiao met Fang Tianhua by chance.

Not only did he meet Fang Tianhua, but he also met An Ran.

At that time, An Ran and Fang Tianhua were walking in the community park, discussing cultivation matters while walking.

Then he saw Song Qiaoqiao coming towards him.

An Ran had known that Song Qiaoqiao had moved here because she had placed a puppet next to Song Qiaoqiao, so she was naturally very aware of Song Qiaoqiao's every move.

Therefore, he was not surprised when Song Qiaoqiao appeared in front of him.

She even knew why Song Qiaoqiao came to her community.

Although the low-level puppet did not have a playback function and could not know everything Song Qiaoqiao did at any time, from the occasional observation and listening to her communication with Song's mother, she still understood why she moved into her own community.

It's just that I haven't had time to mention this to Fang Tianhua and let him be mentally prepared. After all, who made Song Qiaoqiao move too fast? She came to "encounter" Fang Tianhua only two days after moving. I haven’t had time to say it yet.

——The reason why Song Qiaoqiao is fast is because she is worried that if she doesn't act quickly, the Song family will collapse like in the last life. Song Qiaoqiao doesn't want to live another life and develop like the previous life, so she speeds up. Take action.

Fang Tianhua was a little surprised. After all, he just asked the Cultivation Department to keep an eye on Song Qiaoqiao's movements. If the other party did something big, he would let the people from the Cultivation Department tell him.

But Song Qiaoqiao's move was not a big deal. The people from the Cultivation Department hadn't told Fang Tianhua yet, so Fang Tianhua didn't know about it. When he suddenly saw Song Qiaoqiao, Fang Tianhua was naturally surprised.

At that moment, he couldn't help but glance at An Ran.

An Ran blinked at him, and Fang Tianhua understood that she meant to let him act as he saw fit.

So Fang Tianhua pretended not to recognize Song Qiaoqiao and continued talking to An Ran.

Although he knew Song Qiaoqiao because of Master Cao's case, he pretended not to know her and ignored her, which was normal. After all, it was normal for a monk to have an unusual status and not want to talk to ordinary people.

Naturally, An Ran wouldn't even look at Song Qiaoqiao. After all, in Song Qiaoqiao's view, they didn't know each other yet, so she ignored Song Qiaoqiao, which was naturally normal.

An Ran ignored Song Qiaoqiao. Song Qiaoqiao naturally didn't think there was anything wrong. After all, they were strangers. After she took one look at herself, she stopped looking at herself and continued talking to the people around her. This was normal.

On the other hand, Fang Tianhua also looked at himself and then stopped looking at him, which made Song Qiaoqiao feel a little worried.

She was the one who knew Fang Tianhua's identity and abilities. Moreover, his eyes were like lightning. She always felt like she was being seen through by him. Therefore, no matter how good-looking Fang Tianhua was, Song Qiaoqiao did not dare to have any thoughts about him. , unlike Fang Jing and others, who do not know Fang Tianhua's true identity, and only think that he is an ordinary rich man in the world, and dare to think about Fang Tianhua.

She could only respect Fang Tianhua and wanted him to check on her family's situation, but she didn't dare to have such thoughts.

At this time, Fang Tianhua seemed to have not seen her and ignored her. He needed her to take the initiative to talk to him. He felt a kind of pressure in his heart like meeting a big shot. Naturally, he was uneasy. He was afraid that if he took the initiative to talk, others would also Don't bother to pay attention to her. In that case, her work in moving here will be in vain.

Although she was uneasy, she still spoke up for the sake of her family. After all, she didn't want both generations of the Song family to collapse.

So Song Qiaoqiao waved to Fang Tianhua cautiously and said with a smile: "Hi, Mr. Fang..., do you still remember me?"

She originally wanted to call him Master Fang, but she was afraid that he had hidden his identity as a monk to associate with An Ran. If she found out his identity, he would not be unhappy, so she just called him Mr. Fang. No matter what his identity was, he would be called Mr. Fang. Sir is always right.

Fang Tianhua saw her taking the initiative to talk, but he didn't pretend he didn't hear her and ignored her. After all, he still wanted to see what she wanted to say, so he said calmly: "What's the matter?"

Seeing that Fang Tianhua was willing to pay attention to her, Song Qiaoqiao couldn't help but be happy, and immediately said: "There is indeed something I want to ask Mr. Fang. Originally, I wanted to find someone who could answer my questions, but I didn't expect to meet Mr. Fang here. It’s great, I don’t have to run around looking for help.”

"Oh? What is it?" Fang Tianhua asked following her words.

Song Qiaoqiao glanced at An Ran, obviously feeling that she couldn't say this in front of An Ran, so Fang Tianhua said to An Ran "thoughtfully": "Of course, this Miss Song has something to talk to me about, how about she Will you go back and wait for me?"

He didn't have to worry that Su Anran didn't know what he was talking about with Song Qiaoqiao. After all, Miss Song had a puppet with her.

An Ran nodded in agreement and said, "Okay! Come back soon, dinner will be served soon."

"Okay." Fang Tianhua agreed, and then talked about things with Song Qiaoqiao.

Song Qiaoqiao didn't expect things to go so smoothly. After all, Fang Tianhua and the Cultivation Department were keeping an eye on her before. She was just worried that Fang Tianhua would be unkind to her because of what happened to Master Cao. She didn't expect that Fang Tianhua would be unkind to her. Song Qiaoqiao couldn't help but feel relieved that he was a nice person and willing to take care of her.

Seeing that Su Anran had left, he said to Fang Tianhua: "Master Fang, it's like this. Things have been going wrong in my family recently. I wonder if Master Fang can go to my house and check if there is any evil. "

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