Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2184 The woman who has accomplished nothing 38

An Ran in the photo is completely different from when she was in the company.

Not to mention the expensive jewelry she was wearing, just her clothes. It was obvious that they were of a higher quality.

If An Ran at that time only looked beautiful, but because of her poor clothes, it could still be seen that she had a bad background, then An Ran now can no longer tell that she has a bad background, because her clothes are like She is like a young lady from a wealthy family, very delicate and decent.

This kind of An Ran seemed to be on a completely different level from them, and everyone looked a little strange.

And for such An Ran, if they say that she is not kept and raised by others, but lives such a life on her own, they do not believe it anyway. After all, they all know how much her monthly salary was. With a little salary, she simply couldn't live such a life.

Not to mention living in a villa and wearing expensive jewelry, they couldn't believe that she could live in an ordinary residential building by herself. After all, the prices in the capital were so high. How could she afford to rent an apartment? She didn't live in a basement or share a house with others. How could she rent a house? The single room was so big.

Song Qiaoqiao only lost the main building and did not participate in the discussion. She only watched other people's discussions, trying to find the clues she wanted.

"This is indeed Minister Su. Minister Su seems to be well-developed."

"It's a lie to say that I was tired and wanted to rest for a while. In fact, I was taken care of and raised at that time, so I left."

"Definitely, let me tell you, why did she quit such a good job? It turned out that she could make cheap money. Since she can make cheap money, who would want to work hard?"

"Envy, it's good if people are beautiful. Like us, if we are not good-looking, we have to work hard. She is beautiful, and she can make money just by smiling at people a few times."

"you do not say."

"Don't be envious. You all know the virtues of rich people these days. Our company's deputy director, Mr. Xiao Zhao, is pretty good, but that's it. Most of them are middle-aged or even The old man is not only ugly, but he may also be fat. If you give me money, I won't accompany you."

In fact, she said something against her will, because she was not beautiful, could not find someone to support and support her, and the grapes were sour when she could not eat them. So she said that if someone really could support and support her, she would be able to live without having to work. If she can hold a lot of money, even if the other person is old and ugly, she may not be unwilling as long as the money is in place.

"That's true."

Immediately, someone asked again what Song Qiaoqiao wanted to know.

"Who is the one who keeps and raises her? Look at this, it's quite a big gift. It's a gift of a villa and valuable jewelry."

"Looking at it like this, Bao and Yang must have really been kept and raised by someone. However, the jewelry may have been given to her, but who can prove that the villa belongs to her? Besides, the jewelry looks good, maybe it doesn't even exist at all. Isn’t it valuable?”

"I don't know if it belongs to her in the villa, but the bracelet looks good. Although I don't know much about jewelry, but it looks so dazzling that it doesn't seem worthless. Besides, can a rich person give it as a gift? Give something valuable to Su Anran? Can Su Anran take it if you really give it to her? "

"That makes sense. Regardless of whether the villa belongs to Su Anran or not, this jewelry should be worth a lot of money."

Because Song Qiaoqiao posted it on the company forum, Fang Jing and others also saw it.

Seeing An Ran standing in front of the villa, wearing valuable jewelry on her wrist, Fang Jing, Xiao Tu, Liu Dong and others were all stunned.

Thinking that if this is true, they laughed at her for breaking up with Zhao Hao some time ago, wouldn't they be slapped in the face again now?

Fortunately, this matter may not be settled. Maybe it is not what they thought. Is An Ran just pretending to take pictures in front of this villa? As for the bracelet on her hand, maybe it's just an ordinary bracelet that she uses to pretend to be expensive jewelry?

Anyway, no one in their company knows jewelry, so they can’t tell whether it’s genuine or fake.

——They don’t want to admit that Enron has found a better person again, so they can only comfort themselves by deceiving themselves in this way.

They even thought that maybe this post was sent by An Ran herself to show off, to make people in the company think that she had found a better sponsor, so that she could wash away the fact that she was ridiculed by people in the company some time ago. What about Zhao Hao’s breakup?

The self-deceptive statement made by Fang Jing and others left Song Qiaoqiao speechless, but it was hard for her to say that after her own investigation, the villa was in An Ran's name. After all, if others asked, how did she find out? explain? She can't say that she has a good background and can be found out by someone, right?

Fortunately, not everyone believed what Fang Jing and others said and were still discussing the matter, which made Song Qiaoqiao feel relieved. If everyone was led astray by Fang Jing and others, she would be furious.

Not to mention that Fang Jing and others did not believe that An Ran could find a better boyfriend or financial sponsor, but that this matter even alarmed Mr. Li.

When he saw this photo, he couldn't help but call An Ran and ask about it.

After briefly talking about the post, Mr. Li said: "Have you really been... taken care of by someone?"

It's quite embarrassing to ask this question. After all, I'm embarrassed to ask people such private questions.

No wonder he wanted to inquire about An Ran's current situation. You know, although Zhao Hao broke up with her, he still likes her. If she is with someone else now, and Zhao Hao comes back in the future, how will he explain to Zhao Hao? Zhao Hao won't be angry with him then, right?

Because the New Year is here, An Ran, who was on his way home, couldn't help but smile after hearing Mr. Li's call: "Of course not. I can't say the specific situation, but it's true that I'm not being kept or raised by anyone. I can only say that I The money comes from all sources."

When Mr. Li heard what An Ran said, he said, "Then I'll be relieved."

Regardless of whether what An Ran said was true or not, as long as she denied it, he was willing to believe it.

At the same time, Mr. Li asked the company's website administrator to close the post to prevent someone from anonymously replying with unpleasant words, which would make An Ran see the bad news.

Not only did Mr. Li ask, Sun Hui and others naturally also called An Ran to ask whether this was true or not.

An Ran naturally replied one by one, saying it was false.

Then Sun Hui asked: "Then what's going on with that picture?"

Even if the marriage and maintenance are fake, what if An Ran really lives in a villa and wears expensive jewelry in that picture?

An Ran didn't tell Mr. Li the truth, and naturally she wouldn't tell Sun Hui the truth. She didn't want people to know her identity as a monk unless it was absolutely necessary.

This is the style of most monks in this world.

Because there are too few monks in this world, once their identity is exposed, it is easy to attract harassment. Many people, in order to keep quiet, generally do not tell anyone their identity except for those who are particularly close to them.

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