Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2167 The woman who has accomplished nothing 21

But on Song Qiaoqiao's side, the woman who previously slandered An Ran didn't know that Song Qiaoqiao was planning to kill herself. Seeing that Song Qiaoqiao was threatened by him, she took out a string of expensive necklaces, and her eyes could not help but shine. , thinking that it turned out that Song Qiaoqiao was so easy to blackmail and cheat, so there was nothing to say. She would come here more often in the future, so as to make up for the loss caused by Song Qiaoqiao who lost her financial backer - Song Qiaoqiao didn't either. You guessed it wrong, this woman is too greedy. If you really listen to her threats, it will be difficult to get rid of her. On the contrary, she will see her as a threat, stick to her, and keep sucking blood. She has figured out what she is thinking.

Although this woman is not a good person, she is not guilty enough to die. In addition, by keeping this woman and letting her continue to pester Song Qiaoqiao, she can also take care of Song Qiaoqiao.

And if he didn't save this woman, he would probably be killed by Song Qiaoqiao, so when An Ran saw Song Qiaoqiao using the evil talisman to harm people, he couldn't help but hesitate, thinking about whether to save this woman.

Since you think this woman's crime is not worthy of death, why do you still hesitate to save this woman? This is also very simple. She is not afraid of being discovered by Song Qiaoqiao and telling the monk she knows, which will bring trouble to herself. After all, even if Song Qiaoqiao does this, the monk is not a good person and wants to kill people and seize the treasure. She has space. There are powerful props inside, so you don’t have to worry about what will happen to you.

She was just worried that her current cultivation level was still shallow. If the ghost summoned by the Yin Evil Talisman was particularly powerful, she would not be able to save the woman without using the props in the space. Naturally, she did not want to use the props she bought with her life points to save a woman. The woman who had harmed her would hesitate because of this.

In the end, An Ran decided to try the exorcism talisman she drew for her first. If the woman was lucky and the ghosts she summoned were normal, maybe the exorcism talisman she drew would be enough.

An Ran is currently only at the second level of Qi Refining Stage, and can only draw a second-grade talisman at most. In order to make the talisman as effective as possible, An Ran drew a second-grade evil exorcism talisman for the woman. It should be no problem to deal with ordinary evil spirits, but If it's too powerful, it probably won't be able to suppress it.

Of course, An Ran couldn't help the woman in vain, lest the woman didn't find out that Song Qiaoqiao was harming her and wouldn't cause trouble for Song Qiaoqiao, so that day she pretended to be a middle-aged woman and met her by chance. Miss Gao - the woman's surname was Gao - looked her up and down, stopped her and said, "Miss, that necklace of yours has an evil aura and will attract evil spirits to you. I wonder if you are willing to put it on Give me the necklace and let me take away this evil thing?"

An Ran didn't directly say that there was Zhang Yin evil talisman hidden in the necklace. It wasn't that she didn't deliberately tell it, but the Yin evil talisman had been with Miss Gao for some time and had already worked. She told Miss Gao that Gao The young lady opened the necklace and pendant and threw away the Yin Evil Talisman, but it didn't work.

At that time, the reason why this thing did not attract evil spirits to Song Qiaoqiao was because she did not activate it. When she gave the thing to Miss Gao, it was activated - slightly tearing a corner of the evil evil talisman at a special position. Let the Yin evil talisman work. Otherwise, talismans like this are disposable items. If the setting is not activated and it can be used as soon as you draw it, wouldn't it be impossible to buy or sell it?

Of course, An Ran knew that if she asked Miss Gao for a necklace, Miss Gao would definitely not give it to her. After all, the necklace was worth hundreds of thousands, would Miss Gao be willing to give it to herself?

So she was just talking, mainly because she wanted Miss Gao to know that it was the necklace that brought her after she saw a ghost, and then she would suspect Song Qiaoqiao.

Sure enough, when Miss Gao saw An Ran asking her for a necklace, she immediately felt that An Ran was a liar who was here to defraud her of valuable jewelry. At that moment, Miss Gao's face darkened and she said: "Where are you from? You are not a liar. You are not afraid that I will call the police and arrest you." ?"

After hearing Miss Gao's expected words, An Ran shook her head with a pretense of sighing and said: "A dog bites Lu Dongbin, but it doesn't know a good heart."

Then he thought about it and said: "Forget it, I won't argue with a little girl. This is an exorcism charm. Just hold it. The evil spirit on the necklace will attract evil spirits and attack you." When you are here, remember to tear up this exorcism charm and see if it can drive away the evil spirits. This can be regarded as a good deed for me every day."

As a result, this Miss Gao was even more difficult to get along with than An Ran imagined. When she saw An Ran handing over an exorcism charm, she knocked it away with one palm and said: "What the devil is going on, what's the matter?" If there really is a ghost, how do I know if it’s the necklace or the talisman you drew? I don’t know it!”

An Ran was speechless when he saw that she had knocked off the exorcism talisman. You must know that a second-grade talisman would cost at least 100,000 yuan in this world's market - you can see the price in the system mall - if he hadn't saved her, let him She went to find trouble with Song Qiaoqiao. She would not work hard to help her draw. You must know that she is only on the second level of Qi Refining Stage and can draw second-grade talisman. The success rate is extremely low. It took her a long time to draw it. I bought such a picture, but people still disliked it.

Forget it, I won’t force it. Anyway, let this woman seek death if she likes. She just took off the bad luck charm she had previously attached to this woman.

This woman has already been affixed with a bad luck charm by Song Qiaoqiao. She is already unlucky enough. She can no longer affix a bad luck charm. Otherwise, with the addition of the bad luck charm, she will definitely attract a thousand-year-old ghost or even a ghost king. of.

Seeing that Miss Gao refused to take the exorcism talisman, An Ran had no choice but to take the talisman and leave.

She didn't care whether this woman lived or died.

Although she wanted to keep this woman alive and pester Song Qiaoqiao, if the other party insisted on seeking death and she couldn't stop her, she wouldn't bother to stop her. After all, she had seen how unreasonable this woman was before. It is not easy to convince her. The only way is to let the ghost "persuade" her. I just don't know if she can survive after seeing the ghost.

Miss Gao didn't believe what An Ran said at all. She only regarded An Ran as a charlatan who coveted her necklace, and immediately returned to the rented place.

She had money before, and the place she lived in was quite good. Although it was not big, it was not shared with others. It was a one-bedroom apartment with one bedroom, one living room, one kitchen and one bathroom. Living alone was still very good.

After Miss Gao returned home, she went to take a shower because she had eaten in a restaurant outside. She planned to take a shower, rest for a while, and then go to some high-end clubs to see if she could find a new sponsor.

Turning on the shower, Miss Gao started taking a bath.

Then I felt that the bathroom suddenly became much colder.

Miss Gao couldn't help but murmured.

"It's strange, the temperature hasn't cooled down today. Why is it so cold?"

Because it was too cold, Miss Gao was about to reach out and open the bathroom heater.

Between the bathroom heater switch and the shower head is the washbasin, with a mirror above the washbasin.

When Miss Gao turned on the bathroom heater, she felt something was wrong in the mirror, and it was red.

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