Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2143 Wasteland World 25

Of course, even if she is a person of decent character, because there are too many people, she still has to make further distinctions.

Let the system screen out the serious ones first, lest if we don't save those people anymore, the severe radiation contamination will cause physical disease in them.

After screening out the serious ones, since her current team has a quota limit, the negative status will be cleared from the one with the highest character value downwards.

After it has been cleared, let the game system send a system notification: "In view of the fact that you have done many good deeds, the source of radiation on your body has been eliminated. I hope you will continue to uphold your good intentions and do more good deeds."

Since there is no need to give gold to these people, there is no need for An Ran to act personally at night. All he has to do is ask the system to send these words. The system notification is in the form of a voice and sounds in the minds of those people at night, ensuring that the other party thinks it is an old god. made.

At first, people were doubtful about the old gods helping to remove radiation sources, but for people who have always done good things, nothing has changed. Anyway, they have always done good things. Even if this thing is fake, they don't care.

So on that day, someone discovered that the radiation in his body had been removed. After going to the hospital for a checkup and finding out that it was true, he told the story online.

This time, it was not just a few people who said it, but many, many people. So soon, the fact that you can clear your body of radiation by registering on the Enron website spread it to people. Thousands of people poured into the Enron website, uploaded their information, and registered, hoping to have the radiation removed from their bodies.

Soon Enron's website was discovered by various bases. Many people investigated which base made the website, but they could not find out. Even before the war, the officials would not find out where Enron's website was opened, let alone What's more, the world is in chaos now and official power has become weaker, making it even harder to find out.

If they couldn't find out, the bases had no choice but to check and upload the information of their elites at the same time, hoping to remove the radiation from their bodies so that they could have a healthy body and make more contributions to the base.

Many of these elites are scientific researchers, not to mention that these people are all of extremely high character. After all, these people basically will not do anything illegal. At the same time, because they have been studying how to grow seeds underground food, how to develop technology, how to do things in a radiation environment, etc., so their character values ​​are generally quite high. Soon Enron helped some of the people with severe radiation to clear their negative status, allowing officials from various bases to discover , this thing is really true.

As a result, the officials of each base acted much more moderately than before, and began to do good things in each base, such as improving the living standards of the people in the base, cracking down on illegal and criminal activities in the base, and bringing the base system closer to the level of the pre-war peace era. .

Once officials want to do good things, it is much easier than ordinary people.

And this is exactly what An Ran likes to see, so An Ran also specially selected a few base leaders with particularly high character values, and prioritized helping them clear their negative states, instead of waiting until they were in danger to clear them, so that they could use their own experience, do more good deeds, and let others know about it, influencing others to do more good deeds.

Enron's doing this really worked. Many base directors heard that after they had done good deeds, the radiation on their bodies was cleared. They couldn't help but be happy and did more good deeds. After all, as people on the Internet said, after the radiation was cleared, It’s not like you are no longer infected. If you want to get rid of it in the future, you must continue to do good deeds.

You know, even though you are the base commander, your body is exposed to radiation, and you may get sick someday, which still makes everyone worried, fearing that you will get radiation sickness one day, and life will be worse than death.

It's better now. As long as you do good deeds, the old gods will help remove the radiation, so everyone won't be afraid anymore.

The worries that have always been in our hearts have been eliminated, and everyone has more confidence in the future and is willing to do more good things.

So with the launch of Enron's actions, the world's wars were reduced by at least half within a month, and all kinds of illegal and criminal activities were also significantly reduced, and they continue to decrease.

Obviously, most people are still afraid of death. If they can avoid death, they will not take the risk in order to avoid death.

Although there are always some extremely evil people in this world who do not believe in this evil, natural criminals are in the minority after all, and most people are still normal people.

In the past, under the influence of the harsh environment, people may have become worse and worse, but now that there is a turning point, people will naturally become better.

And the environment will have an impact. When people around you are doing good things and the relationship between people eases, the thorns in everyone's body will also soften. In this way, if you influence me and I influence you, the living environment will naturally be different. .

Soon the bases were like before the war, and the living environment had changed a lot. Although everyone could not live on the ground yet, at least their mental state was not as tense as before, and people were much happier.

In fact, who doesn't want to live a more relaxed life? It's just that the harsh environment forces people to be on guard against evil people around them. Now that they know that everyone will do good, people's mental state will naturally become much more relaxed.

What's more, now that old gods are helping to remove radiation, everyone is more and more daring to go to the ground for some activities. Being able to move on the ground is good for people's spirits. After all, staying underground all the time is really depressing. .

Although the radiation on the ground is still very strong now, since everyone is not afraid of radiation, it is natural to go up.

Although there is radiation on the ground, the sunshine is also getting better and better. People have not been in the sun for a long time. Now that they can bask in the sun, they will naturally feel better. So whenever it is sunny on the ground, Everyone would run to the ground to get some fresh air, and the depression gradually decreased.

As long as the world is peaceful and many fewer people die, An Ran is naturally happy to see it. After all, his original mission is to save the world. As he is now, he has not only helped many people clear their negative states, but also figured out a way to make more people happy. Not only did many people not die from radiation, but they also didn't die from ordinary battles. I think the original person would be more satisfied.

But he said that as Enron progressed in clearing negative states, not only did people often run out to breathe fresh air, but some even went to live on the ground. Anyway, except for a few explosion center points, the dust and radiation were very heavy, and there were many places far away from the explosion center point. , the dust has been reduced a lot, and the radiation has also been reduced a lot. In addition, the old gods helped to remove the radiation, so many people really couldn't stand the life underground, so they ran to live on the surface, and many people even ran back home. , this is normal. After all, people want to stay at home. If you stay outside, you will never feel at home.

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