Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 214 A world with more men and fewer women 14

And An Ran's disguise was not bad. She tried to interact with people outside, but no one noticed that she was a woman. Of course, this may be mainly because people in this era may not have thought about it at all, when there are so few women. In this era, there were still women who dared to go out alone. Since they had never even thought about it, even if An Ran was more feminine, no one would think that she was a woman. What's more, An Ran still paid attention to imitating the words and deeds of men. She didn't look effeminate, so naturally no one noticed her strangeness.

After An Ran left the county, he followed the established goal and headed for the border gate. After all, he was planning to rely on his martial arts to achieve military success and contact those generals. If he didn't go to the border gate, where would he go?

As a result, as soon as they arrived in neighboring Fucheng - which was on the way to the border gate - An Ran suspended her plan to go to the border gate.

It turned out that An Ran was eating in a restaurant that day - where did the money for eating in the restaurant come from? Naturally, every time I go to a place, I listen to the restaurants nearby to find out who is rich and unkind. Once I have confirmed it, I go to "borrow" some - listen to the diners talking uneasily. If I listen carefully, I can hear what they are talking about. The matter of local rebellion.

"...I heard that the thief Zhang has already moved to the neighboring province. We don't know whether it is safe or not."

An Ran listened secretly and found out that a man named Zhang was rebelling.

"It will definitely not be safe if the situation continues as it is. Those of you who have relatives and friends in places that are still safe for the time being, go and seek refuge with those relatives and friends."

“You can’t lose your family fortune by seeking refuge with relatives and friends, but if you take all your belongings with you, moving is just a matter of words. Besides, you’re far away from home, and you don’t know what life will be like.” Some people are worried about traveling far away and those things at home. The man of the thing hesitated.

However, someone who understood immediately retorted, saying: "It doesn't matter what those things are used for. Bring what you can carry, and forget about what you can't carry. Otherwise, if there is chaos, don't talk about things. You don't even know if you can survive." You can keep it!"

"It's not necessarily unsafe. Our soldiers may be able to defend the city." The man who didn't want to travel far retorted.

"But pull it down. Do you expect those generals who bought offices to stop these rebels? Are you kidding me? When the rebels come, they are just afraid of being the first to escape. After all, they buy offices to make a fortune. Do you think they would be so stupid if they have to throw away their lives before they get rich?"

These words get to the root of it. Although some people don't want to accept this reality and want to refute it, saying that maybe they are overthinking it. Isn't my general the kind of person who buys an official position? But since there is almost no official in the world who is not greedy for money, he would not believe it even if he said this.

So after everyone discussed it, they all came to a consensus and said, "It's better to leave before Thief Zhang comes, lest when he comes, we won't be able to leave even if we want to."

"But where can we go? Now that the world is on fire, where is the safe place?" Someone asked worriedly.

Hearing this, An Ran couldn't help being shocked and secretly thought, what's the matter, is the world already in chaos? If it was true, it would be normal for me to have never heard the news, because the Qingshan Village where he originally lived was remote and backward. It is estimated that as long as the war did not burn nearby, he would not be discovered.

But it stands to reason that the war is about to reach the neighboring provinces and the county where Qingshan Village is located, and it will probably be very fast. The reason why the original body does not have it in his memory is probably because the original body passed away too early - the original body She married into the Ma family last year, and died just over a year later, at the end of this year.

At that time, the original person's memory had not yet had such a thing. An Ran did a reverse deduction and thought that at least until the original person passed away, the rebels had not gone to the county where Qingshan Village was located, otherwise they would forget it. No matter how remote Qingshan Village is, it is impossible for the villagers to have heard of the rebels at their doorstep.

Knowing that at least within this year, the rebels would not go to her hometown, An Ran breathed a sigh of relief. Otherwise, she would have to go back and talk to Brother He and others to ask them to move as soon as possible.

"If it doesn't work, just hide in the mountains and forests. If you hide in the mountains and forests, the people fighting will never get there." Someone suggested.

After all, if you go deep into the mountains and old forests, you won't be able to catch anything from the people, and you might encounter wild beasts or get lost, so the deep mountains and old forests are naturally safe.

This is a solution, that is, some people are afraid of wild beasts and said: "If you are not affected by the war, but are eaten by wild beasts, it will be too uneconomical."

"There are wars everywhere. How can we save our lives without suffering some hardships? It's quite peaceful here, but people in other places have had a hard time. The earliest people, like those in the north who have borders with foreign races, a few years ago Life has become difficult, with people dying in battles every day.”

As they talked, everyone gradually came to a consensus and felt that they should either flee to the homes of relatives and friends who had not been affected by the war, or flee to the deep mountains and old forests.

An Ran saw that they stopped talking about important content and started chatting. She quickly finished her meal and started to collect information about the war. It was almost reaching her doorstep, but she hadn't heard any news at all. The news was simply too late. How can we not collect information?

At that moment, An Ran made inquiries in the city, and then went into the government office to inquire.

The information found in the city is what most people in the city currently know. Although some of it is true, there are also rumors.

For example, for example, she basically figured out the identity of the rebel thief: Zhang Wentian, the rebel thief, had an amazing name and did amazing things. It is said that the reason for the rebellion was because of the exploitation of the local cruel officials, which he and the villagers could not bear. He immediately started an incident.

At first, no one paid much attention to him, thinking that a man with muddy legs could accomplish anything. After all, since ancient times, poor people who couldn't live a good life have started many uprisings, but most of them just provoked chaos in the world and really sat on the dragon's throne. Most of them are not stupid, but at least have some background.

As a result, it may be that the world has been suffering from Zheng (the name of this court) for a long time, or the court army has failed. After Zhang Wentian's uprising, not only did they not succeed in beating him to death, but they also made him respond to everything, and their power became stronger and stronger. However, After more than a year, they have now invaded the territory of the five provinces, and the troops are directed towards the territory of this province.

Apart from the name, everyone basically agrees on these experiences, as well as the cause and process of the incident. There are many rumors. Some say that Zhang Wentian killed someone because he was afraid of being caught by the government, so he simply led his brothers to do it. ; Some said that his wife was beautiful, and someone wanted to take her away from her. Zhang Wentian couldn't bear it, so he started to revolt; some said that the government had killed his parents, and he couldn't bear to revolt. , there are too many, and An Ran feels that many of these rumors may have been picked up from the storytellers by those chatting in the teahouse after listening to the stories told by the storyteller.

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