Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2129 Wasteland World 11

When he saw these people coming, An Ran drove an armored vehicle and pretended to be passing by, saying hello to those people: "Hello, where are you going? Can you take me with you? My companions and I went out to look for supplies. Something happened to them, and I was the only one who survived. Now I’m afraid it’s not safe to go on the road alone, can I come with you?”

To drive an armored vehicle, it must be someone sent by some base to look for supplies, otherwise ordinary people would not get the armored vehicle, so An Ran adopted such an identity.

The reason why I didn’t stop the car alone was because that was too wrong. After all, how could a single person survive outside? You must know that young girls, especially beautiful young girls, are not safe at all in this world.

With armored vehicles, the survival index increases significantly, and it is normal to be alone outside.

Besides, An Ran plans to drive this armored vehicle everywhere in the future, so she must take this opportunity to pull it out and show it off.

When the captain of the investigation team heard what she said, he asked, "Which base are you from?"

An Ran said: "I'm from Sihai Base, and I'm going to Sihai Base. What about you, are you on your way? If not, I'll go to your base to find some supplies before going back."

This is to lay an ambush for other bases in the future. If you go to their base and find that you don't want to stay anymore, just leave on the grounds that you want to go back.

Anyway, from previous conversations on nearby channels, she knew that these people were not from Sihai Base, so she didn't have to worry about them finding out that she was not from Sihai Base.

The captain said: "We are from the official base of City A. We are on the same road as your Sihai Base. You can go with us."

Anyway, the other party is alone and a woman, so there is no need to worry about what she can do to them, so it’s okay to take them with them on the road.

An Ran knew that this would be the result. After hearing this, he hurriedly said: "Thank you!"

Then he drove an armored vehicle and joined their convoy.

Because these convoys are under the banner of scientific research convoys, not convoys looking for supplies, and they also hang the name flags of their bases in front of the convoys, so generally small and medium-sized bases will not cause trouble with them to avoid being dealt with by the official base.

As for large bases, they have their own scientific research needs, and naturally they will not attack the scientific research fleets of other bases for no reason.

It can be said that generally speaking, scientific research convoys will not be besieged by others. Firstly, they do not want to provoke the big base. Secondly, no matter how hard everyone fights, they still respect the scientific researchers and know that the world needs them.

Although scientific research convoys are generally not besieged by others, they will be inspected to prevent people from impersonating them. After all, some small and medium-sized bases need to be attacked and robbed, and naturally they do not want to see people pretending to be scientific research convoys to avoid their attacks or robberies.

Therefore, those who usually tell them to stop and inspect are those who like to fight and rob. Normal people will not stop scientific research convoys.

And this is why An Ran wants to act with these people, because if she acts alone, unless she uses the concealment charm all the way, otherwise, as long as she dares to walk on the road, someone will always rob her, not only to rob her things, but also to Although An Ran could handle the person who robbed her, it was too much trouble, so An Ran thought that she could avoid these troubles by finding a safe convoy to go with.

There are quite a few such small and medium-sized bases. No, An Ran had only been following the scientific research convoy for two hours when they encountered a small base and asked them to stop and inspect.

Those people looked at the documents handed over by the captain of the investigation team, flipped through them randomly, patted their hands carelessly, and said, "Who knows whether your documents are genuine."

"Check it on your base's website, won't you know it?!"

Although there is no electricity outside, there is electricity in the base, and the Internet is basically usable, unless the base is particularly remote and does not have Internet access.

The captain of the investigation team was not afraid of their greed. He refused to recognize these documents, saying that they were not researchers, and then started robbing them. Unless they wanted to be attacked by the official base of City A, they would not dare to do this.

Sure enough, after listening to the captain of the investigation team, those people curled their lips and returned the documents to the captain of the investigation team.

Then he looked greedily at An Ran's armored vehicle.

The captain of the investigation team and others knew that almost no one would dare to rob them along the road, so their car was not an armored vehicle, but an ordinary car that had been reinforced to prevent it from encountering wild beasts mutated by radiation, and ordinary cars could not help but hit it.

No one covets ordinary cars. After all, after the nuclear winter, there are countless ordinary cars abandoned on the streets.

But for Enron's armored vehicles, these people are drooling. After all, such good things are not available all the time. You need to try your luck to get them. Otherwise, people from Sihai Base and Eagle Base will not send people later. After they came to kill them, they also picked up the armored vehicles that were left there. This is because there are too few arsenals now. Such good things are only one less than one. No one is willing to throw them away for no special reason.

Being able to pick it up like An Ran was just a coincidence.

So when those people saw armored vehicles like Enron, they naturally became greedy. Someone immediately asked: "Where is your ID?"

Of course An Ran couldn't take it out, but she also knew that if she couldn't take it out, don't expect the people in the investigation team to help her. After all, they just met by chance. If they let her follow the same path, they would have done their best to be benevolent. It was impossible for them to stand up for themselves. So An Ran said immediately: "I came from Sihai Base to perform a mission."

I hope that this Sihai base is bigger than this person's base, so that these people can be afraid and will not covet it again.

It seems that the Sihai base should be larger than these people's base. When An Ran said this, the expressions of those people were a little hesitant, but a thin man among them said: "Who knows whether what you said is true? What you want to say is Really, you should have a certificate from Sihai Base, right? Show it out and let us see."

After An Ran heard this, she couldn't help but curse secretly, secretly thinking that this skinny guy was really smart - luckily she had known that this journey would be uneven, so she was prepared.

So he immediately said: "Something happened while we were on a mission. The ID was in my bag and was lost. However, I have a pass for the Sihai Base. I put this in my armored vehicle, so I didn't lose it. Is that okay?"

The pass for the Sihai Base was given to her by Rong Kai, so she was not lying when she said that she was from the Sihai Base. After all, she did have the pass for the Sihai Base.

At that time, Rong Kai strongly invited her to go to Sihai Base. After An Ran refused, he gave her a pass to Sihai Base.

Rong Kai was the captain sent by Sihai Base to collect supplies before. He was also a high-ranking leader at Sihai Base. He had certain passes. If he met suitable talents outside, he would send them out. At that time, An Ran got one. Zhang, came in handy at this time.

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