Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2116 No. N cannon fodder female supporting role 48

After the eldest prince succeeded to the throne, the Mei family knew that things were going to be bad. After all, they had targeted the eldest prince at the beginning. Now that their grandson has failed to take the throne and the eldest prince takes the throne, what will happen to them? It's so easy to think of.

So since the eldest prince succeeded to the throne, the Mei family has been living with their tail between their legs. Those who attached themselves to Imperial Concubine Mei because of her favor have now disappeared, even if the Mei family has not yet Unfortunately, it was still the uncle's house, and Imperial Concubine Mei was still the noble Imperial Concubine, but no one dared to talk to them anymore, which made Mr. Mei Er feel extremely resentful, secretly thinking that these people were too realistic.

Although these people are too realistic and make people angry, the Mei family has nothing to do, because even they themselves dare not speak loudly now, not to mention those who follow them, for fear that they will be punished in the future if they have a record of following them in the past. The prince was about to settle matters, so he quickly drew a clear line with them.

Not only those who followed them had drawn a clear line with the Mei family, but also the Mei family was divided. Although the old lady passed away, she still lived with the second bedroom in order to take advantage of the second bedroom. The third bedroom, seeing the eldest prince succeeding to the throne, quickly moved out, for fear that if he left late, the second bedroom would be involved.

The reason for doing this is that the third room of Dafang felt that the main target of the new emperor's hatred was the second room. Their method of dividing the family may not be useful, but if it is useful, so in order to protect themselves, they moved out quickly. Look The second wife was filled with anger and resentment, thinking that they really had no hope for each other. They could only share wealth and wealth, but not hardships. If something happened, they would come up with ideas and solutions together and run faster than anyone else every time.

Faced with such a situation, when the new emperor, the eldest prince, sent people from Dali Temple again to arrest everyone in the Mei family who had committed crimes, the Mei family knew that what they had been afraid of had finally happened.

This time, unlike before, the empress was still around in the palace, and they could be released.

They knew that if they went in this time, there would be no chance of coming out.

They thought well. Soon, all the people in the Mei family who had committed crimes were arrested and sentenced. At the same time, their titles were taken away and their homes were ransacked.

Those who committed more serious crimes were sentenced to death, such as Mr. Mei and Mr. Mei. In order to make money, they committed much more serious crimes than Mr. Mei, who was just for power. Therefore, they were sentenced to death for no reason at all. If they separate, treat them lightly.

Although the people in the second room were also powerful, they did not receive much money, so the crime was lighter and they were only sentenced to exile.

Mei Goro and the next generation were well protected by Mr. Mei Er and others. They had not been involved in these things. Since they had not committed any crimes, the eldest prince did not even bother them. He just lost his title and had his house confiscated. If the family is in poverty, life will not be easy.

Because the Mei family fell, Meigoro's new wife's natal family did not fall, and the conditions were very good, so the new wife naturally reconciled with him. After all, even if the new wife reconciled, she would marry a much worse person, at least she would be better than him. It was infinitely better for a poor man like Umegoro, so the new wife naturally made peace with him.

It is ironic to say that Mei Wulang divorced his former grandma Mei Wu because he thought his conditions were not good. Now that the world is reincarnated, his new wife Mei Wu also thought his conditions were not good and divorced him.

After dealing with the Mei family outside the palace, the new emperor would naturally not let Concubine Mei go.

Concubine Mei Huang should have been executed because she had harmed too many people in the palace, but because she was the concubine of the former emperor and the concubine of the new emperor, he was a junior and could not kill his concubine, so he only revoked her title. He moved her into the cold palace and kept her company with Concubine Song.

In addition, the new emperor did not execute the son of Concubine Meihuang. After all, a child could not threaten him now, so he did not have to kill even a child, so he immediately left it to Concubine Meihuang and took him to the cold palace to take care of him.

Imperial Concubine Mei thought that she and her child were definitely going to die, but she didn't expect them to die, which made her sigh in relief.

Although falling from the cloud was unbearable, it was still better than losing her life, so she was naturally satisfied.

Although she often dreamed about it when she was in the cold palace, for example, if something happened to the eldest prince and the other princes were gone, it would be her son's turn to take over. Unfortunately, dreams are dreams after all, and naturally such things would not happen. After all, even if If something happens to the eldest prince, the one who takes the throne will only be the eldest prince's son. What's wrong with her son?

With the fall of the once-famous Imperial Concubine Mei, the Mei family, which had been prosperous for almost ten years, completely disappeared from the high-level circles in Beijing.

It is easy for a family to rise and disappear, but it is equally easy for it to disappear.

But it is said that Concubine Song's natal family started to cause trouble for the Mei family after the Mei family fell into trouble. This is normal. If the wall falls, everyone will push it. Besides, Concubine Song was taken down by the Mei family, and the Song family has long hated the Mei family. , but when they wanted to bring down the Mei family before, the Song family caused a scandal, and they were not in the mood to clean up the Mei family. Now that the Mei family has fallen, there is even a scandal in their own family, which was brought about by the Mei family - An Ran said, Mei The family bullied the original body like that back then, and An Ran would not let them off easily - that is to say, the Song family's reputation is so bad now, and Master Song cannot marry a good wife, which has affected the future of the Song family, and also with the Mei family. It has something to do with it, causing them to hate the Mei family for a long time, so even if the Mei family is already in decline, it does not prevent them from adding insult to injury, stepping on them again, and beating up the fallen dog.

Anyway, the Song family will never get better after being punished by the Mei family. In this case, they are not afraid of others saying that they are doing evil things, just to cause trouble for the Mei family.

Not only the Song family, but also the Yang family also caused trouble for them.

The Mei family once trampled the Yang family very hard, much more harshly than the Song family, and now they hate the Mei family even more than the Song family.

Now that the Mei family has fallen, naturally they will not be happy just to see them in decline, and they will send people to cause trouble for them from time to time. However, the Mei family has no money and power now. Both the Song family and the Yang family have become They were no longer someone they could afford to offend, so even though the Song family and the Yang family were causing trouble, they couldn't do anything to them and could only endure it secretly. When they couldn't bear it anymore, they sold their house in Beijing and returned to their hometown.

Although the new emperor ransacked their homes, they had not been driven out of the house they were living in before, and even the house was taken over. Therefore, by selling the house at this time, they could still maintain their lives.

However, everyone knows that the Mei family has fallen. When they see their house for sale, some know that they are in urgent need of money and try to lower the price, while others think that their house is unlucky and they don’t want it, so the Mei family’s house is only sold for half of the original price. , the loss is not just a little bit.

But it would be nice to have it. It would at least alleviate the Mei family’s dilemma of having no money.

After the Mei family left the capital, the Mei family really completely disappeared from the capital.

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