Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2112 No. N cannon fodder female supporting role 44

An Ran didn't know how the original world developed. After all, the Queen Mother had passed away at that time, so the plot must be different. However, An Ran thought that in the original world, even if the emperor fainted, he should have passed out in the Palace of the Imperial Concubine Mei Huang. After all, at that time, Concubine Mei Huang had become Empress Mei, and then she was favored by the Sixth Palace. The place where the emperor often went was Concubine Mei Huang. In this way, if he really fainted, he would faint at Concubine Mei Huang's place. It was normal. After all, the Queen Mother was gone and the other concubines were not favored. Therefore, An Ran guessed that in the original world, if the emperor was also in a coma, he should have passed out in the palace of Imperial Concubine Mei, allowing Imperial Concubine Mei to take power smoothly.

Of course, this is all speculation. Since the death of the Queen Mother, it is not certain whether the development of the plot in the palace will be the same as that in the original world. Maybe the emperor did not faint in the original world.

The original person has very little memory of the emperor's situation, which is normal. Talking about matters in the inner courtyard of the palace is forbidden to ordinary people. In addition, the original person's life in her husband's family was not good at that time, and it was not good for people in the palace. He didn't care much about the emperor's affairs, so he didn't know what happened to the emperor. He didn't even remember when the emperor's accident happened. It was normal.

Therefore, the emperor fainted at the Queen Mother's place this time. For An Ran, it was also a sudden attack and something unexpected.

At that moment, An Ran followed the Queen Mother, King Qi, and Queen Zhang into the inner hall to listen to the imperial doctor's diagnosis and treatment.

An Ran couldn't get close enough to feel the emperor's pulse and could only take a look from a distance, so she didn't know the specific situation. But judging from the emperor's face, she felt that the emperor had run out of gas. As for whether he would wake up, she didn't know. Feeling the pulse, without instruments, it is impossible to determine.

In fact, it would be the easiest thing to ask the system to check it for her. However, An Ran didn't want to spend that life point, so she decided to wait.

Like Empress Zhang, she naturally hopes that the emperor will pass out this time and not wake up again, because she feels that the current development is the best and there is basically no need for her to take action.

But she is not afraid that the emperor will wake up again. She has already prepared ways to help the eldest prince ascend to the throne. But if Queen Zhang and her son are successful and there is no need for her to take action, she will naturally not take action and will just do what she did before. Still hidden in the dark.

The emperor's condition was obviously not very good as An Ran had expected. At that moment, several imperial doctors from the Imperial Hospital were questioned by the Queen Mother about the emperor's condition. They couldn't help but sweating on their heads. The reason for this was that it was obvious that the emperor's condition was not very good. They were afraid that if If the answer is not good, the Queen Mother will ask questions, which is why she is so nervous.

But when the Queen Mother asked, it was impossible not to answer.

At present, the oldest and highest-ranking doctor is speaking out on behalf of the other imperial doctors.

"I'm reporting to the Queen Mother, I may need to nurse him back to health for a few days to see if he can get better." The court official couldn't say, as the emperor had run out of oil and the lamp was dry. He probably had no way to save the day, so as to avoid the Queen Mother being unhappy, he only said that he would need to nurse himself back to health for a few days.

But the Queen Mother was a human being. Just by looking at the looks of several imperial doctors, she knew that the emperor's condition might be very bad. She couldn't help but feel a little breathless. She covered her chest and asked the imperial doctor: "Chen Yuanzheng, tell the Ai family honestly." , is it...that the emperor's situation is not good?"

How should Chen Yuanzheng answer this? If you say it's okay, then if something happens, you will have to bear the responsibility; if you say it's true, if something happens, what will you do if the Queen Mother blames you? Even if he doesn't blame her, it's scary to see the Queen Mother like this. What if he makes the Queen Mother angry? The person who takes over after that may punish him for a crime of negligence, so Chen Yuanzheng couldn't help but hesitant at that moment, and said some words of panacea, "Your Majesty's auspicious person and heaven, there may be a turn for the better."

The Queen Mother knew that he was afraid that a bad answer would cause her head to move, and his appearance, needless to say, meant that the emperor's situation was not very good. After all, whenever there was a glimmer of hope, they would brag loudly, but now even Even if he doesn’t brag, it’s obvious that the emperor may really be in trouble.

The Queen Mother looked at it and couldn't help but look ugly.

She didn't want to embarrass anyone, so she didn't continue to ask questions, but fell down on the chair with a miserable expression.

Although this eldest son insists on pampering that Concubine Meihuang, which makes her very unhappy, but no matter how unhappy she is, she doesn't want him to die. After all, he is her own child. A white-haired person is giving a black-haired person, no matter what she thinks, she doesn't want him to die. People are sad.

Moreover, for her, it is obviously better for her to have her son become the emperor than to have her grandson become the emperor. After all, the grandson always has to be separated by a layer. The only person who will be respected more will be his mother. To her as a grandmother, although It's not bad, but it's just a matter of face.

From this aspect, she didn't want anything to happen to the emperor.

But, now it seems that if she doesn't want anything to happen, nothing will happen to the emperor. It seems that the emperor is in trouble. She doesn't want anything to happen to him, so he has to go.

Thinking about it this way, could she be sad?

An Ran couldn't bear to see the Queen Mother so sad, but she didn't want to try to save the emperor just to make the Queen Mother not sad, because the emperor really didn't deserve to be saved, and she didn't want to save a scumbag.

Therefore, although An Ran was worried about the old lady's condition, he did not take action to save the emperor. He only kept supporting the old lady, secretly exercising his power and secretly using his inner strength to protect her heart to prevent her from being sad.

Fortunately, the Queen Mother was thinking about the emperor at the moment and did not find any inner strength to protect her heart.

The emperor was in coma for three days. During these three days, there was a storm inside and outside the palace. Everyone in the capital focused their attention on Cining Palace.

Everyone is watching the final development.

If the emperor wakes up, needless to say, everyone does not need to do anything.

But if the emperor does not wake up, then they will have to start the next step. After all, the emperor did not leave an edict. This is something everyone knows. Since there is no edict, in the future, if the emperor dies, there will be a fight over who the new emperor will be. It’s time.

Although it seems that Empress Zhang and Imperial Concubine Mei are more powerful at present, others have not given up and are also ready to take action.

Everyone is like a runner before a long-distance race, waiting for the order - the death of the emperor - to start taking action.

Because An Ran could not be saved, the emperor was exhausted. No matter how much he was rescued by the imperial doctors, he could not be saved. He did regain consciousness for a short time three days later, but unfortunately, it was a flashback, and the degree was very mild - the emperor even said He didn't have the time to say a word. He only looked around at the person who was looking at him with concern. He was probably a little anxious because he saw that Imperial Concubine Mei Huang was not here, but he couldn't speak.

The Queen Mother knew what he was thinking. Although she didn't want Concubine Mei to come in, she couldn't bear her son missing her, so she ordered someone to call Concubine Mei in. Sure enough, after she said this, the emperor's eyes calmed down and he looked at The Queen Mother couldn't help but grit her teeth, thinking about that poisonous woman, and she didn't know how she fed the emperor so much that he was still thinking about her.

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