Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2097 The Nth Cannon Fodder Female Supporting Role 29

Mrs. Yang's words are a bit of an afterthought, but judging from what the Mei family has done, it is confirmed. After all, Concubine Mei poisoned people, and Master Mei and Master Mei were corrupt and perverted the law. Obviously, at least one thing is true. For sure, that is, the character of the Mei family is indeed not very good.

Therefore, the Yang family's decision to break off the marriage was originally unkind, but with the support of the Mei family, which was even worse than them, they seemed not so bad. At least, they never poisoned anyone, never accepted bribes, and helped those corrupt officials. Running for official position?

So gradually, the Yang family became somewhat popular, and some people were willing to associate with the Yang family. Unlike before, no one dared to associate with them. Of course, the main reason why those people dared to associate with the Yang family was because the Mei family The situation is not good, the momentum has dropped a lot, and everyone is not too afraid of Mei Fei's revenge, so they dare to interact with each other.

But it was said that something happened to Concubine Mei's father, and the emperor naturally knew about it.

But he was indeed a little unhappy with the Mei family as An Ran thought.

After all, after the last incident, the emperor found Mr. Mei Er, criticized him, and asked him to discipline his family well.

As a result, he stopped caring about others and was still making trouble himself. Could this make the emperor happy?

Concubine Mei harmed others, and he felt that it was understandable to do so in order to gain power, and he didn't think anything of it.

But Mr. Mei Er accepted bribes and helped people run for office, and then those people corrupted the law and harmed the imperial court. This was poaching the imperial court, and this was something the emperor couldn't accept, so it was normal for him to be unhappy.

Therefore, even though he knew that the person who had the trouble was Concubine Mei's father, and although he still had some feelings for Concubine Mei, he did not let it go and asked Dali Temple to take a lenient sentence and release Master Mei Er.

He felt that it was time for the Mei family, especially Mr. Mei Er, to suffer a little. Otherwise, he would not have listened to his criticism. Since nothing he said worked, let Dali Temple tell you. Well, Dali Temple is not as kind as him.

The people below were all human beings. Seeing that the emperor didn't say anything, they knew that the emperor had no objection to their interrogation of Master Mei, so he imprisoned Master Mei and did not let him out for a while.

Although Concubine Mei was in solitary confinement, she naturally heard about this from different channels. However, she could not protect herself now and had to work hard to please the emperor so as to restore the emperor's impression of her. How could she dare to plead for Master Mei Er.

Besides, last time something happened to her eldest uncle, she acted righteously and asked the emperor to punish him severely. This time, seeing that it was her father, she begged for mercy, and she wanted to destroy her righteous plan and kill her relatives, so she didn't dare to beg.

If she really asked for it, the emperor would probably find out that she didn't want to kill her relatives out of righteousness at all, but hated Mr. Mei, so she didn't ask for it. When the emperor found out that he was being used by her and killed people with a borrowed knife, he would probably be angry.

Of course, she couldn't ask for anything. After all, her father had done such a thing, and the emperor was even more angry with her. If she dared to plead for mercy like this, the emperor would immediately become furious and his impression of her would fall to the bottom. of.

Fortunately, she has traveled through time and her feelings for Mr. Mei Er are limited, so don't ask for anything if you don't want it, and put your own interests first.

It just so happened that she could use this matter to see if the emperor really had no feelings for her anymore, because as long as there were still feelings, the emperor would not do anything to Mr. Mei Er. On the contrary, if he had no feelings at all, If it is done, Dali Temple will probably be allowed to judge the case impartially, and Mr. Mei Er will be in jail by then.

Mei Fei really guessed it right.

The emperor still had feelings for her, so after making Master Mei Er suffer a lot, when Dali Temple sent a letter that as usual, Master Mei should be taken into custody, the emperor said that for the sake of Concubine Mei, Instead of taking him into custody, he was only ordered to return his ill-gotten gains, and his official position was taken away, so that he would not have the ability to continue to cause trouble while still holding an official position.

The emperor felt that by handling it this way, he could not only explain to the people, but at the same time, he would not make Concubine Mei sad.

But those court officials felt that the emperor's treatment was too light.

Although taking away Master Mei Er's official position sounds quite serious, you must know that as long as Concubine Mei is still the beloved concubine, it doesn't matter whether Master Mei Er has an official position. There will still be people who fawn on Master Mei Er.

As for asking him to return the unjust gains, there would be no harm to Mr. Mei Er. After all, the emperor doted on Concubine Mei and rewarded her with some things. If Concubine Mei gave those things to Mr. Mei Er, Mr. Mei Er would have no loss. .

As a result, many people in the previous dynasty were very dissatisfied with the emperor's treatment, and their impression of Concubine Mei became even worse.

It's a pity that no matter how dissatisfied they are, they can't continue to fight against the emperor. After all, although the civil service group is powerful, the imperial power is even more powerful. The killing of ministers with sticks has also happened in this dynasty. There is no need for them to fight for this with the emperor and do this for Mr. Mei Er. It's not worth it to sacrifice your own life for such a small person.

But they won't give up just yet, because it doesn't matter, time is still long, and it won't be too late to deal with it when there is a chance in the future.

In addition, it is not that they did nothing. No, many people spontaneously slandered Concubine Mei and the Mei family and created public opinion among the people. As a result, the reputation of Concubine Mei and the Mei family among the people became worse and worse.

So the matter of Mr. Mei's second master running for office came to an end because Mr. Mei's official position was eliminated and he was compensated more than 20,000 taels of silver.

Although Mrs. Mei Er felt sorry for the money and was depressed that Mr. Mei Er had lost his official position, she was still happy because he came back alive. She thought, it’s okay, the green hills are still there, and she doesn’t have to worry about not having firewood, as long as her daughter and grandson are still there. , there will always be a day in the future.

Mr. Mei Er thought the same way, so although he was upset about this development, he accepted it. He just held back his anger in his heart, thinking that he must win the big position, and then deal with all the people who are causing trouble for him. .

If it wasn't to deal with these people, or if it wasn't for the endless glory, in fact, if Mei Fei didn't fight for the big position, her son would still be prosperous and wealthy in the future if he became a prince. It's a pity that people's greed is endless, and even the prince is not satisfied, so he just wants to be the queen mother. , the head of the country, so he became troubled like this.

Looking at this mess, Mr. Mei Er angrily beat the edge of the bed on the hospital bed and said: "It's all because the mud can't stick to the wall and has caused such a big trouble for me. Damn it!"

Although Mr. Mei Er escaped successfully this time, he still fell ill because he stayed in Dali Temple for a long time, the conditions were not good, and he was frightened by the boss, so he was lying on the hospital bed.

It happened that the Mei family was in a bad situation, and he was too shy to see people, so he excused himself as sick and thanked his guests.

It's no wonder that Mr. Mei Er is so angry, because unlike Mr. Mei who purely makes money to serve as an official, the purpose of Mr. Mei Er is simpler. Because he is Mei Fei's biological father, he really wants to give Mei Fei something. The concubine is here to run the business, just to make some money along the way.

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