Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2065 Innocent Woman 39

Just when the officers and soldiers didn't understand what Lu Bandit's people wanted to do, as a result, as soon as everyone got within the range of the cannon, they saw indiscriminate bombardment on the city wall. I don't know how many people were killed. The cannons preparing to attack the city also Blow up.

The enemy was confused now. They also didn't expect that even though no one was seen on the city wall, the enemy still had cannons fired, and the range of their cannons was longer than theirs, making their cannons still useless. This... the enemy How far is the range of the cannon? How can it hit people from such a distance? !

Because An Ran and others' artillery had a longer range than the enemy's imagination, this explosion almost destroyed the enemy's courage.

Although the previous siege plan has not been stopped, the enemy still bites the bullet and continues to attack. However, because they know that the range of their own artillery is not as long as that of An Ran, the people in the artillery camp do not dare to step forward. Every time they send people forward, the artillerymen It's all a grind.

Not only were they dilly-dallying, the people climbing the wall were also dilly-dallying. Although they still dared to climb, they didn't want to die in vain because there was no cannon cover, so the courage of the people climbing the wall to attack the city was not as strong as it was the first time. .

This level of siege warfare naturally put little pressure on An Ran. Everyone fired artillery and fired shots from time to time, which suppressed the enemy's offensive.

Dong Hanzhang saw that this was nothing, and did not dare to push too hard. After all, he pushed others, and when it was his turn to come on stage, others would also push his people, so he could only turn a blind eye and just It doesn't matter if they continue to let the civilians fill the lake, thinking that they can't defeat the Lu family. They will wait until the foreigners come. He doesn't believe that the Lu bandits can still defeat the foreigners. As long as the foreigners take action, they will be able to watch the enemy and defeat themselves. .

As a result, the attack on Maple Leaf Castle maintained a life-or-death attitude. Every day, they were still fighting, but no one would fight desperately, and more and more they were just pretending.

Fortunately, more and more people are besieging Maple Leaf Castle, and Dong Hanzhang does not have to worry about being unable to explain to the court. After all, more than 100,000 troops are trapped here, and there are even more generals trapped here. If the court wants to blame, who can they blame? Punishment should not be blamed. We really have to blame. Blame so many people, almost half of the more famous generals in the imperial court. If all these people are scolded and run away, who will dare to besiege the Lu family?

On An Ran's side, An Ran saw that Dong Hanzhang did not let everyone swarm forward and kill people, but used a wheel battle of two thousand people at a time, and then was hit by his own cannon. He was frightened, and the attackers began to fight to the death. I couldn't help but laugh.

You know, if Dong Hanzhang is really not afraid of losses, he issues a death order and lets everyone rush forward. To be honest, Maple Leaf Castle may be able to hold on, but it will definitely cost a lot. After all, if these people are like emotionless zombies, they keep going to the city. Climb, don't be afraid of death. No matter how many people guard the city, there will be more enemies. They will come over like ants. It is very likely that everyone will make a mistake and let the enemies successfully climb the city wall. If they don't retreat, something will happen. Casualties; retreat and the first line of defense will be lost.

Of course, you don’t have to worry too much. The bastion is a multi-layered defense system. If the first layer is broken, the rest can continue to hold on just like the first layer. However, when the enemy climbs up to the second layer of defense, they will die again. A wave.

If you die in waves like this, there won't be that many people in the end, and everyone will be able to defend themselves.

But it's fine now. The attack is not heavy. We don't have to worry about the city wall falling. At the same time, it can also consume the enemy's vitality. And she can continue to use sneak attacks every night to consume some more. At this rate, the enemy's elite soldiers will be almost exhausted. , and then there are the new recruits.

Yes, Dong Hanzhang could not continue to consume like this without replenishing his troops, so he kept recruiting people to replenish his troops. Therefore, the total number of soldiers did not drop too much, but the quality of the personnel dropped significantly. Those who came at the beginning were all elite soldiers. The new recruits who came later were completely different. If this continues, the more they fight, the harder it will be for Dong Hanzhang to defeat him.

An Ran knew that Dong Hanzhang was depleted to this extent, so why didn't he leave yet and continued to surround him? He just wanted to wait for the foreigners.

As for the foreigners, Enron did not intend to attack them after they arrived.

The reason is also very simple. Foreigners like to rely on strategies when fighting in the East. They don't like to risk their lives to make up for the difference. Even An Ran admires their courage sometimes, because sometimes, they will go over directly. Although in this way, The casualties will be huge, but it has to be said that it is especially useful against timid enemies - if others see that you are not afraid of death, they are the ones who are afraid.

It doesn't happen all the time, but sometimes it happens when people are crazy.

However, according to the information obtained by An Ran, it is not that they are not afraid of death, but... once they encounter a desperate situation, in order to motivate the soldiers, they will take refreshing medicine - which is actually poison. After taking it, the soldiers will easily When you are excited (that is, you are high), your courage easily doubles and you are not afraid of death. Now is the time to charge.

People dare to use this method to organize death squads, but An Ran can't. Of course, the defenders of the city don't need to use this thing. If the enemy is not afraid of death, and charges directly to the top of the city, then It's really not easy to deal with.

In this case, Enron will naturally deal with them in advance.

These people all came by boat. It just so happened that Anron's expanded territory now included inland rivers. She could make some contributions in this area.

As early as a long time ago, Enron began to build ships and prepare to build a navy and a future navy.

Since we are preparing to dominate the world, a navy will be indispensable in the future. Otherwise, how can we drive out the foreigners or even compete with them for control of the sea? So as soon as we had some money, Enron began to build ships and wait until the territory has big rivers. Navy, this is normal.

Therefore, since there are inland rivers in the territory, this navy has been established. It is already training now. After the foreigners come, it should have some achievements. In addition, it is on its own canal, and the hydrology and geography are familiar. In addition, The enemy will not think that she has a navy. I believe she can teach the enemy a lesson. By then, even if she cannot intercept all the enemies on the water, at least she will not put all the enemies into the territory.

And if only a few enemies come in, there is no need to be afraid. Even if they are not afraid of death, they will not have any impact on the territory.

Neither Dong Hanzhang nor the foreigners knew that An Ran was secretly training the navy, so it was normal that Dong Hanzhang would put his hope in the foreigners and not retreat even if the losses were huge.

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