Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2052 Innocent Woman 26

To be honest, after arriving here, Li Xiu also thought about how to develop his power.

He didn't know whether his relationship with An Ran would change in the future. After all, who could guarantee what would happen in the future? But at the moment, he didn't want to kill An Ran. He just thought that he had to make some achievements and he couldn't let others do it. Put yourself down.

But it is a pity that Enron's various systems seem to be very mature. It is very suitable for everything to develop according to the system she has established. Any changes will inevitably cause trouble. Last time something happened with the city administrator. After that, he didn't dare to change it according to his own ideas.

So when Li Xiu saw that Li Jingming said there were ways to make money, he couldn't help but be curious, thinking about how he could make money.

Li Jingming said: "I see that my brothers and sisters are holding a Wubao competition. The first place in the comprehensive evaluation can get a lot of rewards. Even if they don't get the first place, they can get a lot from second to tenth place. Reward, after all, we have managed such a large place outside, led so many people, and managed it for several years. We have more or less experience in managing places. We can't be behind other forts, right? If this can win in the competition, Don’t we have money?”

As soon as he said this, the others suddenly realized, and then they nodded and said: "This method is not bad."

The key thing is that nothing will happen. Unlike other methods, they are afraid of causing trouble after messing around.

As for not being ranked, they felt like Li Jingming that after all they had managed many places, they could not be worse than the group of ordinary people selected by An Ran from among the ordinary people. You must know that many of those people were just three years old. Those who came out of the book have only just learned all the characters. Many of them knew many characters before, including Li Xiu.

Li Xiu's family used to be in pretty good condition, with a few acres of land, so if he had gone to school and could read, he just didn't pass the scholar exam. Otherwise, if he was really illiterate and couldn't read a word, he never even went out to the town. As a country boy, he wouldn't make such a big fuss.

Since everyone thinks that this method can make money faster, they naturally carefully study the various evaluation contents of Enron.

Li Jingming said: "Basically, I have seen it all. It has various evaluation scores. Some of them are not easy to do and cost money. For example, infrastructure construction, water conservancy construction, and road repairs cost a lot of money. Money, we don’t have much money, it’s difficult to do, so we won’t do it for the time being. But some are absolutely easy to get points, like this one, the dropout rate, as long as the dropout rate is kept to the lowest, you can easily get 20 points, and there are other things than this Is it easier to get scores? And it doesn’t cost money, so in the first stage, we will check the schooling situation of the children in the fort, and try our best to let all children go to school. Even if there are some old stubborns who just don’t let girls go to school, we We must also try to keep the dropout rate to the lowest possible level. Can everyone achieve this?"

The reason why Enron gave more points in the dropout rate evaluation is naturally to obtain talents. Only when everyone is educated can more manpower be available in the future. After all, as the territory becomes larger and larger, those on the new territory will be affected by What we have is the old-style education, which is of no use at all. We can only draw people from the old territory to manage it. As a result, the demand for talents is too great, and we must let all children study if they can.

In addition, Anron did this to further liberate women. Although she had already mentioned the equality between men and women, and women could also divide the fields when dividing the fields, after all, Anron did not force women to work out and let them do whatever they wanted. Voluntary - after all, it is against people and rights not to allow people to work, and it is equally against people and rights to force people to work, so it is natural for everyone to follow their own volition - so most people still maintain the old concept, that is, the old sites such as Plain Fort, As time goes by, business has become more prosperous, and there are jobs everywhere. It is too wasteful for women to stay at home. Some families allow women to work and earn money. When women have money, their status in the family improves. But in most places, women Just stay at home as before.

But once women receive education, are exposed to new things, and are recruited to work in government departments in the future, and have income, their thinking will definitely change, and this situation will gradually change.

After hearing Li Jingming's inquiry, everyone patted their chests and said, "If you can do it, let's persuade each family one by one. If this girl goes to school, she can still manage a meal in school. If her grades are good, there will be rewards. When she graduates, , as long as you pass the assessment, you can go to the fort to work and get money, what a great thing, you will definitely complete the task."

Although their thoughts have not completely changed and they think that girls should study in school, but since there are so many benefits, they naturally support it. Their girls will definitely study in the future. They have income and do not want to save money. It’s just a meal, but it’s a good thing to be able to work in the fort. If one more person in the family comes to work in the fort, wouldn’t the family become stronger? When each of their families gets stronger, it’s equivalent to their overall strength becoming stronger. , the power brought by one's own family is more reliable than hiring someone from outside with money.

——Although their motives are self-interested, their goals are consistent with Enron. Enron does not object to their thinking this way, and even hopes that they will think this way more often, so that they can take the lead and let the people below follow suit. Then send the girl to school.

Because they all wanted to earn the twenty points for education, which they found easier, Li Jingming and his team were quite serious. According to the news An Ran received, one month later, the enrollment rate in Jimingbao reached over 80%. , this is already considered very good in today’s social environment. You must know that the range for calculating the dropout rate given by Enron is that children between the ages of seven and fifteen must enter school. Boys are basically guaranteed, but girls When children are twelve or even ten years old, most people don't want them to go to school because they have to stay at home and work. Li Jingming and others can mobilize 80% of their children to go to school, which is very rare.

This is also normal. Just like what An Ran thought before, Li Jingming and others are capable and can do well as long as they are willing to do it.

If they are unwilling to do something, if they fail to do it well, the local people will see that their fortress is the worst based on the results of the competition, and they will protest and ask them to step down. Therefore, An Ran is not worried about how Li Jingming and the others will develop their private power there.

She is very busy now, and has been reorganizing the military equipment, because according to the news given to her by the intelligence department, it is said that the imperial court has decided to send another famous official Dong Hanzhang to lead the Dong family army north to clean up the remnant of Li Xiu, a country within a country.

Dong Hanzhang is as mentioned before, one of the famous officials of this dynasty who is as famous as Fang Guozheng. He is also a Jinshi, but he is well versed in military affairs and is equally good at leading troops in war.

An Ran did not dare to take such a person lightly, so he naturally had to seriously rectify his armaments.

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