Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2043 Innocent Woman 17

Over the years, everyone has also seen that An Ran is not as unambitious as he appears on the surface. They all said privately that although An Ran is a woman, it seems that she also wants to compete in the world. Otherwise, as she said, for the sake of To protect ourselves and avoid being displaced by war in troubled times, we only need to build one bastion. We will not go to such trouble to build so many bastions. Not only do we build so many bastions, but we also stockpile so much food, weapons and equipment. Equipment, if it is not for competing in the world, who would believe it.

Since Lu Anran might want to fight for the world, then everyone naturally doesn't want anything to happen to Anran. After all, they still hope that Anran can really succeed and everyone can share the glory and wealth. Naturally, they don't want her to save Li Li, who has failed in the uprising. Xiu, it’s not worth it to lose yourself.

After listening to everyone's words, An Ran smiled and said: "There won't be any danger. Think about it, usually you sneak in without being noticed. What's more, when the city is broken, Fang Guozheng's people will definitely be busy catching prisoners. People surrounding the city will The enemy soldiers will definitely enter the city, and it will be easier for us to enter and exit then. Besides, my Qinggong is much better than yours. If nothing else, if I find out, escaping will definitely not be a problem."

There is Qing Kung in this world, but if you want to be able to practice Qing Kung, you must first cultivate your internal strength, and not everyone can cultivate internal strength. Some people do not have that talent, so they will always have to practice some external Kung Fu. Only Only those with talent can cultivate their inner strength and then practice the art of lightening their bodies, but there are not many people with talent.

Those who can join the special forces are naturally those who have the ability to make light of their bodies. Otherwise, how can you avoid the enemy's eyes and ears and sneak in secretly? If you climb the wall openly, you will definitely be discovered.

Moreover, qinggong is not omnipotent. A hail of arrows or a rapid fire from a musket can still turn you into a hedgehog or a sieve. This is why everyone is still worried about An Ran's qinggong after knowing it.

Hearing An Ran say this, Fang agreed hesitantly, thinking that if there was any danger, An Ran would have to go first to prevent her from getting trapped in Changyang.

Many people are still thinking about what they will do if Li Xiu comes back and wants to seize An Ran's power. Not to mention that they have been working with An Ran and do not want to change people to avoid damaging their interests. Li Xiu's uprising will fail. Obviously, they are not capable enough, so they don't want to replace them, lest they face a life-and-death crisis like Li Xiu's current subordinates in the future.

These worries have been in everyone's mind since An Ran told them some time ago that Li Xiu, who is currently in crisis, is her husband and she plans to rescue him.

——Look, An Ran was right. Li Xiu’s people haven’t come back yet, and those under her have begun to worry about Li Xiu seizing class and power, so she doesn’t have to worry at all. Li Xiu comes to her for power. She If she doesn't give it, her subordinates will worry about how the world will judge her.

Now that the decision has been made, An Ran and others are ready to take action.

An Ran didn't tell Old Man Li, Chen Liuniang and others about the rescue. The reason why he didn't tell them was because he didn't want them to worry. In fact, not only the rescue, but also the danger to Li Xiu and others, An Ran and others didn't mention it, lest Li Xiu and others were in danger. The old man Chen Liuniang and others were worried.

At that moment, An Ran said something to Old Man Li, Mrs. Li and others, and left with twenty special force members and some weapons and equipment.

Changyang is not far from Pingyuan Mansion where Pingyuan Town is located, there is only one mansion in between.

In fact, Li Xiu claimed to have millions of troops and controlled land in four provinces. In fact, most of the territory controlled by other rebels in the rebel alliance was also counted under Li Xiu's name. Li Xiu's real territory was only The land of several prefectures only spans two provinces. It can barely be said that it sits on the land of two provinces.

Because everyone had Qinggong and could run faster, it only took one day to arrive.

When they arrived at the place, everyone found a time to sneak into the city when it was dark at night and it was hard to see the enemy clearly in the middle of winter. Then they found abandoned houses that they had visited before and used them as bases to hide and wait for the imperial army. , teams launched a siege, and then took advantage of the chaos to launch rescue operations.

Yes, everyone didn't rescue people as soon as they entered. After all, the chaos hadn't started yet, so it would be more difficult to rescue people. To be on the safe side, everyone planned to fish in troubled waters. It would be easier to take action after the chaos caused the enemy's attention.

At night, everyone was not very clear about the situation in the city. When it dawned the next day, looking at the situation outside, everyone felt a little heavy.

Obviously there has been no food in the city for a long time, and due to the drought, many trees have died, so that even the bark of the trees cannot be eaten. In such a hungry situation, almost no one walks around in the city. They are probably too hungry to stand it. I was lying down at home, and even if I moved around, I could see that I couldn't walk anymore. I was skinny and skinny, and walked crookedly.

In this situation, just like An Ran said, if the enemy is going to attack, these people can only wait to be slaughtered and killed, without any resistance.

Although everyone has food with An Ran now, they still remember the torment they felt when they had no food a few years ago. Looking at the people in Changyang City like this now, when they think about the fact that after the city is destroyed, none of these people will survive. It is absolutely impossible. They will all be killed, because Fang Guozheng has always been bloodthirsty, and he will basically massacre the city when he breaks it. He is known as Fang Sanguang - kill them all, rob them all, and burn them all - can everyone not feel heavy?

At that moment, some team members murmured: "Why did the court not provide relief when we were about to starve to death and just watched us starve to death? But when we couldn't survive and had to find a way to survive by ourselves, we immediately had money." Did they attack us with food? With this money and food, wouldn't it be better to give it to us at that time? Ordinary people would not revolt. After all, who would want to raise their heads to rebel if nothing happens?"

At this moment, another team member couldn't help but sneer and said: "We are from the Xuan tribe, and the imperial court is from the Wu tribe. The more we die, the better. If they have money and food that they can't use themselves, why should they give it to us?" What good things are you thinking about? I wish we would die more, lest if there were too many of us, they would be afraid of overthrowing their rule."

Some people objected and said: "Fang Guozheng is not from the Wu tribe. Why is he so ruthless, helping the Wu tribe to massacre and kill our Xuan tribe people again and again? Where is his conscience? Look at his bandit suppression memorandum, written like this Okay, why didn’t he write about Brother Li and the others’ uprising? Wherever they went, there were empty houses and people and gods were angry. Why didn’t he write about it? Before Brother Li and the others started the uprising, everyone was forced to live by the imperial court. If Brother Li hadn’t If there is an uprising and everyone has nothing to eat, they will still die. Why doesn’t he say that the court is doing this and everyone and the gods are angry? Isn’t it true that the court was unkind first and we are unjust? "

To be honest, the more they watched Lu Anran make his subordinates live and work in peace and contentment, the more they felt that the previous rule of the Wu clan was simply not a human life. Anyway, after experiencing Lu Anran's rule, no one wanted to go back to the past. It was ruled by the Wu people again.

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