Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2028 Innocent Woman 2

After hearing Chen Liu Niang's inquiry, An Ran smiled and said, "I don't know yet. Let's ask my parents-in-law first."

Chen Liu Niang said: "You must find out the origin of that person, don't be deceived."

An Ran said: "Yes, this kind of thing can't be faked, and it can't be true if it's fake. If he doesn't have martial arts, he can't deceive him."

Chen Liuniang thought about it for a while, then nodded and said: "That's the case too."

Immediately after An Ran carried water home, she told the matter to her husband Li Xiu's parents, Old Man Li and Mrs. Li.

But she said that since there was a severe drought in the world and the red land was thousands of miles away, the same was naturally true in her original hometown. After all, if it hadn't been like this, her husband wouldn't have started an uprising just to survive.

In this case, the life of the original family was naturally very difficult. The whole family, including the original parents-in-law, were all skinny and skinny, with sallow complexions and thin bodies. They couldn't eat enough.

Although her husband was rebellious near his hometown and occasionally sent people to deliver some food, once he got busy, he often forgot that there were still several mouths in the house that needed food. Sometimes a war broke out and it became a mess. The transportation is inconvenient and it is inconvenient to send things back. As a result, there is no food and the whole family is naturally malnourished.

Not to mention that I can support myself. My parents-in-law are already old and have poor health, so they can’t do much. And my two children are only a few years old, and they can’t do anything. I can only do things by myself. Then the parents-in-law take care of the children.

If the years were good, I might have been able to get some food by working in the fields, but now, the earth is dry and cracked, and there is not much water to drink. Where will the water come from to cultivate the fields? Besides, there must be Water, farming, food, the original husband will not get into trouble, and the trouble will not be responded to all at once, because there are too many people around here who have no food, and everyone wants to get out of trouble and run for a living.

Since they can't get food, they can only rely on their husbands to send some food back. If they don't send anything back, the whole family will face the situation of starving to death.

This is also the situation of the people around us who have not yet fled.

Some of the people nearby went to revolt with their former husband Li Xiu, and some were afraid that the rebellion would fail and be beheaded. However, they could not survive in their hometown, so they had no choice but to risk their lives and flee. As for whether they would die on the way, that's all. Only God knows, only a small number are left.

This small group of people who did not leave include some of the family members of those who took part in the uprising, some of them are old, weak, sick and disabled who cannot run away, and some of them are unable to leave their homeland and do not want to leave their hometown.

And when her husband was waiting for the people who started the trouble, and sent people to send things back, there would always be some people who couldn't survive, and the people who followed the people who sent the things back also started to cause trouble.

An Ran had just come to this world, and when he saw that the people in the village were all skinny and skinny from hunger, and the people were even more difficult to live in than in Africa, he knew why people were revolting, because they could no longer survive without revolt. Now, the extortionate levies and miscellaneous taxes from above are getting heavier and heavier, and resisting the levies and taxes will not work. In the end, they will also cause trouble for you. Anyway, the people on both sides are dead, and people will naturally start revolts.

There was no food to eat due to the drought, so Mrs. Li and Old Man Li were actually only in their early forties, but they looked older than the sixty-year-olds in Enron's real world.

In fact, the original person was the same. He was only in his early twenties. Due to extreme malnutrition, he looked as old as a person in his thirties or forties.

After hearing what she said, he hesitated and said, "Is this reliable?"

"I'm going to take a look first. It would be great if I could really learn martial arts, so I wouldn't be afraid of being bullied." An Ran said.

Mrs. Li and Old Man Li were old and frail due to malnutrition. After hearing An Ran say that they don’t have to worry about being bullied when they learn martial arts, they agreed after being silent for a while, thinking that they didn’t know what their son was going to do. , Will it succeed? If it doesn't succeed, there will be orphans and widows left behind, who will be easily bullied. It would be good for Mrs. Lu to learn martial arts and be able to protect her grandchildren, so she agreed immediately.

——They didn’t know at this time that if their son was defeated, their daughter-in-law would not be able to save her life. She would be found and killed.

They were considered "lucky" in the original world. A few months before Li Xiu's failure, they both died of illness due to long-term malnutrition and escaped. Otherwise, they would probably have been like the original person and her children. The end result would be even more pitiable for these hungry, skinny old men.

Because Mrs. Li and Old Man Li agreed, when the white-bearded old man played by the intelligent robot came to the door, An Ran followed.

An Ran followed the intelligent robot out for an hour. She said that the other person taught her martial arts, but in fact, An Ran found a place to practice martial arts by herself, and then let the intelligent robot help her guard.

When he was almost done practicing, An Ran came back.

But he didn't come back empty-handed, he also brought back some rice - which was naturally taken out by An Ran from the space.

An Ran took out these things at this time and naturally gained a reputation. He immediately told his father-in-law, mother-in-law and children: "It was given by the gods. He said that only when I am full can I have the strength to practice what he taught me well."

Not only these things, in the future she will be able to do martial arts, read, and strategize, and it will not be a problem, and she can all be passed on to that old god. Therefore, it is very necessary to bring out such an old god, otherwise there will be no explanation at all in the future. , how did she, a rough peasant woman from the countryside who was illiterate, had never been out of the county town, and had no knowledge, learn martial arts, read, understand strategies, and even know how to govern a country.

When she said this, her father-in-law and mother-in-law had no doubts. After all, they had seen their daughter-in-law being taken away by the gods, and it was normal for them to give her food.

He couldn't help but feel happy at the moment and said: "We just happened to be out of rice. Now that we have so much rice, we can eat for a while."

An Ran said: "The old Taoist priest told us to eat with open stomachs and give them to us when we were done. He said the most important thing was that I had to eat enough to avoid being hungry and not practicing well. In that case, he wouldn't teach me anymore. , my daughter-in-law thought, it’s okay if he doesn’t teach us, but if he doesn’t teach us, we won’t have anything to eat, so I think we should listen to him.”

An Ran was afraid that Old Man Li and Mrs. Li were afraid that the food would be gone after they finished it, so they would not be willing to eat it, so he said this.

Old Man Li and Mrs. Li really thought that way. Now after hearing what An Ran said, Fang gave up the idea and thought it was a good idea. If the old god didn't want his daughter-in-law to practice martial arts with him, then they would have nothing to eat and the losses would be huge. You know, everyone in the family is very hungry now. There is no need to ignore the old god's words in order to save food. As a result, the old god doesn't want his daughter-in-law to practice martial arts, and then they have nothing to eat. That would be bad.

So he immediately said: "Then let's just listen to the old god's arrangements."

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