Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2024 Resurrection of spiritual energy 38

At first, the Triangular Star people saw that An Ran's people were very open-minded and made many demands for compensation. They were unwilling to do so and wanted to lower the price. However, during the negotiation, the Triangular Star people did not give up and continued to attack An Ran and others, and were eliminated by An Ran and others. Then the negotiators on Enron's side naturally increased the pressure and asked them to compensate for the losses caused by this attack to Enron and the others. They saw that they really couldn't defeat the people on Enron's side, and they were afraid that if they didn't negotiate well, Enron's side would People who knew that they would destroy them and directly seize their resources had no choice but to agree.

Because a lot of technical information and mineral resources are required, they are all treasures. Everyone is afraid of long nights and dreams, so a transport spaceship will come over immediately to transport the things away.

The reason why the transport spacecraft arrived so quickly is because, after winning all the previous battles, the officials of various countries expected that this battle would be successful, and they were afraid that they would send the transport spaceship after negotiations. What happened, so I sent a transport spaceship over early. When I saw that the negotiation was successful, I quickly loaded up the things and shipped them back.

After the things were shipped back, An Ran and others were ready to go back.

At this moment, we need to be on guard against the enemy being rogue and focusing fire on them while everyone is returning. That would be bad.

Fortunately, the Triangle Star people seemed to be scared by An Ran and others, so even though An Ran and others set off to go back, these people did not take action.

Of course, the main reason may be that it was agreed during the negotiation that if they took action again, they would not negotiate and directly occupy the Triangular Star. They were not sure about the strength of the people on this planet and did not dare to act rashly, so they were honest.

If we knew the true strength of the people on this planet, how could it be so easy?

However, this expedition to the Triangular Star was a big disaster for the Triangle Star. Not only did they lose a lot of resources, so many bases were wiped out by An Ran and others, and countless superpower masters were damaged. The losses of weapons, bases, etc. are even more incalculable. Even if the original planet does not say that they will not invade each other for many years, the Triangular Star people will not fight for the time being because they have no capital to fight. Also, after the strength is greatly damaged, they must be careful. They are attacking the Hexagram people who have been causing trouble for them. In this case, how can they still have the strength to fight An Ran and others.

In fact, their worries were true. Soon the Hexagram people learned that the Triangle Star people had suffered heavy losses from other civilizations. They immediately took advantage of the situation and came to attack the Triangle Star, causing the Triangle Star to suffer a lot of losses.

Enron would not sympathize with this advanced civilization when it fell into its current situation. After all, if he had not worked hard to maintain it, his original planet would have been destroyed by them just like in his original world.

How could she sympathize with such a group of butchers? They deserved it now. After all, if they hadn't repeatedly attacked the original planet, would they have been beaten? They didn't wipe out all the Triangle Star people and took over their resources. That was because An Ran and others didn't want to go on a killing spree. Otherwise, did they really think they couldn't kill all the Triangle Star people?

Not to mention that after An Ran and others left, the Triangular Star civilization was robbed by other civilizations. I only said that after An Ran and others returned from the expedition, the people on this planet were extremely happy. After all, they won the first battle after stepping out of this planet. This Can everyone be unhappy? During the previous fight, everyone was still very nervous. After all, just a few decades ago, we couldn't even get out of this galaxy. Aliens came over in a menacing manner. If the monks at that time hadn't saved everyone, everyone would have been killed. The enemy's first reconnaissance team was destroyed. After all, if there were no monks in the world, everyone would be ordinary people. And the technology is not a little bit lower than others. The opponent also has powerful powers, mechas, and starships. If they are not defeated, It would be strange if it were destroyed.

When I thought that it was because of the existence of cultivation in the world that everyone survived and defeated the enemy even though their strength was inferior to others, the world's belief in cultivation reached an unprecedented height. An Ran looked at the astronomical number of faith values. , completely relieved, thinking that even if she can’t gain much faith points in the future, even if the Triangular Star people break the contract and come to fight in the future, she doesn’t have to worry, because even if she doesn’t take action, she can use this huge amount of faith points to exchange for a god transformation period. When a monk comes out, a monk like this can destroy the Triangular Star alone. Plus, she herself has reached the stage of becoming a god, so there is no need to be afraid.

An Ran naturally felt relieved when she thought that the task was half completed. Now she didn't have to worry so much and could enjoy life slowly.

Her biggest task now is to smoothly hand over control of the five sects and Fuyun Sect. Fortunately, her life span is long enough, so she can hand it over slowly. She plans to hand it over slowly based on a hundred years, so that she can avoid If handed in too quickly, the situation can easily get out of control.

If it is based on a hundred years, it will be handed over to one family at a time. If something goes wrong, the control can be taken back and handed over to the right person, and the corresponding selection criteria will be improved to avoid losing control after leaving and causing a scuffle among the major sects.

Although there are rivers and lakes wherever there are people, An Ran cannot guarantee that after she leaves, she will not lose control and that the major sects will never fight. However, she naturally wants to find ways to avoid such things happening and try her best to achieve her goals. If it can be done, the rest will be left to time. After all, even if they are not monks, there are wars every day among ordinary people. There is no day when there is no war in any corner of the world, and there is not a single day in the world.

Let’s not talk about the news here at Enron, just talk about the whole world. Due to the arrival of peace, coupled with the blessing of alien technology, minerals, etc., science and technology around the world is developing rapidly. Even if ordinary people cannot practice cultivation, they can still enjoy the benefits brought by the rapid development of science and technology. The convenience made people even more grateful to the monks. After all, if there were no monks, they could defeat the Triangular Star and get so many good things from the Triangular Star, and then the planet's technology would develop rapidly?

Although technology is developing rapidly, everyone, including officials from various countries, sects, and ordinary people, know that this peace will only be short-lived.

Although they have agreed to a hundred-year peace treaty with the Three-Pointed Star, who knows whether the Three-Pointed Star will abide by it.

Even if the three-pointed star will comply, what about the six-pointed star and other civilizations? Now that they know about this planet, will they invade it?

All in all, peace is only temporary. We have seen many powerful civilizations, and everyone has a strong sense of crisis. We feel that we should work harder to cultivate and develop our military and affairs, so as not to encounter a powerful civilization like the Three-Pointed Star one day. Then if people are not afraid of the monks' phantom formation, then everyone will have to stop eating.

Because of the fear of alien forces invading our planet, the world has been relatively peaceful recently. Everyone is working together to develop. At least the top twenty major countries are not at war. The wars are with small countries of small scale. Big, compared with the previous fight with the Three-Pointed Star, the wars between these small countries were like primitive people fighting. They were not interesting at all. It made those who had developed an appetite after watching so many battles between the monks and the Three-Pointed Star. Netizens have little interest in paying attention.

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