Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2020 Resurrection of spiritual energy 34

Everyone's starships did not dare to approach the Triangular Galaxy because the enemy was too powerful and they were afraid of being discovered, so they parked on a nearby deserted planet and then sent out unmanned reconnaissance vehicles to conduct reconnaissance.

Of course, this unmanned reconnaissance vehicle uses the concealment talisman of the cultivation world.

Not only are they used on unmanned reconnaissance vehicles, they also put a lot of pure cultivation reconnaissance supplies in the unmanned reconnaissance vehicles to prevent the enemy from being able to detect the electronic components or signal systems inside the unmanned reconnaissance vehicles even though they use concealment symbols. , and then realized that if such a thing really happened, the unmanned reconnaissance vehicle would release all the cultivation reconnaissance supplies it carried, and the follow-up reconnaissance supplies would be used for reconnaissance.

Although the reconnaissance supplies in the cultivation world are not as good as those in the technological world, without any electronic components or signals, it may be possible to avoid enemy reconnaissance and send messages to the mothership and home planet.

Facts have proved that their worries were not groundless. The unmanned reconnaissance vehicles made by the technology of various countries were discovered by advanced alien civilizations even if they used concealment charms. I don’t know how they discovered them. Anyway, as soon as they entered the triangle The star was discovered and shot down.

The unmanned reconnaissance vehicle noticed something was wrong. Before it was shot down, it quickly put down the cultivation reconnaissance supplies and then self-destructed to avoid being exposed.

Fortunately, Triangle Star has had other civilization scouts spy on them before, so they only suspected other advanced civilizations, not Enron and their planet. Of course, the main reason was that they felt that Enron and their planet could not be so fast. , you can send a reconnaissance device to detect them.

As for those pure cultivation reconnaissance supplies, they are indeed much more powerful. The Triangle Star has not discovered their existence, and now everyone can carry out reconnaissance activities smoothly.

In the next year, their group of expeditioners have been collecting information on the Triangular Star and passing it on to the home planet.

The main purpose is to collect the other party's language information, technological information, weapons information, etc.

Soon, the top language experts from various countries on the home planet gathered together and began to decipher the language data collected from the other party's kindergarten and elementary school, and began to decipher the other party's language.

Only by deciphering the language can we know what they are talking about.

Language elites from all over the world gather together, and deciphering is naturally very fast.

In almost half a year, a lot of daily expressions were deciphered, allowing An Ran and others to basically understand what the enemy was saying.

However, language experts still have to work hard on more advanced professional terminology.

Everyone stayed on this desolate planet for about three years before going back due to lack of food.

In fact, monks have Qiankun bags, which can store a lot of things. The key is that everyone also needs to store a lot of weapons, talismans, magic weapons, etc., just in case of unexpected events. Therefore, although Qiankun bags exist, they are not unlimited and can support thousands of people. I've been using it for three years and it's already great.

Yes, monks also need to eat.

Although monks above the Foundation Establishment stage can live without food, it is better to eat spiritual rice and spiritual vegetables, so the monks also packed a lot of spiritual rice and spiritual vegetables in Qiankun bags before leaving. If they did not eat them all, they would be able to persist longer.

But no one has the nerve to mention this to the monks. After all, they are not allowed to eat, and they are only allowed to serve rice and vegetables to ordinary people. Isn't this a scolding?

You must know that although Anron has stabilized the situation and the society has not been in turmoil or chaos, the monks do not regard ordinary people as trivial and disregard human lives, and no one mentions that the status of monks is higher than that of ordinary people. In real life, monks are the same as ordinary people and must abide by all rules. law.

But everyone knows that in fact, the status of monks is still much higher than that of ordinary people. In this case, it is good that people are willing to use Qiankun bags to help ordinary people carry food. If you don’t let them eat now, what will happen in the future? Isn’t that too much if it is beneficial to cultivation? So even though they knew that they brought a lot of spiritual rice, spiritual vegetables and spiritual fruits, which occupied the space of the Qiankun bag, making it impossible to hold more food for ordinary people and could only stay outside for three years, no one dared to object and only allowed them to use the Qiankun bag. The bags hold rice and vegetables for ordinary people.

In the past three years, we have collected a lot of information here, which is basically enough. Now it depends on the analysis of experts from various countries. Once the analysis is completed, we will see whether we should fight or not.

We were nervous when we came, but felt relaxed when we went back. After all, we had sailed under the stars once, so we were not so scared. Now we were in the mood to look at the beautiful scenery of the stars.

Because the starship sails very fast, the planet outside the porthole window is like a river of stars. When the starship travels through it, it is like traveling in the star stream. The stars are bright and extremely beautiful. Occasionally, you can encounter a few shooting stars. The starship flew past, adding a bit of vitality to the starry sky, making it not look so lifeless.

Probably because I was in a good mood, I went back quickly. Unlike when I came here, it was obviously the same time, but because I was nervous, I always felt that the journey was long.

Not to mention that after An Ran and others returned, they were treated like a hero in triumph. After An Ran and others returned to continue practicing, officials from various countries gathered together to continue to study the intelligence they had obtained in the past three years in order to make the most correct decision about the Triangular Star. judgment.

Several years have passed like this. In the past few years, various countries have often sent unmanned reconnaissance vehicles to continue to detect the Triangular Star.

Of course, because unmanned reconnaissance vehicles will be discovered, they often run to the vicinity of the planet, release the cultivation reconnaissance supplies, and then continue to scout the surroundings to see the situation of other civilizations. After all, after deciphering the language of the triangular star, , people already know that there are other civilizations not far from the Triangular Star.

Although this is not far from the universe, it is actually very far, but at least it is closer than the way from the Triangular Star to our planet. Since the opponent often harasses the Triangular Star, this is also the third time that the enemy has invaded and invaded this planet. Compared with The reason for the slowness was that they were busy dealing with that planet at that time.

Since there is such a planet peeping near the Triangular Star, the people on this planet naturally have to figure out the situation to prevent them from attacking the Triangular Star. Finally, the people from that planet discovered their planet and came to attack their planet. That would be terrible. It's almost over. Everyone just wants revenge and doesn't want to get caught up in an endless war.

Although the opponent can't do anything to the three-pointed star, logically speaking, the level is just that, and he shouldn't be able to do anything to the planet, but he still needs to understand the situation to avoid any accidents when taking revenge.

If the strength of that planet is average, then they can attack the Triangular Star. In this way, even if they attack the Triangular Star and let the opponent find out, the opponent's strength is average and the planet is getting more powerful, there is no need to be afraid of them; if that planet The planet is very powerful, so they have to think about whether to take revenge, lest they kill off the wolf and usher in the tiger.

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