Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2018 Resurrection of spiritual energy 32

Fortunately, An Ran was not the first one to be promoted. There were three people who had already been promoted, and one of them was from the Jin Kingdom. Although she was still eye-catching when she was promoted again, she was not as sensational as the first person. At most, she was Some people are talking about why there are so many monks in foreign countries, but only two have been promoted to the Nascent Soul stage, while there are only two monks in the Jin Kingdom who have been successfully promoted.

In fact, excluding the unplanned An Ran, there are only three people on the entire planet who have been promoted to Nascent Soul, one from the Jin Kingdom and two from foreign countries, which is quite normal.

But An Ran's talent is a first-level talent that is rare to see in a century. It is unplanned that the Jin Kingdom will have another powerful person.

In fact, judging from the situation in the past eighty years, the original talent is probably not rare in a hundred years, but probably a rare one in a thousand years, because in the past eighty years, there has only been one third-level talent ( Equivalent to the S level in the world of spiritual power), this has already been sought after by people. For someone with a first-level talent like the original one, it is absolutely unprecedented.

Speaking of which, the third-level talent is also from the Kingdom of Jin. In addition, there are two Nascent Soul stage monks in the Kingdom of Jin, so some people think that the soil and water of the Kingdom of Jin is better, so it attracts more monks to immigrate to the Kingdom of Jin. Although they You are already a monk, but if you immigrate here, then you can find a monk spouse and give birth to a child with more talent than yourself. Wouldn't it be good?

Forty years later, An Ran had handed over control of the sects, except for the five sects and Fuyun Sect, to people in this world one by one. The transfer was smooth, and An Ran was relieved.

Although the sect is very stable, with the development of technology and people's cultivation getting better and better, a trend has gradually emerged around the world, whether online or among the top leaders of various countries - they want to clean up the three previous attacks on this planet. That higher civilization.

"Why should he be the only one to fight us? We can also fight them. We couldn't fight them if we didn't fight them before. There's no other way. Haven't we heard that technology has advanced now, and interstellar navigation is now possible, and monks are even more powerful? Then? Can’t we fight back?”

"That's right, can't we fight back? If the monks hadn't blocked us back then, we would have been almost wiped out three times! Just thinking about it makes me angry."

"Although I am not a person who loves war or fighting, I also don't like to be a holy mother who endures being beaten."

"I also support fighting, but have you found where the enemy is? Do you know them? But we can't act rashly. If the opponent is very powerful and we attack rashly and fail, and then we suffer heavy losses, that would be bad. ”

"We need to understand the situation, but as long as we can fight, we must fight. I think that planet is not a kind person. It is not causing trouble for us now. It has just lost to us three times. We can only stop fighting. In case they It's not that they don't plan to attack us anymore, but they are lying dormant at home, preparing their troops, and waiting for the time to come. What if they attack us again? Don't say that we are powerful, they will not be able to beat us. If we make progress, others can make progress too. .So as long as we find that we have been able to fight now, we must fight and subdue the other party so that they will not cause trouble to us again."

"I agree! This is not a question of whether we want to fight, but rather, we are afraid that even if we don't want to fight, the other side is still preparing its troops and wants to hit us. Instead of being passively beaten, it is better to take the initiative."

There are a lot of discussions on the Internet, countries are also frequently visiting other countries, and bosses of various countries are talking to each other frequently. Obviously, various countries are also discussing this matter.

Enron supports the plan to deal with that advanced civilization. After all, Enron is also worried that if these people are not dealt with, these people will always be a serious nuisance and will cause trouble for this planet in the future. Instead of fearing that the other party will find trouble in the future, it is better to kill them directly. , so that the other party never dares to cause trouble again.

However, for some people who say that if we can make progress, our enemies can also make progress, Enron does not agree with this.

This is not to say that the enemy will not progress, but they are already a high-level civilization. When the civilization matures, it will develop, but it will not develop geometrically explosively, but will develop slowly and slowly.

But the cultivation of this planet is different. Cultivation has just begun. Because it starts from scratch, the cultivation world in the early stages of development will show a geometrically rapid development stage. The number and average level of monks on the entire planet will increase rapidly.

After another hundred or two hundred years, it will be difficult for high-level monks to break through. After the population of low-level monks is maintained at a fixed level, the development speed will stagnate, which means that the cultivation civilization of this planet has entered a period of slow development.

Therefore, An Ran felt that if the level of that advanced civilization was the same as the previous three attacks on this planet, then even if there had been progress in the past forty years, it would not have progressed much unless there were special circumstances.

On the contrary, the development level of this planet, whether it is technology or cultivation, is developing rapidly due to special circumstances. As a result, it was possible to defeat the opponent before, and it is reasonable to be able to defeat it now.

Of course, we still need to carefully investigate the situation on that planet. After all, the enemy's expeditionary force may only be a small part of our planet's force. If the enemy is strong because of its large number of troops, then even if the people of this planet become more powerful, if If she doesn't take action, she may not be able to defeat him for the time being.

But if she takes action... I don't know what about the planet's most powerful technological weapons and the strongest superpowers. Anyway, her cultivation at the stage of becoming a god is equivalent to a spiritual cultivation level of forty or so. Even on the strongest planet, he is also a strong person. In such a seventh-level civilization with an average level of only twenty, he is a top-notch existence. As long as there are no special circumstances, she can defeat it alone. That planet.

Whether it is the high-level officials of various countries, the cultivation world, or the Internet, they all obviously want to deal with the advanced civilization that invaded our planet. Therefore, after several years of discussion, various countries, as well as the high-level officials of the cultivation world, finally reached a consensus. Go to that planet to have a look and understand the situation. If the opponent's strength is average, take revenge for the invasion; if the opponent is too powerful... well, then let's do it later, let's just wait and see for the time being.

Soon, high-level officials from various countries came together to organize an interstellar reconnaissance team.

It is said to be a reconnaissance team, but there are thousands of people.

Most of the reconnaissance team are monks, and they are monks who are above the eighth level of the Foundation Construction stage. After so many years, there are many monks who are above the eighth level of the Foundation Construction stage. If you draw out hundreds of monks who are above the eighth level of the Foundation Construction stage, that is a draw. Got it.

The world of cultivation not only sent hundreds of monks at the eighth level or above of the foundation building stage, but also sent several monks at the golden elixir stage, all of whom were masters at the fifth or above golden elixir stage.

In order to prevent the enemy from being too powerful and these people never return, the cultivation world also sent a precious egg - the Nascent Soul Stage monk to ensure that this powerful person can bring everyone back safely.

This Yuanying stage monk is none other than An Ran.

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