Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2009 Spiritual Energy Recovery 23

After this change, the Sect Federation also established a new system and established a law enforcement department. If anyone else provokes a war in the future, and if the warning is ineffective, the law enforcement department will be dispatched to enforce the law like today.

At the same time, it is stipulated that any country that violates the rules more than twice will be blacklisted for a hundred years (the reason for the long time is because the time in the world of cultivation is very long, and one hundred years is nothing). One hundred years No sect in the country will recruit citizens of this country.

Violations three or more times will result in permanent blacklisting.

——These measures are Enron's back-up measures to prevent the monks from becoming more powerful and destroying the nuclear deterrent, which may lead to a world war and the destruction of all living beings.

And this law enforcement department also made monks from various sects who wanted to cause trouble restrain their minds and did not dare to imitate the Nigerian monks and go to the secular world to continue causing trouble.

So An Ran basically achieved his goal, not only allowing the Golden Core Stage monks to make a smooth appearance, but also shocking some young people, restoring peace to the world again, so that ordinary people don't have to worry about a war between two big countries, and turning them into refugees. .

Niguo and Languo, who failed to achieve their goals, were so angry that they vomited blood.

Needless to say, the Ni Kingdom, even if they did not invade the Jin Kingdom, their country also lost more than a hundred foundation-building monks, which was a heavy loss. You must know that although their country also has a hundred thousand monks, the talented foundation-building monks There were only about a thousand, and they lost more than 10% this time. Can they not be so angry that they vomit blood?

And because of the new rules issued by the Sect Federation, they did not dare to summon their other monks in various sects to retaliate, fearing that they would be blacklisted by the Sect Federation for a hundred years, and they would suffer big losses by then. .

The same goes for the Lan Kingdom. Seeing that the Ni Kingdom was instigated by him to have a war with the Jin Kingdom, he could follow suit and make a fortune from the war. The economy could develop rapidly due to this war. As a result, he was actually killed by Wuchen Zhenren. The crisis between the two countries was resolved with a snap of a finger. This made Lan Guo, who had not achieved his goal, become so angry that he vomited blood.

But the new rules of the sect association made them afraid to continue causing trouble.

They had no choice but to offer preferential conditions, hoping to continue to attract monks to immigrate to their country, so that although their country had a small population, it could have more and more monks, and could overwhelm the Kingdom of Jin in the future.

And Jin Guo was very happy.

Anyway, they don't intend to actively provoke a war, so they have no objection to the sect association's regulations.

On the contrary, with this regulation, they can focus on developing the economy. After all, they don’t have to worry about being beaten. But can they focus on developing the economy? That's exactly what they're after, and they're not very happy about it.

Of course, the people of the Jin Kingdom have always been prepared for danger in times of peace, so although they don’t have to worry about being beaten, there are still preventive measures. The army will continue to recruit monks, and weapons research will not give up, lest the sect alliance cannot protect them one day. He won't be beaten either.

So after An Ran let the golden elixir stage monks come out for a while, the world situation returned to peace. Then the monks from each sect concentrated on practicing and seldom got involved in the battles in the real world. Such concentrated cultivation was conducive to the increase of cultivation, which was also An Ran's. Want to see.

Unfortunately, just as An Ran thought, when higher civilizations invaded, no one had cultivated to the Golden Core stage. However, there were many talented people who had cultivated to the peak of the Foundation Establishment stage and were waiting to advance to the Golden Core stage. Expect.

So at least she has to lead everyone to carry it for about two years. After ordinary monks advance to the golden elixir stage, it may be better to fight against these highly civilized people.

Fortunately, in the past ten years, she has cultivated to the fifth level of the Golden Core stage, and is about to reach the sixth level of the Golden Core stage. Her skills have developed greatly compared with before. One person can be as strong as hundreds of mid-level monks in the Foundation Establishment stage. As long as the high-level Civilized people are not very powerful. She can carry it for a long time alone. What's more, she also bought so many NPC monks, including golden elixir stage monks.

Thanks to her finding the right direction back then, people all over the world have a special belief in cultivation. Everyone is proud to be able to cultivate, unlike in the original world, where many magicians did evil things because of poor management. , making people yearn for people who can do magic, but sometimes they also hate them. Some people even wish that magic had never appeared in the world and returned to the previous world of ordinary people. In this way, at least they would not be inexplicably magic. Because many people don't like the emergence of magic, the original person didn't have much faith power. Unlike An Ran, because most people have a positive impression of cultivation, she has a lot of faith power, which makes her Not only did he buy a foundation-building monk, he also spent a lot of money to buy several golden elixir-level monks.

Golden elixir stage monks are very expensive, a hundred times that of foundation-building stage monks, and the price of foundation-building stage monks is a hundred times that of Qi-refining stage monks. If you need 10,000 faith points to buy a low-level Qi-refining stage monk, buy one A low-level Golden Core monk requires 100 million faith points. If Anron didn't have a lot of faith points now, he wouldn't be able to afford it.

Five of these Golden Core monks are used to replace the five ancestors of the sects mentioned back then, so that when they resist the invasion of higher civilizations in the future, these people can come out and assist them in fighting. After all, the original The five of us are our own incarnations. When the enemy comes, we will never be able to divide into six to fight the aliens. After all, no matter how divided we are, we will still be alone and fight the aliens. Wouldn't it be better to fight the aliens alone? The combat effectiveness will not increase, and it is of no use. He can only let these NPC monks fight with him.

The rest are to replace several peak-level NPC monks in the foundation-building stage.

When I bought them, those people were at the peak of the foundation building stage. Now that their aura has recovered, they can't stop upgrading. But NPC monks can't practice. The level of cultivation they had when they bought them will always be that level, so An Ran naturally wanted to find an opportunity to replace the person with a golden elixir level cultivation level, pretending that he had achieved a breakthrough, but in fact he just bought an NPC monk with the same skin to replace him, and changed the skin of the previous one and used it in other places, such as replacing the previous cultivation level. For lower NPC monks, pretend they have leveled up.

With these Golden Core Stage monks, as well as the few Foundation Establishment Peak Stage monks he bought before, An Ran thought, as long as the advanced civilization in the original memory is not so powerful that it is far beyond what the Golden Core Stage monks can handle. , I should be able to hold on for a while.

An Ran knew the time of the invasion of advanced civilization because the original body had this time in his memory.

Knowing when the other party will come, An Ran naturally needs to take precautions, lest the people on this planet are not prepared and many people will be killed by these people.

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