Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1967 Infinite Rebirth 2.4

Since An Ran knew how to make this thing, he naturally made it quickly and then put it in An Ran's rouge shop.

There is no such thing as soap in this era. It smells so good. After washing, the skin is still fragrant and clean. Who wouldn't like such a good thing among girls? So soon, Enron's handmade soap was on sale. Once it's empty, the shop makes a lot of money.

The third prince, who had been paying attention to An Ran's situation, naturally noticed it quickly. He couldn't help but be surprised at the moment, thinking, it turns out that this Qiao Erniang really knows how to make artificial soap locusts, and sells them so well, then... like this He really should marry a woman who can make money - once he gets married, he will open a big factory to specialize in the production of this soap, so he won't have to worry about losing his position and having no money to use it.

An Ran naturally didn't know that the third prince wanted to use her as a cash cow for him to seize the throne. He only knew that soon, the emperor would give her a decree to marry her.

The third prince did not ask for the Qiao family's opinion because he knew that the Qiao family did not want to take sides. In this case, there was no need to ask for the Qiao family's opinion, so as not to alarm the snake. The Qiao family was afraid of granting a marriage, so they made an arrangement for Qiao Erniang first. When it comes to marriage, it would be bad if your money tree is gone.

So I simply asked the emperor to grant the marriage.

Although his ambition was made known to his father, he was not afraid anymore, because he got a money tree, and when he became rich in the future, he would have more hope of seizing the throne. Compared with letting his father know, the advantages outweighed the disadvantages, so naturally he It doesn't matter if he knows it or not.

Not to mention, the third prince's move really hijacked the Qiao family. The Qiao family did not dare to resist and disobey the order, so they could only accept it with an ugly face.

Although they didn't want to take sides, so they didn't want to marry their daughter to the prince, but since the emperor granted marriage to their daughter, the Qiao family had no choice but to admit it.

Although they gritted their teeth and admitted it, everyone in the Qiao family was in a bad mood.

What's even worse is that Zhang is more targeted at the Qiao family than in the previous episode.

This is normal. Firstly, Zhang Xiang wants to stand up for his daughter who was scolded by An Ran. Secondly, the third prince is the person that Zhang Xiang likes. He was robbed by the Qiao family. If he is unhappy, he will naturally target the Qiao family.

Fortunately, Mr. Qiao, like Zhou Mu, withstood the Zhang family's blow.

Although this week, Zhang has more hatred for the Qiao family, so the attack force is stronger, but don't forget that the third prince is powerful. These forces know that the Qiao family is the future family of the third prince's in-laws, so they will naturally secretly target them. In this way, although Prime Minister Zhang intensified his attack, the Qiao family also managed to survive because of someone secretly helping them, and they were not demoted to other places by Prime Minister Zhang.

Let’s not talk about the situation of the Qiao family in the court, but talk about the situation in the mansion.

When she learned that An Ran had been granted a marriage by the emperor, Qiao Sanniang almost fainted from crying in the toilet. Compared with the previous week, she could not accept the fact that An Ran was engaged to Mr. Li. After all, for Qiao Sanniang, Mr. Li's family background was still worse. Point, she is only interested in the prince or the prince, so An Ran is better off getting engaged to Mr. Li.

And this week, An Ran got married to the third prince, and the third prince was exactly the type she wanted to marry. She didn't get married, but Qiao Anran got married, so could she not be so depressed that she wanted to cry?

Because of this, Qiao Sanniang once again caused trouble like she did in the previous episode, and the final result was similar to the last episode.

——Actually, An Ran doesn’t understand either. The emperor has granted marriage to himself and the third prince. Logically speaking, in the eyes of others, he is the third prince’s servant. Why does the eldest prince still take action against Qiao Sanniang? He doesn’t think so. , Qiao Sanniang has so much energy, can the Qiao family support the person she marries? She probably did this because she saw Qiao Sanniang taking the initiative to hook up with him.

After sending Qiao Sanniang to the temple, An Ran couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief - now she didn't have to worry about the handmade soap being known.

Although there is no need to worry about the handmade soap being known to others, Enron has not yet built a factory to produce it on a large scale, because it is not convenient for her to do this as she is still a widower, so she still occasionally makes some and sells them in shops.

However, because the quantity is small and things are rare, An Ran makes a lot of money even though she has few things - she costs one tael of soap for a piece of soap, and the portion is still very small, but it still sells quickly. After all, Jingzhong doesn't know How many dignitaries can't afford something worth a tael of silver? Who is she looking down on, so she can probably earn a thousand taels of silver a year just by selling this soap.

The reason why she made the portions small was not because of money, but because there were no preservatives in this world, and she was afraid that if she made them too big, she wouldn't be able to use them all, and they would go bad. , so I made it smaller to ensure that the other party can use it up quickly.

Of course, she also asked people to tell her customers about this, so that they would not think that the things she sold were too small.

Seeing how prosperous her soap sales were, the third prince felt more and more that he was already in the right marriage. Such a small thing was sold so expensively. If he got the formula, built a big factory and sold it all over the country, how much money would he make? ah! With so much money, what else can't he do?

So he couldn't wait to marry An Ran. Unfortunately, the prince's marriage process had regulations. It didn't mean that he could marry immediately if he wanted to, so he could only go through the process slowly.

Of course, the Qiao family hopes that the process will be slowed down, and it can be delayed for a while. After all, if it has been delayed for a long time, maybe the result of the storage dispute will come out? Then they won't have to worry about taking sides.

Perhaps God heard the call of the Qiao family, and the process really dragged on - a year later, the auspicious day for the wedding was finally determined. As a result, when the third prince was about to marry An Ran, the third prince's mother and concubine died of illness.

When the biological mother died of illness, she had to observe mourning for three years, so the process of marrying An Ran stopped.

This is also the reason why An Ran is willing to choose the third prince, because even if he continues to be reborn, it can still be delayed for several years. Unlike choosing the prince, it is impossible to delay. After getting engaged, getting married six months later, adding up, this One week is only equivalent to one year of survival, which is not cost-effective.

Because the marriage was stopped, the Qiao family couldn't help but be overjoyed - this was completely different from the reaction last week when they heard that Mr. Li's grandfather had passed away and that they had to stay in mourning.

After all, compared to An Ran not being able to get married for a while, causing the girls below to be unable to get married for a while, or taking the wrong team, the Qiao family would be more terrible misfortune, which is the lesser of two evils, so the Qiao family would naturally prefer An Ran not being able to get married for a while.

Contrary to the reaction of the Qiao family, the third prince was extremely depressed when he saw that his biological mother had died of illness. After all, this disrupted many of his plans. Not to mention anything else, he was planning to marry An Ran and then asked An Ran for the formula. The large-scale construction of factories to make money was interrupted. Could this make him not depressed?

Unfortunately, his mother was suffering from a sudden illness, and he couldn't get enough to marry her before she died.

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