Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1964 Infinite Rebirth 2.1

And just when An Ran was engaged to Prince Ping, An Ran's ex-fiancé's family also paid filial piety, but Mr. Li's father had not recovered yet. It was not that he could not recover, but that the emperor was seriously ill, and Marquis Wuwei probably didn't want to be here. At that time, I was wading in troubled waters, so I saw that I didn't have a job yet, so I was happy and free, and didn't get involved in those things.

Soon it came to the longest period of my original life, that is, the time to marry Mr. Li.

This time, because An Ran was not married yet, as expected, An Ran passed that time without anything happening.

Her delaying tactics were obviously successful this time. She has set a record of living longer than her original self, and it has also confirmed one thing, that is, it seems that if you don't marry, you will not be reborn.

If in modern times, An Ran knew that she would be reborn as soon as she married, then wouldn't the process of infinite rebirth be interrupted if she didn't marry? But this is ancient times, and it is probably impossible not to marry - she can try this in the future, find a time to become a nun, and see what happens.

This was also the reason why An Ran proposed to go to the mountain to pray for blessings for a year. She wanted to go to the Taoist temple first to see how it was. This way, when she becomes a nun next time, she will be familiar with the place because she knows it well.

However, in this trial, she does not plan to become the female champion yet.

Soon, just as An Ran guessed, the old emperor died and the new emperor succeeded.

An Ran could only get a glimpse of what kind of bloody storms the new emperor had gone through during his succession to the throne, but she had no intention of asking about it from Master Qiao's occasional conversations.

However, the new emperor's succession seemed to have little impact on her.

Seeing that the old emperor passed away, An Ran felt that her delaying tactics had yielded new results. At least she knew who would succeed him.

And the death of the old emperor bought her some time - when the old emperor died, the people would naturally ban weddings and banquets for a period of time, so that she could be reborn in this world according to the rhythm of getting married in the original world. Staying longer allowed her to collect more information.

After the new emperor succeeded to the throne, the Wuwei Hou Mansion successfully recovered. Obviously, like the Qiao family, the Wuwei Hou Mansion did not take sides. Although it did not join the Conglong Gong, it was not disliked by the new emperor at least, so it was very successful for it to recover smoothly. normal.

It was the delay of six or seven years before and after. Marquis Wuwei was getting old and he was afraid that he would not be able to serve for long before he would retire, which would cause a lot of losses.

Soon there was a time when no marriage was allowed. An Ran could not delay it any longer, so under the arrangement of her family, she got married in a grand manner. Although she was older, she was marrying a prince at least, and she was still married in a grand manner. .

The original thing always happened on the night before the wedding. Later, the original person tried to stay awake on the night before the wedding, but she couldn't hold on and would fall asleep all the time.

An Ran was like this at the moment and didn't want to sleep. Her martial arts was already very powerful. According to common sense, she would definitely be able to stay up all night until dawn.

But the point is, this world is obviously unreasonable.

At midnight, no matter how hard An Ran tried to stay awake, her body suddenly felt tired. No matter how much she tried to fight against it, she couldn't.

Finally I could only fall asleep.

Such a situation made An Ran think that there might be a third hand in this world. Obviously, the original body is controlled by others. Otherwise, it would be impossible for a person like her who can't sleep at all, to fall asleep. .

This made An Ran aroused curiosity, thinking, who could control the original body?

But no matter who controls the original body, her week is over.


Infinite Rebirth Part Two


Sure enough, it was just as An Ran thought.

When An Ran woke up again, she found that although she was still sleeping in the bed, she was sleeping in the bed she had been in when she was fourteen years old.

The last time she stood at a fork in the road was because that was the time when her original body threw her into the mission world. The time to reload the file after rebirth was controlled by the third hand, so she hadn't set off yet and was still lying in bed. , which is normal.

The reason why I know this is the bed when I was fourteen is because most of the time, the original body will be reborn at this time.

The first words the maid Magpie said after coming in also confirmed An Ran's suspicion.

Magpie said: "Miss, please get up quickly, don't waste time going to the eldest princess's mansion."

An Ran responded lazily and said, "I know."

No wonder she was so lethargic, because she discovered that apart from remembering what happened last time, she didn't bring back her martial arts. In other words, when she was reborn, she had to practice martial arts again.

It's not safe if you don't practice. Just practice. The repetitive actions are quite annoying, so An Ran can't be happy.

Soon Magpie finished grooming her, and then An Ran took her to Mrs. Qiao's place to have dinner with Mrs. Qiao.

After dinner, Mrs. Qiao took her in a carriage to the eldest princess's mansion.

On the way, Mrs. Qiao told her some things again, which was nothing more than who she could get to know, who it was best to stay away from, and who she couldn't offend.

An Ran already knew a lot of this information in her previous life and from the original body's memory, so even if Mrs. Qiao didn't tell her, she still knew it. Naturally, the current situation was not like that when the original body went there for the first time. The mood was tense, but calm.

Soon we arrived at the princess's mansion.

The steward's wife of the eldest princess's house welcomed them in.

It’s no wonder that the eldest princess didn’t greet them in person. What is the identity of the eldest princess and the status of the Qiao family, so she still has to welcome them in person? Besides, there were a lot of people inside, and the eldest princess wanted to accompany the guests, so naturally she didn't have time to greet them at the door.

After An Ran entered, he separated from Mrs. Qiao. Mrs. Qiao chatted with the ladies, while An Ran chatted with the little sisters.

However, when the little sisters chatted, everyone naturally found their own companions, because they were also divided into small groups. Naturally, An Ran only chatted with the little sisters who had a good relationship with the original person.

Soon, it was time to go shopping again, and An Ran set foot on the tree-lined path again and came to the three-way intersection.

In fact, An Ran could not have gone to that tree-lined path or the three-way intersection. The original person had done such things, but the result was that he was reborn when he wanted to get married. Obviously, even if he didn't take that road, he couldn't change. What, so An Ran still plans to take a walk and make a new choice.

If the original body was really controlled by someone, this three-way intersection should be like playing a game and making choices. She felt that it was necessary for her to continue to try different choices to see what different effects they would have.

An Ran remembered that the Qiao family had become prosperous since last week. If Mrs. Qiao felt that she was at a loss, she thought about what would happen if she didn't get engaged to Mr. Li this time.

In fact, the original person also tried what would happen if he did not get engaged to Mr. Li, but he was reborn.

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