Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1952 The life taken away by the book wearer 58

Wei Heng frowned when he heard that Fang Sanniang from the Qingyang Palace had been causing trouble for An Ran over the years. She even ordered someone to do it when An Ran fell into the water. Now she is still causing trouble for her. After all, He also didn't want An Ran to be targeted by a madman. In any case, An Ran was a very good princess. She never cared about him but was good at handling things. He still respected the princess very much. Naturally, he didn't want others to harm her. After all, if An Ran happened After being harmed, I don’t know if An Ran will be as good as An Ran if I marry a princess again.

So he immediately followed An Ran's suggestion and reported the matter to Dali Temple and the Clan's Mansion - since it was a clan matter, it had to be reported to the Clan's Mansion - and asked them to send someone to interrogate Fang Sanniang to see what was going on.

When Fang Sanniang found out that the people she sent to kill Nanny Cai failed to kill her, and Nanny Cai disappeared. When she was looking for someone everywhere, An Ran had already acted quickly and asked Dali Temple to send someone to interrogate her—— Fortunately, Prince Heng's Mansion is the most prosperous palace at the moment. When the people from Dali Temple and Zongren Mansion received the news, they did not dare to neglect it and dealt with it quickly. Otherwise, after a long time, Fang Sanniang would know the situation and be prepared. .

Mrs. Qingyang still didn't know why both the Zongren Mansion and Dali Temple sent people to her home. A large team of official officials made Mrs. Qingyang feel nervous. She thought that the new emperor would continue to liquidate her family and deal with the new emperor. The whole house couldn't help but panic and became a mess.

Fortunately, it was finally determined that it was none of the Qingyang Palace's business. It was Fang Sanniang who had done many illegal and criminal things and was found out. Now Dali Temple and the Zongren Palace have received reports and want to deal with her.

This made everyone in Qingyang Duke's mansion feel a little relieved, and then they became curious about Fang Sanniang and wanted to ask her what happened.

However, before the trial, Dali Temple and Zongren Mansion naturally would not reveal any information, and immediately took the person away.

Of course, the whole house was searched, and a lot of property was lost. You can't scold him because the excuse was that they wanted to search for evidence of Fang Sanniang's crime.

After hearing this, everyone in the mansion was so angry that they wanted to curse. After all, you searched for evidence of Fang Sanniang's crime. You just searched Fang Sanniang's yard. Why did you search the entire mansion and robbed them? There are a lot of things. Isn't this a pretense of public benefit and trying to steal people's things?

But no one dared to say anything. After all, the situation in the Qingyang Palace was not good now. Everyone was willing to do more than do less and swallow their anger.

Fang Sanniang couldn't help but panic when she saw people from Dali Temple and Zongren Mansion arresting her. You know, although she was jumping up and down to cause trouble, she had never entered the prison cell in her two lives. She was naturally panicked when she was caught. Especially when faced with the pile of torture instruments, she had not been punished yet, but the people from Dali Temple asked her to use them in real time to avoid being tortured, so she did it with snot and tears.

The people in Dali Temple were speechless when they saw that she was so cowardly and dared to do so many harmful things. They thought that since you were so cowardly and dared to do it, didn't you think that if you were exposed, you would go to jail?

Because Fang Sanniang recruited people very quickly, the matter was quickly found out. Now that it was found out, and the new emperor heard about it, Long Yan was furious, so Fang Sanniang was sentenced to a particularly severe sentence. After judging autumn, he asked to beheaded.

Originally, if she had to do what she did, no one would be killed - although Fang Siniang and Fang Erniang were dead, they were not killed by her - if they were given a lighter sentence, they would just be sentenced to exile, but because the new emperor heard that Fang Sanniang targeted his savior Fang Anran again and again. Unhappy, she resigned.

Of course, Fang Sanniang has harmed the princess and done so many things. Even if the new emperor is not angry and gives a lighter sentence, it is still a dead end. But someone needs to intercede for her, and the emperor is not angry. If the emperor is not angry, maybe not. will die.

But it is estimated that no one will intercede for her, including her husband's family and her natal family.

In fact, both her husband's family and her natal family hated her to death after hearing that she had done so many things.

Her husband's family hated her, naturally they thought she was a troublemaker and had a bad brain, and her elder sister didn't care about her much. As a result, she had inexplicably targeted her elder sister so long ago, causing them to suffer. As a result, their family's reputation has become even worse.

In addition, they also thought of another issue. They felt that when she spread rumors that the Anyang County Prince's Palace had invaded people's fields, maybe it was not to compete for the throne, but to target her eldest sister. After all, she had been targeting her eldest sister.

And when she thought that Fang Sanniang did something like that because she was targeting her eldest sister, and the end result was that the Qingyang County Prince's Palace was demoted to the Qingyang Duke's Palace, Fang Sanniang's husband's family would hate her to death. .

And needless to say, my mother's family.

Because An Ran became the princess, the bad reputation of Changning Earl's Mansion being influenced by Fang Sanniang was eliminated. The girls in the mansion could easily get married, and the boys in the mansion could also find wives.

It’s okay now. Now that a crazy person like Fang Sanniang has appeared and caused so many things, many people will doubt the tutors of the Earl of Changning’s Mansion. After all, three girls from the Earl of Changning’s Mansion have had troubles. ——Referring to Fang Erniang, Fang Sanniang, and Fang Siniang—what does this mean? It means that there is a problem with the tutoring at Changning Earl’s Mansion. In this way, will the reputation of Changning Earl’s Mansion not be affected?

Under this influence, who would dare to marry a girl from the Earl of Changning's Mansion? Aren't you afraid that if a girl from his family marries in, she will become a house troubler again? No one is willing to marry their own girl to the Earl of Changning's Mansion. They are afraid that the tutoring in the Earl of Changning's Mansion is not good, which will affect their daughter and bring trouble to their own family. They are also afraid that their daughter will have children after marrying there, making it difficult to marry or get married. .

Because some people think that it is difficult to get married in the Earl of Changning Mansion, so the Earl of Changning Mansion naturally hates Fang Sanniang to death. After all, according to her explanation, the things Fang Erniang and Fang Siniang did were all instigated by her. Yes, if she wasn't such a troublemaker, Fang Erniang and Fang Siniang might not be able to do this. In this way, her family's reputation would not be so bad.

It's a good thing that Princess An Ran is here, otherwise, the reputation of Changning Earl's Mansion would be even worse.

There are also some people who can't figure it out a little bit and complain about An Ran. They feel that Fang Sanniang's matter should be left to the clan to deal with instead of being exposed directly. After all, the family scandal cannot be exposed to the outside world.

Now that she is fine, she has reported the case to Dali Temple and the Zongren Mansion. What Fang Sanniang did has been known to the whole capital, and the reputation of the Earl of Changning Mansion has been ruined.

However, there are only a few people who can't figure it out like this. Most people still understand An Ran's operation. After all, Fang Sanniang did that to her, how could she not report the crime.

However, even those who couldn't figure it out didn't dare to say anything in front of An Ran. After all, they still wanted to get more benefits from An Ran, so they just complained in their hearts and didn't dare to say anything to outsiders. Say it in front of you.

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