Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1929 The life taken away by the book wearer 35

Fang Sanniang naturally had bad intentions when she asked An Ran to buy the land - as soon as An Ran took the bait, she would arrange for someone to accuse An Ran of occupying private land.

When word spreads about the daughter-in-law of the Prince of Anyang and the prince's cousins ​​occupying people's fields, will the prince not be affected?

But at this moment, An Ran not only didn't plan to buy it, but also planned to borrow more money for her to buy it. How could Fang Sanniang accept this?

Although she didn't want to borrow, so as not to make An Ran make money in vain, but she had said that the field was so good before, and she also said that she wanted to borrow money. Now An Ran didn't plan to buy it, and she didn't plan to borrow it either. Wouldn't this mean that An Ran would be deprived of money? Doubtful?

You must know that she dared to let An Ran buy the field because she was sure that An Ran trusted her and would not investigate what happened to the field, so she dared to scheme against An Ran. If this made An Ran suspicious and went to investigate, wouldn't something happen?

So Fang Sanniang continued to persuade: "How can this be done? It's so inappropriate. Sister, you can buy half of it. If you don't buy it, then I won't buy it either, otherwise I'll be embarrassed. Besides, there's no way I don’t mind having too much money, but no matter how much land you have, it doesn’t stop you from buying more now.”

She was going to use this as an excuse. As long as An Ran didn't buy it, she wouldn't borrow money. If she really couldn't shirk it, she would have to borrow it for a while and then return it after a few days, saying that the field was bought by someone else first. Okay, although it's a bit more troublesome to go back and forth like that, it's better than giving Enron money.

An Ran said: "What's wrong with this? Just buy it yourself. You discovered this. It's your turn to get rich. I won't rob it from you."

An Ran said it righteously, as if Fang Sanniang found out, she would never rob her, lest others say that she took advantage of her sister, Fang Sanniang couldn't help but feel angry, thinking about what happened to Fang Anran, her sense of morality so tall? Could it be that he discovered his plan? No, it shouldn't be. After all, I have never blushed with her. She should not be defensive about him at all, so she must have a higher sense of morality and not want to take advantage of her sister.

There was nothing she could do now. In the end, Fang Sanniang had to borrow 20,000 taels from An Ran, agreeing to a profit of one cent.

I was hoping that An Ran wouldn't have twenty thousand taels of silver notes, but I didn't know that An Ran was planning to buy a bank recently and happened to have so much money on hand that Fang Sanniang couldn't even borrow it, so in the end she had to take the bank notes.

But she didn't intend to really borrow it, so within two days, she returned An Ran's banknote on the grounds that she was slow and the field had been bought.

This time she didn't succeed, so Fang Sanniang could only continue to think of ways to lure An Ran into the water and influence the prince.

Not to mention that Fang Sanniang was ready to continue to take risks, but An Ran was waiting for Fang Sanniang to leave and then ran to investigate. The field that Fang Sanniang mentioned was really such a thing.

Of course there is something about the fields. After all, since Fang Sanniang wants to take action, she can't just borrow money without a goal. What if she doesn't have a goal and borrows the money?

So An Ran checked now and found out that where Fang Sanniang was going to buy the fields, she found that the fields she wanted to buy were actually ordinary people's fields and were not sold by anyone, so this was simply an occupation of fertile land! Rumor has it that the reputation of Anyang County Prince's Mansion is about to be lost.

Because she wanted to buy it, Fang Sanniang was already building momentum - that is, she started to discredit the Anyang County Prince's Palace - and said harsh words to these people, saying that the Anyang County Prince's Palace in Beijing wanted to buy this place and knew that Anyang Who is the Prince's Mansion? That's the prince's uncle's house. If you know what it's like, don't be nagging, just take the money and leave. Anyang County Prince's Palace didn't take over your land directly, but it's still willing to pay for it. It's already very good. You should be grateful to BALABALA, who is already in the local area. It aroused great public indignation. The local people who were unaware of the situation were already disgusted with the prince, and the Anyang County Prince's Palace had become a villain in the local drama.

An Ran found out about such a thing, so naturally he couldn't let it continue, otherwise even if he didn't buy it, the people in this area would not know what was going on and would think that the prince's uncle's family had planned to buy their land by force. And because I didn’t buy it for unknown reasons, even if I didn’t do anything, I would still be in trouble.

An Ran was prepared to let the Anyang County Prince's Palace know about this matter so that they could settle the matter. However, she could not take the initiative to tell Anyang County Prince's Palace, lest the Anyang County Prince's Palace would trouble Fang Sanniang and Fang Sanniang would be punished. Not happy, I feel that the sisters can handle matters between sisters privately. They should not make it public like this and let outsiders see the joke. In addition, it will also affect the reputation of the Earl of Changning Palace and make them unhappy.

So at that moment, An Ran did not directly tell the people in Anyang County Prince's Mansion. He only relied on his martial arts and secretly went to the Zhuangzi. Seeing those people talking fiercely there, he stepped forward and said, "I passed by a few days ago and heard what you said. Anyang County Prince’s Palace wants to buy your fields, so I went to inquire about it. I didn’t hear that Anyang County Prince’s Palace wants to buy your fields. Is it a mistake? You might as well go to the city and ask. Anyway, the road is not far away. Go to Anyang County. It’s not worth asking the palace, but if the other party is really planning to seize your farmland, I can help you go to Dali Temple to file a complaint.”

An Ran was now disguised as a wanderer, and those people couldn't recognize her. She was a woman. After listening to her words, they all felt that there was some truth in it, so they selected a few young men from the village and went there. In the city, I found the Anyang County Prince's Mansion and asked about this matter.

Anyang County Prince's Mansion had been beaten by Anyang County Prince and Anyang County Princess from top to bottom, so even though these people were countrymen, the gate did not drive them away because of their status. On the contrary, they listened to their inquiries.

Upon hearing this, the sweat on Menzi's head started to drop.

He is an old man from the palace and has been living in the capital. How could he not know what the occupation of people's fields is all about? As soon as he heard what those people said, he knew that what they were talking about was the occupation of people's fields. If this matter were to spread, something would happen to the palace. That's all, I was afraid that something would happen to the prince, so he hurriedly welcomed them in and told them not to leave, and then he quickly reported it to Prince Anyang.

When the Prince of Anyang County heard this, he was as frightened as the other disciples. Then he thought it was someone in the family who had done it. He lost his temper and called all the masters up and down to ask who did it. Good thing.

This is naturally impossible to ask. After all, no one has done this. Even An Ran can say she doesn’t know. After all, she really doesn’t know - Fang Sanniang didn’t tell her where she planned to buy the land, so Little did she know that the person who came to her door today was the owner of the field Fang Sanniang was planning to buy.

The Prince of Anyang County repeatedly inquired one by one and found that no one had done such a stupid thing, so he knew that someone was pretending to be his own family and ruining his family's reputation outside.

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