Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1905 The life taken away by the book wearer 11

Wei Heng, his cousin, was very smart and liked the emperor very much. At that time, everyone thought that he would be made the prince by the emperor. Because of this, the Prince's Palace of Anyang County became very popular. After all, everyone knew that Wei Heng's cousin was the prince of Anyang County. Uncle Wang is taking care of him. If he becomes the emperor in the future, he will definitely treat Prince Anyang favorably. At that time, Anyang Prince's Palace may be promoted to a prince. In this way, Anyang Prince's Palace will become very popular.

It's a pity that all this was in vain, because...Cousin Wei, like his parents who died young, also died of illness soon.

Without Cousin Wei, the Anyang County Prince's Mansion naturally continued to decline.

This is the memory of the original person. Unfortunately, because she married at a low age, she doesn’t know many things about the high-level officials in Beijing. The reason why she knows this is because her third sister is married to the direct descendant of the Qingyang County Prince. I only found out the reason why my son later became the princess of the county.

It stands to reason that the second son of the prince of the county should be the one who became a duke. The reason why he became the prince of the county is because the prince of Qingyang also has a nephew who is similar to the prince of Anyang. He was selected by the emperor because his cousin Wei had already After his death, the emperor later made the nephew of the Prince of Qingyang the crown prince. After succeeding to the throne, the Prince of Qingyang ascended the throne and became Prince Qing. His second son also became lucky and became the Prince of the prefecture. Let Fang Sanniang rise from a duchess to a county princess, and then gradually become prosperous. Before that, the Qingyang County Prince's Palace, like the Anyang County Prince's Palace, was also a family in decline.

An Ran knew this from her original memory before. Now that she was going to get married, she naturally had to know more about it.

Xing'er didn't think there was anything wrong with An Ran's request to know about her future son-in-law's situation. After all, many families would send people to find out about their future son-in-law's situation. However, most people only knew about their future sons-in-law as parents, and the young lady knew less about them personally, but that's all. It's not impossible, so now that An Ran made such a request, it would naturally not make Xing'er feel that something was wrong.

Regarding the news about Wei Heng, it is quite easy to find out. After all, he is one of the more famous dudes in Beijing, so many people know about his situation, and even some of his romantic affairs are talked about by many people. I am happy to talk, after all, people in ancient times did not have much entertainment, so there are always people who like to discuss this kind of gossip.

However, according to Xing'er's inquiry, Wei Heng's situation is better than An Ran thought - he doesn't gamble, he is just a bit lustful, there are many women in the room, and he has confidantes in several big brothels. But for An Ran, as long as It doesn't matter if you don't gamble. After all, just like what An Ran said to Mrs. Fang, as long as they are not a pair for life, Wei Heng has one other woman, which is no different to her than having ten other women. When sleeping with other women, does it make any difference if there are more people and less people? When she marries the other person, that's all if she is willing to sleep with him. If she doesn't want to sleep with such a promiscuous person, she can use fantasy props to fool her into not sleeping with him. If she wants to have children in the future, she can use the test tube tools in the mall. Just collect his sperm, and there is no need to worry about suppressing nausea and sleeping with such a person. In this case, he has many children, what is she afraid of?

If the other person likes gambling, it will be a little more troublesome, because she may have to find a way to "help" him quit gambling. But in this case, there is no big problem.

What's more, the princess of Anyang County seems to be a nice person, because she has strictly prohibited Wei Heng from having concubines and concubines before they get married. She also sent a special person to watch Wei Heng's group of women, watching them and drinking. Tang, lest they crawl into bed and create a concubine and a concubine before their son gets married, and no one will want his son.

An Ran thought Wei Heng's condition was okay, but Myolie's eyes turned red after reading the news, and said: "Miss, you were really killed by someone. I don't know who pushed you into the water. If it hadn't been for that People have recommended you. With our family background, we will definitely be able to help the young lady find a better husband. There is no need to marry such a person."

An Ran smiled and said: "It's okay, it's not good that he has many women. When your lady and I give birth to a child, I have a child with me, and I have money, so I will live with the child and ignore him and his concubines. How can a concubine and a concubine go through such trouble?"

Xing'er nodded and said, "That's right. Miss has a dowry of more than 30,000 taels, and she will definitely be able to live a good life in the future!"

Thinking of this, Myolie felt relieved and no longer worried about the possibility that the young lady would marry such an unreliable person.

The day of An Ran's wedding will soon come, but until now, there may be another person who murdered the original person, but there is still no movement at all. An Ran can only ignore it if there is no movement. Anyway, there is no movement now, as long as there is no movement. The more mixed up she is, the better. Sooner or later, the other party will make some moves.

The auspicious day arrived in less than two days, and An Ran got married.

Compared to a down-and-out noble family like Changning Earl's Mansion, An Ran's happy event was quite grand.

After finishing the itinerary, when they arrived at the new house, An Ran saw Wei Heng's appearance.

Although An Ran was engaged to Wei Heng before, she had never seen him. Ever since the incident of falling into the water, Mrs. Fang Da and his wife were afraid that such a thing would happen again, so they never took An Ran out again and just left her alone. I was at home to get married, and since I had never attended the banquet, I had never seen Wei Heng - I had only seen him in my original memory, and seeing him in my memory was still different from seeing him with my own eyes.

Seeing this, An Ran secretly thought that although this Wei Heng was flirtatious and lustful, his appearance was quite good, and he did not look like he was overindulging in lust. So when Wei Heng wanted to have sex with her, An Ran chose to agree. After all, if you don't need the fantasy props, don't use them. After all, they are all in exchange for health points. Unless it is extremely disgusting and you can't eat it, otherwise you don't need to use them.

Of course, before making the choice, she also asked the system to scan Wei Heng's physical condition. If there was any infectious disease, she would not sleep with him.

Fortunately, Wei Heng was still in good health, so An Ran had no objection.

Putting aside Wei Heng's romantic and lustful nature, this person seemed to be pretty good in other aspects. No, he was quite gentle in bed. When he took her to serve tea the next morning, he was also quite gentle and considerate, keeping the situation at home in mind. He made an introduction so that she wouldn't be blinded - of course, even if he didn't tell her, she wouldn't be blinded because she had already investigated their family's situation.

The prince of Anyang County had seven sons and eight daughters.

It is normal to have many children. Clan families generally have many children. After all, they cannot go into official positions. They have nothing to do, so they can only work hard at home to create children.

In addition to Wei Heng and the prince of Anyang County who are brothers, there are also five concubine brothers. Among the seven, only two young concubines are not married, and the rest are married. In other words, An Ran has four sisters-in-law. Except for one who is the prince's concubine, the other three are concubines' sisters-in-law.

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