Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1899 The life taken away by the book wearer 5

The reason why An Ran dared to knock out Young Master Liu and was not afraid of OOC characters was because the Earl of Changning's Mansion started with military merit. Although the Earl of Changning, the original father, Mr. Fang, now has no position and only holds a false title. But he also knows a little bit about boxing and kicking.

The original person did learn from his grandfather when he was a child, but of course he didn't practice now. In order to make it reasonable for him to knock out Young Master Liu, An Ran had to say that he had been exercising continuously. Anyway, the maid and mother-in-law couldn't keep an eye on him all the time. Looking at the original body, she could probably say that she practiced while taking a break. It just so happened that she was indeed practicing kung fu while taking a break, so she could handle it.

Mrs. Fang was furious when she heard that Mr. Liu dared to do such a thing to her daughter. She immediately called for Mr. Fang and Mrs. Liu.

After all, this matter involved her husband's concubine's maiden brother. If she didn't call her husband, she was afraid that Mrs. Liu would bite her back in the future.

Soon Master Fang and Mrs. Liu came over.

An Ran and Mrs. Fang glanced at Mrs. Liu and saw that she looked worried, and they knew for sure - Mrs. Liu obviously knew about this.

Thinking of this, Mrs. Fang became even more angry, thinking about how courageous this bitch was, daring to put his hands on the girl at home!

Mr. Fang saw Mr. Liu lying on the ground and didn't understand what this meant. He said, "This is..."

Mrs. Fang said coldly: "I want my uncle to know that this lard-blinded little bastard sneaked into Yuan Niang's house with the intention of doing evil to Yuan Niang. Fortunately, Yuan Niang knew some fist and kick skills and restrained him. So I brought my uncle and Mrs. Liu together and asked him who instigated him to do this. I didn’t believe it. No one instigated him. With his status, he dared to think of the earl’s legitimate daughter, the future Anyang County The daughter-in-law of the royal family! It is obvious that someone wants to harm our family and not want our family to marry the prince of Anyang County. If this little bastard really succeeds, we will definitely break the contract and marry our daughter to this little bastard. Just like the Liu family Conditions, we will not only be hostile to the Prince of Anyang County, but also be laughed to death by the people in the capital, so we must find the person who instigated him behind the scenes, otherwise, if we are not succeeded by that person this time, he may be accused next time What should we do to our family? Even the last time Yuan Niang was pushed into the water, I even doubted whether it was the person behind the scenes. After all, she wanted to bring shame to our family. It is similar in nature to what happened today. .”

The Earl of Changning's Mansion is a residence of down-and-out nobles, so not many of Mr. Fang's concubines are from good backgrounds, and many of them are his former maids, including this Liu family.

As for the maid, her parents' family conditions are naturally not very good, otherwise they would not have sold their daughter in the first place.

Of course, as Mrs. Liu became Master Fang's concubine, Mrs. Liu often supported her mother's family, and the Liu family gradually became prosperous. They bought land and now they are considered small landowners, so they can also be called Master Liu. For the young master.

However, if An Ran, a small landowner with only hundreds of acres of land, is to get married, the Earl of Changning will naturally be laughed to death by people in the capital. After all, no matter how miserable the Earl of Changning is, it cannot be compared to a small landowner, so Dr. Fang Only people would say that.

After listening to Mrs. Fang's analysis, Mr. Fang felt that what she said was reasonable. But when he thought that someone was really targeting the Earl of Changning's Mansion, Mr. Fang, who was already angry that Young Master Liu dared to do such a thing to his daughter, He became even more angry. Apparently, Mrs. Fang spoke to his heart, and he was also afraid that someone would target the Earl of Changning Mansion.

So at that moment, I thought that Young Master Liu would not succeed, so I felt relieved, but now I started to think about it again, and decided to interrogate Young Master Liu.

An Ran noticed that Mrs. Liu's face became paler and paler when Mrs. Fang was analyzing it. Seeing her like this, An Ran knew something in her heart. She knew that even if Mrs. Liu didn't do it, at least she was aware of it. Otherwise, if she didn't know anything, she wouldn't behave like this. After all, if she didn't know anything, the ignorant would not be guilty, and she wouldn't have to worry like she does now. After all, she no longer cares about her nephew, but she cares more about herself. , so when something happens to her nephew, her reaction is completely different from when something happens to her. And the way she looks now, she obviously feels that if she continues to investigate, something will happen to her. This naturally shows that Mrs. Liu has no feelings for Young Master Liu. Today's action was at least informed.

Because she and Mr. Fang reached an agreement, Mrs. Fang asked her confidant to wake up Mr. Liu.

An Ran winked at Mrs. Fang and Mr. Fang, telling them not to speak for now. She would stand next to Mr. Liu and let them see what Mr. Liu would say when he woke up.

Mrs. Liu on the side saw their intention and was very anxious. She wanted to say something to remind Young Master Liu, but she didn't dare. She knew that when Master Fang suspected that someone had instigated Young Master Liu to destroy the Earl of Changning's Mansion, if She dared to make any remarks to remind Young Master Liu to be careful with his words. Master Fang would immediately feel that it was her who instigated it, and he would not be able to end well by then, so naturally he did not dare to say anything.

Her worry was really not false. No, when Young Master Liu woke up, he didn't realize there was anyone else around him. He only looked at An Ran standing in front of him, and said with a smile on his face: "Miss Fang, hand It's so exciting. If you hit me like this again, I'll scream and let everyone know that you and I are alone in the same room. When the time comes, you can only marry me, so you might as well...hehe ...Just obey me now, I promise not to shout."

This guarantee is just a fart. The person who asked him to do this was the one who asked him to marry Fang Anran, so even if he succeeds, he will still let others know about it, and when the time comes, it will be easier for others to know. Well, I am just saying this now because I am afraid that I have not succeeded yet, so I deliberately deceive An Ran so that I can get An Ran.

As a result, after he said this, An Ran did not move, but he was kicked to the ground from behind. When he looked, he found that there were a bunch of people standing behind him. The person who kicked him was someone with some boxing skills. Master Fang.

Mr. Fang was so angry when he heard this little bastard talking to An Ran like that. He immediately kicked the person to the ground and said angrily: "Young bastard! What kind of thing are you? You dare to scheme against the girl from the Earl's Mansion!"

Young Master Liu didn't expect Master Fang and others to be here, so his expression changed, but he immediately calmed down and said: "The eldest girl admired me and asked me to come..."

Madam Fang didn't want to hear his dirty talk, so she immediately slammed the table, interrupted him, and said, "Come here! Pull this nonsense-talking little bastard down and beat him twenty times!"

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