Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1894 The Fourth Disaster 58 (End)

Because their children went to the same kindergarten, An Ran still saw that classmate from time to time. However, the classmate did not become suspicious of An Ran's husband who did not see her. After all, when she thought about it, since An Ran was not at work, she was the one picking up and dropping off the children. It was normal for my husband not to show up.

After that, An Ran's life became leisurely. In the game, he became a salty fish gang. In reality, because the money he earned was enough, he didn't do anything special and continued to be a salty fish gang.

She lived for more than eighty years in the game, and almost thirty years have passed in the real world.

Although she passed away in the game world, the game system did not disappear. The reason is very simple, because she herself did not die, and the game system was bound to the original soul. As long as she did not die, the game naturally did not disappear.

But because the previous character is no longer usable, she is dead now, and the game system's mission has been completed. This game system allows her to enter the game world as an ordinary player, without having to be an NPC in the game. However, her game system control panel is still there, but now she has two panels, one NPC panel and one ordinary player panel.

An Ran didn't expect such a good thing. She secretly thought that she should have known that the game system would not disappear if she died. She should have died in the game earlier so that she could enter the game world as an ordinary player earlier.

In fact, when the identity in the game was about to die, the senior officials of various countries in the real world were also worried that if she, the NPC, died, the game would end.

As a result, the NPC died and the game did not end. It was just a reminder that the game would be controlled by the system from now on, without any mention of Enron's situation.

People in reality don't know that the third prince is a real person. Now that the third prince is dead and the game system is under the control of the system, they don't care. After all, it would be better if the system issues tasks.

Because the game system has not disappeared, the rapidly developing technology in reality continues to develop rapidly. After all, the explosive development of technology brought about by doubling the research and development time is very powerful.

Even before Enron's role in the game was over, technologies such as driverless driving, myopia elimination, and artificial intelligence butlers began to mature.

Just like Enron, today's cars are driverless, and it is a blessing not to have to drive.

Then, he also bought an artificial intelligence butler, and all the cleaning, laundry and cooking at home were taken care of by the artificial intelligence butler. All Anron needed to do was to buy groceries from the vegetable shopping APP, have them delivered to his home by courier, and leave them to the artificial intelligence butler to handle. .

Human happiness is further improving.

Now, with the development of time, more technologies are developing, such as medicines that extend lifespan, and they are slowly being produced.

Although it is not as long as the cultivation world or the interstellar world, it has increased the average life span from the current eighty years to one hundred years.

Even though it is only an improvement of 20 years, it is already very impressive. After all, it is just like a human examination. It is easy to improve from 50 points to 80 points, but it is very difficult to improve from 80 points to 100 points. The same goes for the average life span. From the average life span of eighty years to the average life span of one hundred years, it is already a big improvement. Long-lived people can even live to be one hundred, forty or fifty years old.

And this, as the game lasts longer, may be able to improve.

Afterwards, An Ran lived in this world to the age of 150, living under the same roof for four generations.

It stands to reason that with such a long life span, a generation in their thirties should have at least five or six generations. However, as life spans get longer, many people get married later. Therefore, although An Ran lived 150 years, he is considered a longevity in this era. Yes, but it’s still just four generations living under one roof. Of course, there are also families who get married early, at 150 years old, and have six or seven generations living under one roof.

However, there are only a small number of people with six or seven generations living under the same roof. Most people only live to be about 120 years old. It is good to have four generations living under the same roof. It is similar to the ancient people who only lived to be thirty or forty years old.

This is normal. After all, people in ancient times got married and had children at the age of fourteen or fifteen. Later, as the economy developed, people got married and had children at the age of twenty-four or even thirty-four or even thirty-four or five years old. In ancient times, people at the age of thirty-four or five could become grandfathers. Grandma, lifespan has since been extended, and people get married and have children by the age of forty-four or five. As a result, even if human lifespans have become longer, there are still only three or four generations living together.

And precisely because people get married and have children later, although human lifespan has been extended, the world's total population has not increased much, and there has not been a population explosion.

As for what An Ran was worried about about her leaving this world and what to do with this game, there was no need to worry.

When she came to this world, she was twenty years old, and when she passed away, she was one hundred and fifty years old. In other words, she had stayed in this world for one hundred and thirty years, and two or three years have passed in the game. Hundreds of years ago.

In order to allow players to have more accounts, Enron placed all future players on a new continent in that world. It was a continent with 20 to 30 million square kilometers, a place similar to the real America. Let players go to that place where there are no people. Develop (toss) on the empty island.

Players quickly became so popular playing on that empty continent. Of course, there can't be just players and no natives on the entire continent. It's just that the natives on that continent are too barbaric and backward. Unlike the people of Daqi, at least they are still alive. Able to communicate, many players used the large ships that had been developed to pick up many people from Daqi. An Ran also felt that the population in Daqi land was increasing due to the development of productivity and the lack of war disasters. No matter how many people left, they agreed to immigrate, and soon that continent became prosperous.

Let’s not talk about the things in the game, but let’s talk about the explosive development of modern technology. At this time, holography has been developed. Although it is not as good as "The King", two or three hundred years of research in the game still allowed this technology to be developed. .

So when An Ran asked what to do with this game after she left, the game system told her that after she left this world, there should be other holographic online games coming to this world. I believe that players will play other games by then. After all, some people have been playing this game for more than a hundred years, and some people have long been tired of it. There is no substitute, so they have no choice but to play this game. If there is a new game, they will definitely leave.

At that time, the system will take the opportunity to shut down the server of "The King". Anyway, after two to three hundred years of development, the world has become very good, and shutting it down will have no impact.

An Ran felt relieved after hearing what it said.

An Ran soon passed away and returned to the real world. In the mission world, the game system turned off the server of "The King" just as it told An Ran.

Although many players are reluctant to part with it, because many new games have appeared, it is not a matter of life and death, so they leave the world peacefully and the game disappears. It is a painless thing. At most, it will be countless. Years later, many people miss this first holographic game.

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