Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1876 The Fourth Disaster 40

Because Enron blacklisted the Shangguan family together with other families and government laboratories from various countries, the Shangguan family did not feel that Enron was deliberately targeting them.

In fact, Enron is really targeting them deliberately. They have built a laboratory in the game, and are preparing to copy a new drug that has been researched in real life in the game, and then use the natives to conduct experiments on humans and animals. Block the other party.

Of course, I also took into account the progress of various countries in developing weapons in the game. I felt that I couldn't wait any longer, so I decided to do this at the same time.

After cutting off the Shangguan family's way of using living people to test medicine in the game, it basically cut off the Shangguan family's ability to cause trouble in the game and make a fortune, even in reality, because Enron announced the Shangguan family's intentions in the game. , also made the Shangguan family's reputation bad, and then the stock price fell.

This series of methods was naturally done by An Ran in order to avenge the original person. Otherwise, she would not have to announce the names of the banned players, but would just directly ban them. The name would be announced just to attack the Shangguan family. .

However, although this incident has a certain blow to the Shangguan family, because of this incident, not only the Shangguan family, but also many people around the world are doing it. Because there are so many people, everyone's attention is distracted, so the Shangguan family Although they were scolded, it was not as noticeable as when they were the only family, so the blow to the Shangguan family was not particularly severe.

But that's alright for the time being. She has plenty of time, so take her time. The most important thing now is the game. After all, the original person wants to complete the game. After the game is completed, it won't be too late to go back and clean up the Shangguan family. Even if there is nothing else The method is to directly eliminate the physical body. I believe that by then, her martial arts practice will be very powerful. Even if the Shangguan family's security measures are very strong, it should not be difficult to sneak into the Shangguan family and eliminate the Shangguan family's physical body.

After giving the Shangguan family a small blow, An Ran turned her focus back to the game.

While she was dealing with the Shangguan family and others, the war between the San tribe and Qi State in the game became more and more intense.

Although there is still a long way to go from Anran's territory, at least it is across Anyuan City, it has also begun to affect Anran. In one of the most obvious places, the number of merchants coming and going has begun to decrease.

Because the Sang tribe cut off the city before Anyuan City, merchants from Qi could not come, and merchants from outside could not come either.

Although the number of merchants coming and going decreased, the number of merchants did not decrease under the Enron rule.

Foreign merchants saw the war between Qisang and Sang, so they gathered under An Ran's rule and began to inquire about information to see what supplies the warring parties needed, hoping to make money by diverting military supplies.

War has always been the biggest business opportunity. It just depends on whether you have the courage to do it.

There were also some Qi merchants who came back from outside and were unable to go back because the roads were cut off, so they also gathered under An Ran's rule.

So in a short period of time, An Ran's rule was crowded with many merchants, but there were no merchants from Daqi.

It has been difficult to make money in wars since ancient times, and this time is no exception. No, after observing for a period of time, many merchants took the risk to get grain, grass, horses, clothing, etc. from other areas and transported them to the battlefield. Sold to both warring parties.

The people who did this were not only overseas traders, but also Daqi traders. The people they sold to were both Sang people and Daqi people.

Capital knows no borders, that's what it is. Don't expect Daqi merchants to sell all their supplies to Daqi soldiers. Many of them will also sell to San enemies. Only a few people will remember that they are Qi people. Unwilling to sell supplies to the enemy in order to earn high returns.

The merchants themselves felt that it was okay to do this, and they didn't care about it. After the Qi Dynasty was destroyed, there would be no eggs left in the nest. They had life to make money but not life to spend it. Anyway, they saw that there was money to be made at this time, so they did it. After all, as the saying goes Well said, if there is a 300% profit, the capitalists dare to commit any crime, even risk being hanged, to sell some supplies to the enemy country, it is nothing.

But Enron would not let the other party do this.

Regardless of whether he is the third prince of Da Qi, whether he will unify Da Qi in the future, and does not want to see the people of Da Qi die, or whether this war is an aggressive war launched by the San tribe first, if justice is not on the side of the San tribe, Anron will not let it go The merchants in their own territory sell supplies to the San people.

Therefore, an announcement was made immediately. Once anyone is found to have sold supplies to the San people, they will be expelled immediately and will never be able to pass under their own rule in the future. Of course, they will not be allowed to live in their own territory.

"As the prince of Da Qi, I will not allow traitors to live under my rule."

An Ran expressed this position through his identity as the prince of Da Qi.

Those businessmen saw that An Ran had issued such an announcement. Some of them restrained themselves, but most of them did not restrain themselves. After all, the profits from war hard-earned money were too high, and they were reluctant to part with them. So they were discovered by An Ran selling things to the San people, and after being banned from entering the country, Then he curled his lips and took a detour to other places to continue selling things to the San people.

Seeing that they were making a lot of money, they thought they had a plan and couldn't help but be happy. At the same time, they despised those who listened to An Ran and refused to sell anything to the San tribe.

But what they don't know is that Enron's territory will get bigger and bigger, and it will be even bigger in the future. These people feel that if they don't pass by Enron, they won't pass by. Anyway, they just can't bear the benefits, so they choose to pass by other places, but They never thought that one day in the future, when Enron's territory expanded to the entire Greater Qiga Desert, they had no choice but to move their family to a foreign country and live a wandering life without being able to return to their hometown. I began to regret it, and I regret it more and more as I get older. After all, when people get old, they just want to return to their roots. If they can't do it, they will naturally regret the things they did earlier.

However, they naturally did not regret it at this time. On the contrary, they were still complacent. They felt that the third prince had no brains and did not kill them, but just expelled them. They were not afraid at all.

And because Anron refused to sell supplies to the San tribe, most of the large number of merchants who had gathered in the government suddenly disappeared. Obviously, nearly half of them wanted to make money from the war, but there was no other way. Who would let the San The family offered a high price, so it’s no wonder they were tempted.

It is normal for the Sang people to pay higher prices than Da Qi because the Sang people have been plundering Da Qi all the year round and plundering a lot of money from the people of Da Qi. They need someone to sell the stolen goods, so they use themselves to rob Da Qi. The looted gold, silver and jewels were exchanged for supplies from merchants in Daqi.

They also know that the war requires a lot of materials, so the looted gold, silver and jewelry are generally sold at very low prices, allowing the merchants to make more money by reselling them. Therefore, the merchants are more willing to sell the materials to the San people, and some even Some of them, who had sinned against their conscience, even deliberately provided intelligence information from the Central Plains for the San people to plunder, so that they could turn around and buy those things from the San people at low prices, and then sell them to the people of Daqi at normal prices, thus making a profit. Take a huge price difference.

Therefore, the hands of many merchants are actually stained with the blood of Daqi people.

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