Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 187 The suppressed anchor 9

But for these reasons, An Ran naturally couldn't tell Ji Luo. After all, how could she explain her foresight? So An Ran could only say: "I rely on my ability to make a living. I obviously saved you and you helped me by reciprocating the favor. We have a relationship, but in the eyes of others, seeing you standing up for me, they think you It’s like he’s my sponsor, and I don’t want others to have this misconception, so if the company’s senior management knows about this, I’d rather you not help me.”

So as not to alert others, Gao Feifei and the financial backers behind her would not dare to do anything to her.

Of course, what An Ran said is also one of the reasons. Originally, like Ji Luo, who was obviously destined to die before, she saved people, and she didn't want anyone to repay her, but people took the initiative to help, and everyone came to help. In the past, it was good to return the favor and not owe each other anything. Naturally, she didn't want to look like she was relying on Ji Luo in the eyes of others.

An Ran's reason was quite normal. Ji Luo nodded and said, "I understand, and I won't let them know."

An Ran felt relieved after hearing his assurance.

Wang Wei naturally didn't know that he was going to be in big trouble. When he saw that An Ran didn't help him and even hung up the phone, he felt very angry and thought about what to do. Then he has to tell her the truth, don't think that being famous is a big deal, he wants to cure her, there are many ways!

At that moment, Wang Wei called the administrator of the live broadcast platform and said: "Pause Gu Anran's live broadcast."

The administrator didn't understand and said: "Gu Anran's live broadcast is very profitable. Is it appropriate to stop it immediately? Do I need to ask the superiors for instructions?"

Wang Wei said impatiently: "I will ask the superiors for instructions. You temporarily stopped her live broadcast because someone complained that she practiced medicine without a license. Instead of temporarily stopping it, she continued to live broadcast. Do you want our platform to be sued?" "

After hearing what he said, the administrator thought that he was the leader and had to listen, so he temporarily closed An Ran's live broadcast room.

Over there, Wang Wei did not immediately seek instructions from his superiors, but instead contacted those who complained about Enron's unlicensed practice of medicine.

He doesn't care if the other party is someone's troll, anyway, as long as someone complains, he will take advantage of their complaints and use this as a reason to stop Enron's live broadcast.

Of course, it's not like he won't report it to his superiors. He will also report it, but he will talk about it after a while.

Because he knew that the senior management valued Gu Anran's ability to make money. In addition, even if the relationship between other senior executives and Gu Anran was not very good, they certainly did not have conflicts with Gu Anran like him. It was impossible to let money go without making money. You have to be like him and deal with Gu Anran, so if you don't report it, you won't be able to do it. You will be scolded by the senior management.

Now that he has told other senior executives, he is afraid that they will not agree to stop Enron's live broadcast, so Wang Wei naturally cannot tell them about it immediately. He has to wait until they are about to find out that Enron's live broadcast has been stopped before he mentions it to them. .

This was Wang Wei's idea, to use the time difference to stop An Ran's live broadcast for a while, so that An Ran could know how powerful he was!

So when An Ran wanted to live broadcast in the evening, she found that the live broadcast room had stopped. It said that her live broadcast contained prohibited content and was temporarily suspended. A text message in the background said that she had been complained about practicing medicine without a license, and the website had to suspend her live broadcast. , asking her to make corrections and not broadcast such content in the future, so as not to cause harm to herself and the website.

An Ran couldn't help but feel happy. You must know that in the original person's memory, the platform gave high recommendations to Gao Feifei in order to praise her, but it still couldn't outweigh the original person's reputation. In the end, he just played this trick and found various reasons to stop the original person. Live broadcast, the original person always did not live broadcast, so her reputation naturally declined rapidly. It was not as high as the exposure brought by her recommendations everywhere, and her sponsors spending a lot of money on gifts and appearing on the reward list from time to time. Feifei.

An Ran didn't expect that she would enjoy this treatment before Gao Feifei came.

Logically speaking, it shouldn't be. After all, when the complaints were particularly severe before, the website just informed her and asked her to pay attention. I have never seen anything like this. The website stopped her live broadcast without notifying her, even if the situation was true. In an emergency, you can also call her number, so she guessed that this time, maybe it was not done intentionally by the website, but by someone in private. She had almost guessed who was behind it - except for the king. Wei, who else could have had such a thing happen just after they broke up on bad terms? It's strange that An Ran couldn't have guessed it.

Whether it was Wang Wei's private trick or not, the result will be known immediately, because if it was Wang Wei's private trick, the senior management would definitely start their own live broadcast immediately after knowing about it; but if it wasn't Wang Wei's private trick, and It was from the website. I was afraid that the live broadcast would not be available for a while, so she only had to wait for two or three days to find out.

Because her income has been relatively high recently, she was not in a hurry if the website said she had breached her live broadcast and would fine her money, so An Ran didn't call the senior management to ask what was going on and just let it go. ——When the contract is over, or the liquidated damages can be paid, Enron will no longer work on this website. After all, the original live broadcast was stopped, not because of Wang Wei alone, but because of the entire website for Gao Feifei She made the decision to suppress other anchors' websites just for the sake of the anchors with financial backers. What is she still doing here? She has no interest in contacting the top executives of such websites.

It's normal for you to praise others when they have a backer, but it's a bit too much to praise her while deliberately suppressing other people. Therefore, for such a website that exists for one person, she doesn't think there is any future for development, and she doesn't stay. If necessary, let a group of them enjoy themselves.

An Ran was too lazy to care, but Ji Luo didn't want to let it go. When he saw that the website had shut down An Ran's live broadcast, he couldn't help but said angrily: "What kind of broken website is this? It stopped your live broadcast for no reason."

"They say I practice medicine without a license..." An Ran said.

"You're talking about practicing medicine without a license. You let people go find a doctor on their own. You just made suggestions. Is this called practicing medicine without a license?" Ji Luo frowned.

"Anyway, it is really troublesome not to have a medical qualification certificate. However, since my live broadcast attracted widespread attention, many fans have contacted me and said that my situation falls under the national regulations and requires me to study traditional medicine for three years. In the situation in 2010, this master is naturally my grandfather. After passing the assessment and recommendation from a traditional medicine professional organization or a medical, prevention, and health care institution determined by the health administration department of the government at or above the county level, you can take the physician qualification or practicing assistant physician qualification examination. , you don’t need to go to medical school to study for several years and then take the exam. Some fans are from our local medical community, saying that they recognize my medical skills and can recommend me to take the exam. I have already agreed. Soon, I will believe in the concept of practicing medicine without a license. You can take it off, and then the website won’t be able to use this reason to stop my live broadcast.”

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