Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1864 The Fourth Disaster 28

So after the natives knew that these players liked to find people to carry water, although they didn't understand how there were such good people helping to plant trees in the desert every day to make their environment better and better, they didn't care about that. They just make money by carrying water through their tubes.

Therefore, at each water supply point, some indigenous people would gather, waiting for players to ask them to help carry water. Every day, a steady stream of players needed people to carry water, which provided a lot of employment and made the indigenous people's lives better.

Because the life in these three cities is getting better and better, it inevitably attracts people living in the desert, and even people from the border areas, come here to seek life here, so that the population under An Ran's control, except There are almost 40,000 players, which is a lot in a sparsely populated desert.

This is normal. The more prosperous a place is, the more job opportunities it creates. The more job opportunities there are, the more people will come. And the more people there are, the more prosperous it will be. This is a virtuous cycle.

Because the rewards for afforestation tasks are generally very generous, not only life players like to take them, but also adventure players. Sometimes they will do this task to relax after working hard to sweep away sand pirates or kill assassins, because it is almost Everyone is on board, so the green areas in the three cities are expanding bit by bit.

While greening, some houses, shops, and facilities were built in between. Since they were all built on open land, it was very convenient to plan, and the finished product was also very beautiful, which was seen by businessmen or people coming from the border. They couldn't help but marvel, feeling that if it weren't for the chaos outside the customs, otherwise they would really want to move here - although the security in the three cities controlled by the third prince is now good, who knows what will happen in the future. You know, here in the desert, except There are sand pirates, but there are alien races. Maybe one day there will be alien races who will see the wealth here and come to grab things and people. So even though the decoration here in Anran looks as beautiful as a painting, except for a few people who can't survive, they run away. Although many people have come here to make a living, most people still don't dare to come here, fearing that one day foreigners will invade and it will be unsafe here.

Yes, there will be alien races in any frontier, and the same is true in this place where An Ran is exiled.

The place where An Ran was exiled was at the border of the Daqi territory. Because there was a desert nearby, the aliens did not live here. Two hundred miles further, there was a large oasis with lush water and grass, which was the base camp of one of the Kun tribes with a large number of aliens. .

Judging from the map, Anran's location is right between the Kun tribe's base camp and Anyuan City. They are about four hundred miles apart.

Although they are four hundred miles apart, in the middle of winter, when the weather is bad and many foreign cattle and sheep freeze to death, these people will go to the border to clear grass and valleys. Anyuan City is still safe, but Anyuan City is The people outside have suffered, and they have suffered heavy losses every time.

Last year was a mild winter, and the Kun cattle and sheep did not freeze to death, so they did not come to thresh the grass. However, this year, the situation is not very good. Winter has not yet completely entered, and the weather has been very cold. An Ran estimates that the Kun tribe may come Thrash the valley.

The Kun Clan is different from the Black Wind Sand Bandits before. The Black Wind Sand Bandits only have about 10,000 people, but the Kun Clan has hundreds of thousands of them, including tens of thousands of cavalry. If we fight them, even if we have them on our side, If the players really want to fight, the immortal player will win in the end, but they will definitely suffer heavy losses, and this is obviously not what An Ran wants to see.

So An Ran immediately sent players and NPCs to keep an eye on the Kun tribe. If there was any movement, they would immediately report to her so that she could be prepared to face the enemy.

In addition, it is also time to pull out your private soldiers to see how they are doing.

As soon as the players received the mission from An Ran to inquire about the Kun tribe's movements, they knew that the plan was going to cause trouble again. Based on the information they had learned, the Kun tribe had been keen on harvesting grass valleys in winter in recent years. The players then He became nervous and took the investigation mission very seriously. After all, many players had a lot of industries in the three cities of Enron. Naturally, they didn't want the Kun tribe to come over to clear the grass valley and cause their property to suffer losses.

When some adventure players saw this news, they couldn't help but feel like it was the Chinese New Year, and felt that it was time to fight monsters again. Not only would they be able to fight monsters, but they would also be able to pick up armor, war horses, weapons, etc. that only the regular army would have, not to mention. How happy I am. You must know that although the Third Prince also sells armor, war horses, and weapons, the prices are frighteningly expensive. It would be best if you can get them yourself on the battlefield.

There's nothing you can do about why armor and the like are expensive. These things, unlike clothes and the like, are sold by the private sector. These things are not sold by the private sector. It's purely a seller's market and a monopoly. It's weird that they're not expensive.

It's fine now. Regular troops and teams are coming. Are you still afraid that you won't be able to get these good things? Thinking of this, everyone thought of that song: "No guns, no cannons, the enemy made them for us." That's about it.

Because of the excitement, everyone was particularly active in inquiring, hoping that the Kun tribe would come over. This expectation was almost the same as a child's expectation for the Chinese New Year.

Looking forward to it, looking forward to it, winter is approaching, the weather is getting colder and colder, and it is impossible to plant trees now, so everyone is enthusiastically discussing whether the Kun tribe will attack the third prince's territory.

Not only the players are looking forward to it, but also several princes in the capital are looking forward to it.

Several princes also knew about the fact that the Kun tribe came to the border and invaded Daqi all year round. In previous years, they would naturally be angry, although in their hearts, they may not really care about the lives or deaths of the common people on the border. , after all, they are just a few common people, will they care about those lower class people? However, as the prince of Da Qi, if he doesn't show anger when encountering such a thing, is he still decent? Even if he wants to win the hearts and minds of the people and win a good reputation, he still needs to be angry, and naturally he doesn't want something like this to happen in the border areas. After all, he will be the emperor in the future, and the Kun people will see Tian'er coming to rob them, but he can't do anything about them. Isn't it a slap in the face, so naturally I don't want to see such a thing happen.

But this year, they were worried on the surface, but in their hearts they were really looking forward to the Kun Clan defeating the Third Prince. They thought it would be great if the Kun Clan could defeat the Third Prince and eliminate him easily, so that they would not have to worry about how to eliminate the Third Prince. .

The expectations of several princes and players seemed to have an effect. Soon Anron received news that the Kun tribe had suffered a serious disaster this year. If there was any movement, they might come to rob them, so Anron could be prepared.

As soon as An Ran received the news, he immediately issued a mission to defend the third prince's territory. He said that there were signs of invasion by the Kun tribe, and asked everyone to be ready for battle at any time. In the event of an invasion, how many rewards could be obtained for killing an enemy.

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