Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1858 The Fourth Disaster 22

In fact, Enron can also stipulate that the account belongs to whoever orders it, but firstly, considering that some people want to make a lot of money by selling it, she wants ordinary players to have the opportunity to make a fortune; secondly, considering that the national team may need an account, Therefore, there is no such regulation. In this way, ordinary people can have the opportunity to be surprised, and the national team can also have the opportunity to enter the game, which is the best of both worlds.

Accounts can be bought and sold, which naturally leads to fights between countries. After all, from a practical point of view, the country N where the original place is located has the most advantage. After all, the game forum uses N language, and not everyone in all countries can speak N language. In this way, Come on, there is no big advantage in grabbing an account.

What's more, there are also restrictions on payment when ordering, which is very convenient for people from N countries, but very inconvenient for foreigners. To be honest, if it weren't for the fact that you can have double time in this game, otherwise no foreigners would be able to play it with such trouble.

But as the first holographic online game in history, not only rich people and national teams from various countries want to take advantage of the double game time to cause trouble, ordinary people also want to experience the fun of holographic online games, so no matter how troublesome it is, There are still foreigners coming to register and order accounts.

Especially when I heard that the fourth test was coming soon, so many people came to register for an account. They thought that if they didn’t get an account in the first three tests, they must get it in the fourth test.

Many people have recently learned the N national dialect unexpectedly, which has led to the popularity of the N national dialect in the world. Especially the registration and ordering of these pages on forums has been translated into the languages ​​of each country. Combined with the N national dialect they have learned, they are all It is easy to read, so there are especially many people who have registered.

Seeing that many foreigners are obviously registering, many netizens from country N really want them to disappear, so that they can have fewer competitors. Like now, more and more foreigners are registering, and they are grabbing more and more accounts. The harder it is, doesn’t it make people annoying?

It's a pity that there is no way to prevent foreigners from registering. Even if the country wants to stop it, it can't because it cannot block this website from foreign countries - the country naturally wants to block this website from outside the country, but because it fails, it can only issue the ban - In this case, everyone can only watch foreigners pour in in droves, but there is nothing they can do.

Although netizens can't help it, An Ran has a way - her account will definitely be blocked by then, and she won't draw too many foreigners. No one will find out anyway. After all, no one knows how many foreigners have reserved accounts. In this way, no one will doubt why there are fewer foreigners.

Of course, no one knows that foreigners get proportionally fewer accounts, because no one can count how many accounts foreigners have. After all, foreign countries are not one country, but many countries. In this way, no matter how many accounts foreigners have, No country will tell people from other countries how many accounts they have in their own country.

Of course, in many countries, even the officials may not know how many accounts there are in their country. After all, the officials know how many accounts they have, but how can the officials know who among the private sector has accounts?

In this way, not only the total number of accounts is chaotic, but also the number of accounts in one's own country is chaotic. This makes it easier for An Ran to manipulate it.

In any case, when she lives in the country where her original body is, she naturally gravitates towards the country where her original body is. After all, the stronger her country is, the better, especially when the country where her original body is located does not care much about her. If the country where her original body is located is If the country treats the original person badly, that's another matter.

Therefore, these netizens do not need to worry too much, but it is not convenient for her to tell this matter.

Soon, the houses, food and other things in Wunan City were almost completed. Enron also had more money and was able to buy mission NPCs, so he started the fourth test.

She has arranged 10,000 places for the fourth test, and players can freely choose their place of birth. They can choose to be born in Huangsha City or Wunan City.

Although many people choose to be born in Wunan City, many people still choose to be born in Huangsha City, because Huangsha City is the closest place to the third prince and it is convenient for them to increase the favorability of the third prince.

Although it seems that you can get a lot of good missions by brushing up the favorability of other people. It seems that brushing up the favorability of the third prince does not have much benefit, but it will be beneficial in the future. After all, the third prince is the protagonist, so everyone should try their best. To increase the favorability of the third prince, I was ready to increase his favorability to the maximum level and then increase the favorability of others.

An Ran doesn't care where these players choose to be born. It doesn't matter even if they choose Huangsha City. Anyway, as long as there are enough people, what will she do in Wunan City? She will directly issue the task. In order to complete the task, the players will be born in Huangsha City. I will go to Wunan City.

As more and more foreigners entered the game, An Ran found that many players spoke to him in blunt Chinese, and he knew that these must be foreigners.

Although there are 10,000 accounts this time, and there are also many people applying for accounts from abroad, accounting for about 10% - this time, there are tens of millions of people applying for accounts. If it is 10%, it will be millions of people. For one game, there are Millions of foreigners applied, which is already a lot of people - but Enron did not give foreigners a proportion of one thousand accounts, but only two hundred.

Although there are only two hundred, it is still a lot. After all, foreigners may also use various methods to acquire hundreds of accounts from Country N. Although the country prohibits selling accounts to foreigners, there will always be people who covet them. Money is sold regardless of national regulations - so in this fourth test, foreigners should have about 500 accounts. In this way, although the ratio is not 10%, it is still very powerful if it is 50%.

In addition to the nearly five hundred before, there should be almost a thousand foreign players in the game. So An Ran felt that the increase in foreign players was normal. After all, one thousand foreign players out of 20,000 players is equivalent to almost twenty There is one foreigner among them, and this ratio is not low.

Although it is not low, countries do not feel satisfied and still think it is low. After all, foreign countries are not one country. A thousand accounts are divided into many countries, and only a few can be obtained by one country. Naturally, they are not satisfied, so they continue to resort to small tricks. , tried every means to buy an account from Country N, and Country N would not be so cowardly, and would naturally guard against and ban it. So for a while, Country N and several countries were engaged in a secret war. Of course, no one said anything openly. .

Although An Ran knew something about this from the system, she didn't take it to heart. Anyway, she was only responsible for the card accounts. As for how to keep these accounts from being leaked, it was the country's business. She also believed that Country N had this Power, not to mention 100% protection of all accounts, but it can definitely protect the vast majority of accounts. She doesn't have to worry that Country N can't protect it. If it really fails, the worst case scenario is that once she applies for an account, it will be bound to her. In this way, the account cannot be traded, netizens will lose an income, and then the country will not be able to get the account. She will not do this unless it is a last resort.

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