Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1836 Return of the Dead 34 (End)

Because everything was taken care of, the relationship between An Ran and her son was pretty good, and there was no estrangement between mother and son due to the struggle for power.

Because he did not practice spiritual power, An Ran only relied on martial arts and medical skills in this world and lived for more than ninety years. Although it is quite rare for those in the world where he can practice, it is still quite good for the people in this world. Much more.

And because she lived to be more than ninety years old, the Lu family, which she also took care of, prospered for decades, and was finally promoted from a family of minor officials to one of the aristocratic families.

When she returned to the real world, the mission was successfully completed as she had imagined, and she received a five-star rating from her original body.

Then she looked at the system and found that there was an unfinished story in this world.

But he said that in the original world, after the original person and his natal family were killed by the regent and Bai Zhi, it was only the first step on the road to murder for the two of them.

Because of Bai Zhi's vengeful character, she would kill people at every turn. In the end, no one dared to raise an objection to her words. The people who served her were all cautious, for fear that if they were not careful, Queen Bai would be blamed for any of her words. Not happy, kill them.

The regent also had a character that was determined to retaliate. Before he achieved a great cause, he tried his best to be patient. When he achieved a great cause and no longer needed to maintain his reputation for the great cause, he began to reveal his true character. Like Bai Zhi, which official in the court made him unhappy. If he doesn't, he will find reasons, ranging from demoting the other party's official position to causing the other party to lose his life.

Under this situation, the court soon became the talking point between the regent and Bai Zhi.

The high-pressure rule of those who obeyed me prospered and those who went against me perished did not go as they wished. No one dared to express dissatisfaction with them anymore, so that they could hear good things every day. As time went by, some people couldn't stand them, so there were One day, both of them died suddenly.

It was obvious that someone had poisoned them, but I couldn't figure out who poisoned them.

After the two of them played to death, they also played to the death of the court - because they died suddenly and no heir was appointed, the court became chaotic. After that, it became more and more chaotic, and they started fighting against each other. In the end, the country Torn apart.

As for the children of the two culprits, naturally none of them survived in this war-torn state. After all, their parents killed many people and their enemies were all over the court. So now that the regent and Bai Zhi are dead, how can they survive.

Not only were their children gone, but the Bai family was also implicated and wiped out. Who made Bai Zhi have too many enemies? Some people were not satisfied with killing them, and they wanted to kill more people to vent their anger, so the Bai family naturally Being targeted.

An Ran was speechless when he saw this, thinking that these two people could not even defend Chengdu, but they still insisted on becoming emperors.

Nothing major happened when she came back this time. During this period, she visited Grandpa Qiao twice and then concentrated on practicing.

Three months passed by in the blink of an eye. Seeing the time, even if An Ran didn't want to do the task, she had to choose a task and enter the task world.


When An Ran opened her eyes this time, she was in an endless wasteland, with a few weeds dotted in the long yellow sand. The wind happened to blow by, rolling up the yellow sand and blowing towards her face. If she hadn't turned around, It turned so fast that I almost took a mouthful of yellow sand.

After the gust of wind passed, An Ran began to look through the original memory.

Originally, when she looked at this place and the way her body was dressed, she thought she was on another ancient mission this time, but through her memory she realized that things were more complicated than she imagined.

But the original Ji Anran was just an ordinary sophomore. Suddenly one day, she traveled through time. It was not an ordinary time travel, but a game system. What’s even better is that she can travel back and forth without having to I have been living in ancient times without the Internet and various conveniences.

The game system told her that in the game she was the third prince of the Qi Kingdom who was exiled to the border for crimes. Of course, she was not a real prince, but a woman disguised as a man. Her original mother-in-law wanted a son to compete for her favor. So he pretended that his daughter was his son, and no one had ever discovered him in these years.

The game system issues tasks to her to conquer the world. Once she fails, she will be wiped out.

Because the game system can summon heroes - a bit like some card-drawing games - the original person began to summon heroes in the real world to help - and this is very similar to the most popular fourth-day disaster novel at the moment.

According to the original plan, although she was just an ordinary sophomore with no political or military abilities, she would one day be able to conquer the world with the powerful ability of this fourth natural disaster.

However, the original person is too silly and sweet. Just like the original person in the doomsday town before, this original person also accidentally revealed that he is the game controller because he met a rich and handsome man in the game and fell in love. fact.

So a terrible thing happened - the other party found her place in reality, imprisoned her, and opened the door to her so that the other party could experiment with the other party's family's new drugs in the game.

All human experiments that are not allowed in reality are done on the bodies of local indigenous people - after all, this is the real world, so the experiments done on those people are also effective in reality.

As a result, the other party's family had a steady stream of new medicines and made countless fortunes.

That's it, the other party is still not satisfied. This is normal. People always have to look forward to Shu.

In order to protect the interests of the family, the other party began to research weapons in the game. After the experiment was successful, they were produced in reality.

Whether it is using the bodies of the natives to test medicine or make weapons, it cannot be done without the permission of the original body. But now that the original body is in their hands, naturally they dare not say anything and can only let them do it.

So soon, the other family became more and more powerful and developed the desire to control the world. They used the drugs and weapons in their hands to attack those countries that did not listen to them. Because they caused trouble, wars soon broke out in the real world, and everywhere The flames of war; and the world that the original body traveled through was quickly devastated because of the man who kept testing drugs on people and messing around with new weapons.

Of course, the imprisoned original person didn't know this. She didn't know it until after her death.

Because of her, the two worlds were destroyed. The original person blamed himself, so he spent all his money to find the person who did the task and asked him to help. One was to complete the task assigned by the game system, and the other was to seek revenge. Let the man and his family, whose hands are stained with the blood of countless people, get the end they deserve. Thirdly, if possible, I hope that I can live a good life, instead of being constantly tortured like her life. People control and bully, and then no one will find out that she is the game master.

The moment An Ran arrived was when his original body was preparing to summon heroes to help him develop.

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