Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1833 Return of the Dead 31

However, even a girl of low birth still has ambitions after having a prince. This kind of thing is impossible to prevent. Unless there is no prince, as long as there is a prince, there will be a fight.

The important minister's family did not have a daughter in the palace, so it did not prevent them from taking sides. Who didn't want to compete for the glory of the dragon? So soon after, Emperor Jianning, who didn't want to get involved in the political struggle, still got involved.

And as for Emperor Jianning's not-too-smart brain, can he fight against those thousand-year-old foxes in the court? Soon, he was manipulated. One day he was deceived and he killed the concubine and her son out of suspicion. He was deceived again tomorrow and he killed that concubine and her son out of suspicion. This caused chaos in the palace from time to time. There will be a cleansing.

In fact, given Emperor Jianning's intelligence, if he didn't want such a thing to happen, he would have not given birth to a son, which would at least be safer, or he would have had only Anron's child. He won't cause trouble for An Ran, and An Ran won't deal with him, and he can guarantee his life. If a lot of children come out like now, it will be easy for someone to take sides, and then his status will be easy to lose. After all, he has no ability. , if they cannot control the court, those people may get rid of whoever becomes more powerful and help the little prince ascend to the throne. After all, the little emperor is easy to control.

But Emperor Jianning couldn't do it if he didn't have sex with women without the regent to suppress him, so he ended up in the current dilemma, but he was asking for trouble.

However, after Emperor Jianning showed a respectful attitude toward An Ran, he protected An Ran's mother and son from being disturbed. Everyone knew that their mother and son were not favored, so An Ran closed the door and enjoyed himself without going. Regardless of the ups and downs outside.

Of course, as mentioned before, just because you don't mess with others doesn't mean that others won't mess with you. Although Emperor Jianning didn't make An Ran's child the prince, as the eldest son, he will always be a thorn in others' eyes, and there will always be troubles. The sensible person wants to harm An Ran's mother and son - either he wants to frame An Ran, he wants to destroy An Ran so that An Ran's child will be either his eldest son, or he wants to harm An Ran's child so that his eldest son disappears.

Of course, these women who attack will basically not end well.

Those who dare to attack An Ran or An Ran's children will naturally not have very clean hands. Therefore, as early as Emperor Jianning selected many women to enter the palace, An Ran has been sending people to monitor these women, so he will have It is not easy to deal with An Ran who has information about these women's evil deeds. As long as the information about them harming other concubines or princes is given to their opponents, An Ran does not need to take action. Anyone who dares to attack An Ran or An Ran's children will be punished. It will be taken care of by others.

An Ran doesn't want to take the initiative to harm others, but if others want to harm her, she won't be a holy mother and let it go easily.

So, on the surface, An Ran and his son lived a very comfortable life. They lived happily in their palace without experiencing any ups and downs, unlike other concubines who would have troubles from time to time. But behind such tranquility, there was Enron made great efforts to maintain it.

When the child grew up and had the ability to think rationally, An Ran did not hide these things from the child and told him all these things.

She didn't want her child to become silly and sweet and be deceived in the future, so she still wanted him to know the dark side of the palace.

And time passed very quickly. Soon, Emperor Jianning was overworked because of the hard work in the harem - not only the drinking and sex made him work hard, but also the constant fighting among the concubines in the harem, which also made him work hard from time to time. Encountered an important minister who poisoned him in order to kill him, and helped the prince he supported to ascend to power, which made Emperor Jianning truly take control of the power. In just over ten years, his body was hollowed out. He was not even forty years old. collapsed.

After the death of Emperor Jianning, the feuding ministers became more energetic, feeling that it was finally their turn to come to power. One by one, one by one, they were all fighting over who should be appointed as the new king.

Unexpectedly, before they were so happy and ready to take action, the eldest prince, the son of An Ran, jumped out, ordered the imperial guards to arrest all the other princes, and then, with the support of his own people, he ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor.

After proclaiming the emperor, it is enough to treat other princes and their mothers and concubines who have not done anything evil. As long as they have done it, they will be exposed. Those who deserve to be killed will be killed, and those who deserve to be granted will be killed, and all the ministers in the court will be able to do it cleanly and neatly. There was no time to react.

It turned out that An Ran began to arrange his own power long after Emperor Jianning gave up fighting with the ministers and wandered around the harem.

Her focus is mainly on the military generals, and some civil servants are also placed, but relatively few, as long as the basic needs are met.

As for the military generals, she had already been slowly operating, replacing the commanders of the capital camp and the imperial army with her own people. So now that Emperor Jianning died, An Ran had the opportunity to start an uprising.

Yes, what to do was actually mainly discussed between An Ran and his son. They had already made numerous plans for what to do if Emperor Jianning died, so they could do it now in an orderly manner.

After discussing with her son, An Ran left this matter to him. She did not come forward. After all, it was her son who came forward now. When he was establishing his power, she wanted to steal his limelight. It would be more difficult to establish his power in the future. It was troublesome, and besides, her main goal was to complete the mission, and she never thought about fighting for power in this world, so she just let her son do it.

Now that she saw things developing according to her plan, she couldn't help but feel relieved.

After the new emperor came to the throne, based on the intelligence he had received, all the ministers who had done evil with the princes were confiscated and exiled. Naturally, the masterminds of the evil would be sentenced to death, but they did not wantonly execute the entire family. ——An Ran’s son was taught very well by her. He was not the kind of person who would kill everyone in his family at every turn. Then he was replaced by An Ran and the people he had arranged long ago. There was no need to worry about the loss of the court without these people. Law moves.

Because the imperial army and the capital camp are all members of the new emperor, and the important towns in various places are also guarded by the new emperor's people, so with the new emperor's replacement, no one dares to jump out to encourage rebellion and rebellion, mainly because they can't find the manpower.

Since the new emperor ascended the throne, the Lu family has finally felt proud.

You know, after the death of the regent, the Lu family thought that Emperor Jianning liked their daughter so much. Now that the regent is dead, he will definitely treat his daughter well. After all, it was his daughter who pushed the regent, and the regent died. , that is to say, in the matter of killing the regent, my daughter had merit, and she should be rewarded for her merit. She should be promoted a few levels and then transferred to a better department.

As a result, Emperor Jianning was so worthless that he threw away their daughters after using them. He started to draft a lot of talent and gave birth to a lot of princes and princesses. He didn't even go to his own daughters. As for promoting the Lu family, he never promoted them. Mr. Lu's promotion to the fourth rank is the result of more than ten years of hard work.

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