Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1826 Return of the Dead 24

Because he felt particularly humiliated, Emperor Jianning hated the regent even more than he did in his original world. After all, in his original world, he had no children, one person had enough to eat, and the whole family was not hungry, so he could just muddle along. But in his original world, he had no children. In this world, he has a child. Maybe after having a child, his descendants will have more motivation and want to struggle, but then find that he cannot struggle. No matter how hard he struggles, others will ride on his head and dominate him. This feeling naturally made him hate the Prince Regent even more.

But his hatred is just like his humiliation. It has no use except making himself uncomfortable. There is no other way. He is not as powerful as An Ran. Even if he wants to deal with the regent, he can't find a way. In this case, he can only do it on his own. Frustrated.

In fact, Emperor Jianning had not thought about seizing power in these years, but the regent naturally wanted to guard against him, so he controlled him tightly. It was impossible for him to meet anyone in secret, and he couldn't do it in front of the regent. For the sake of people, win over any minister and let him stand on your side to deal with the regent. Of course, even if he really does this, the other party is not stupid. It is impossible to say that he cooperates with the emperor in front of the regent's people. , to deal with the regent, after all, the regent has only one hand to cover the sky, who dares to confront him openly now - those who are dissatisfied can only confront him secretly, and only a few young people can persuade the regent to return the government. Officials and high-ranking officials all cherish their official status and take sides cautiously - so no matter how hard Emperor Jianning tried, he never made any progress on the issue of taking back power.

After An Ran gave birth to the prince, she started to use birth control because she needed to practice martial arts well and be ready to deal with the regent at any time.

At this moment, General Manager Zhang said to An Ran with a solemn expression: "Madam, it's best for us to close the palace door tightly and reduce going out recently. I heard from my boys that there is a suspected human plague outside, and many people have caught the cold. Passed away.”

When Manager Zhang said this, An Ran remembered such a thing from his original memory. It seemed that one winter, many people contracted the cold and passed away.

In this world, people don’t know about epidemic infectious diseases. They only see people dying one after another and call it human plague. In fact, no one knows what kind of virus it is.

They don't know, but Enron Space has instruments that can measure it.

A long time ago, when Enron was in Interstellar, he bought a virus analyzer in the mall and was able to recommend suitable drugs through the analyzer.

Of course, in this era, no one else could take those medicines except herself, but at least she didn't have to worry about being infected.

Although the original body was not infected in the original world, there were too many things about butterflies in her own world. She could not guarantee that it would develop like the original world, so she naturally had to be on guard. After all, she was not her now. Alone, she has children, and a group of loyal men.

So after listening to Manager Zhang's words, An Ran nodded and said: "According to the arrangement you said, our palace people will not go out for the time being. You arrange for someone to purchase a batch of supplies and wait until this period of time has passed."

Then he notified Emperor Jianning of the matter and asked Emperor Jianning to do the same in Qianqing Palace.

In addition to these two palaces, An Ran also ordered that the entire palace be put on alert. Try not to go out unless necessary. Once you go out, such as purchasing supplies, etc., you will be quarantined for half a month after returning. If anyone is infected with the cold, they should be searched quickly. All contacts will be quarantined.

Emperor Jianning was also shocked when he heard about this.

He was only in his early twenties, the best years of his life, and he had just given birth to a son. Naturally, he did not want to die, so he immediately agreed to An Ran's arrangement and asked everyone to go to the Regent's Palace for instructions if they had anything to do. There was no need to go to court for the time being. , lest anyone in this group is infected with the cold and infects him, then he will be finished.

At the same time, with the consent of the regent, he also issued an order for everyone in the capital to go out as little as possible to avoid the spread of human plague.

He didn't need to say this, everyone knew it. You know, no matter what era, people are afraid of death. As soon as they heard that there was a human plague, those wealthy families would close their homes and not go out.

Including the regent, he is also the most afraid of death. You must know that his great cause is about to be completed, and he does not want to fall to the human plague. Not to mention the regent princess. She comes from modern times, but she knows how terrible infectious diseases are, so When I heard that there was a human plague in the suburbs of Beijing, and even spread to the city, I was scared to death. I quickly closed the palace and told Emperor Jianning that everyone should stop going to court and go to the Regent's Palace. What's more, I was so angry, thinking that this Emperor Jianning was really a bastard. He didn't see anyone when he was doing things, but he was the best at escaping for his life.

Because everyone knew that it was important to save their lives, they stayed at home and did not go out. As a result, the cold situation in the capital was quickly brought under control. Except for those who were infected before closing, causing many people in the family to be infected, most people are doing well. of.

The same goes for the palace.

An Ran uses system props to scan the health of the people in the palace every day. If something is wrong, she immediately isolates her. After all, she has a child now and cannot be careless.

Originally, she was worried that someone would take advantage of this time to cause trouble, such as secretly throwing virus-containing things into their palace. Don't think that everyone is afraid of death. Such a thing will not happen. In this era, there are always some dead people. I am willing to sacrifice my life for my master. Even if there are no dead soldiers, I can always find some terminally ill people to do such a thing.

It turned out that it was okay. It was probably because she was cleaning up the affairs in Cining Palace some time ago, which greatly damaged Bai Zhi's energy and made her a little scared, so she didn't cause trouble this time.

As for the other concubines in the palace, they are even less capable of causing trouble.

So amid Enron's vigilance and worry, the plague passed.

I heard that there was no news that anyone was sick again in the city, and it was already two months later.

If you were to be locked up in modern times for so long, you would be crazy. Fortunately, ancient times were better than modern times. Most people did not live in small places like modern people. Instead, they all had yards. Better families also had In addition, the population of the garden is larger than that of modern people. A medium-sized family, including family members and servants, has hundreds of people. With so many people living together, it can be tolerated, unlike modern times. Man, the place at home is small and there are few people. It would be too boring to stay here for a long time.

Moreover, many women in ancient times could not go out much, so women in the backyard were more able to stay at home.

There is no need to worry about supplies. In ancient times, if there was no Zhuangzi in a large family, the food would be delivered to them by Zhuangzi. There was no need to worry about running out of food after not buying food for a long time.

Just like Enron, the materials in the palace are also provided by Huangzhuang. They are transported in and distributed to various palaces. There is no need to worry about not having enough food after being locked up for a long time.

As for small families, there is no need to worry. This is an era of self-sufficiency, and small families can eat what they grow at home.

By the time the epidemic passed, spring had already begun and flowers were blooming, and the capital was bustling again.

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