Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1821 Return of the Dead 19

It is not an easy task to go from fifth grade to fourth grade.

The higher you get, the fewer positions there are and the fiercer the competition. Many people often stay in the fifth-grade position for more than ten years, or even a lifetime, unlike Bai's father, who was promoted not long after he was transferred to Beijing from outside. Reached the fourth level.

You must know that although it is a horizontal transfer from other places, being able to enter the capital is also a promotion. I have just been promoted, and now I have been promoted again, to the fourth grade. Naturally, the Bai family is very happy. Everyone knows that this is The regent's son-in-law used his energy to help them win it. Thinking that the regent's energy is so great, their future career will definitely rise as fast as a rocket. Can the Bai family be unhappy?

It can be seen through comparison - the queen's natal family was also fifth grade before, and is still fifth grade now. It can be seen that the queen and emperor are just puppets, not as powerful as the regent. After all, the Lu family's daughters have become queens, and the queen's father is not even an official. Neither of them got promoted. On the contrary, although my daughter was a princess, she was immediately promoted.

Secondly, since the news about his daughter and the regent, especially now that his daughter is engaged to the regent, Bai's father has become more and more successful in officialdom. Everyone knows that he is the regent's father-in-law, and his daughter is deeply loved by him. The regent loves him, so he has the green light to do anything. Others do the hard work, and the credit is given to him. It feels really good to death.

The more such a comparison, the more dissatisfied the Lu family and other people who were dissatisfied with the regent became. They felt that the regent was treating the imperial office as his own property and could give it to whomever he wanted. It's too much. After all, you are just the regent, not the emperor. What qualifications do you have to treat the imperial office as private property.

In addition, many people couldn't stand the Bai family's proud appearance when they were able to ascend to heaven with chickens and dogs. Therefore, where the regent and Bai Zhi didn't care, their reputation became worse and worse, even worse than that of An Ran, a queen who liked to watch wrestling. Worse, after all, although An Ran watching wrestling makes people talk, at most they think her hobbies are weird. A woman actually likes to watch people wrestling; but what the Bai family and the regent do involves official privileges, and most people , although he wants to be a privileged person and can be promoted like a rocket like the Bai family, but at the same time, he hates others becoming privileged people. Therefore, the reputation of the Bai family and the regent is naturally getting worse and worse, even worse than Enron's reputation. Worse.

It's just that they all discussed it privately, and some didn't even tell others, but just thought about it in their hearts, so Bai Zhi and the Regent didn't know.

Naturally, the regent didn't know that anyone thought of him like this. Even if he knew, he probably wouldn't take it to heart. After all, in his view, he would soon be the emperor. Since he was already the emperor, who would he want to be the official? Naturally, he has the qualifications to let anyone be that official. What kind of privilege is that? Obviously, he has that right!

But in fact it is not the case. Even if it is the emperor, if someone is promoted not based on talent, but based on preference, those people may follow the trend on the surface and pursue the celebrities that the emperor likes, but they still don’t like it in their hearts. A kind of privileged person who hopes that the other party will fall off one day.

Shortly after the engagement, Bai Zhi married the regent.

Because the regent liked Bai Zhi, he naturally gave her a lot of good things. He was the regent and had plenty of money, so he could naturally afford it. So Bai Zhi was made up of ten miles of red makeup. The scene was even more grand than when Queen An Ran entered the palace, and this could not be tolerated. Few people are complaining. After all, everyone knows what kind of family the Bai family is. They know that their family does not have that much money to buy so much dowry. So where did the money come from? Needless to say, it must be the regent. The king gave it.

And this made more people dissatisfied. After all, although the regent is a prince and has a lot of income, his expenses are also not small. In this way, how much money can be saved, so that he can easily take out hundreds of thousands of taels. Something to make a dowry for Angelica dahurica? ——Yes, they all heard the dowry singing list, and then they calculated that Bai Zhi had a dowry of more than 100,000 taels.

After marrying a wife, you can easily get hundreds of thousands of taels. This only shows that the regent has more money. This money should be in the millions, otherwise it would be impossible to get so many things at will. .

As for the regent, he had a lot of money, and it was less than ten years since he opened the palace. In other words, in less than ten years, the regent had saved millions of furniture after eliminating the heavy expenses. If you add these He never saves expenses, but only has two or three million, which is equivalent to making two or three million in one year.

And this naturally made the regent slandered by more people.

There were some people who couldn't bear to see someone with great power, but now that they know he has gained so much, they can't stand it even more, so they will naturally say some unpleasant things.

Although he is the regent and has great power, it stands to reason that he is powerful. It is normal to make two or three hundred thousand a year.

However, this is all illegal income, because legal income cannot be so much.

As for illegal income, will anyone get used to it? Jealous and jealous people will naturally criticize him.

Of course, there is also Enron's handiwork in this.

She knew that Bai Zhi and the Regent were attacking her for liking to watch wrestling outside and slandering her reputation, so she didn't want to mess with their safety for the time being. At this time, she dealt with the memory of Bai Zhi's red makeup and eye-catching marriage. , calculated the legal income of Bai Zhi and the Regent, and then used the maids and eunuchs in the palace who were loyal to him and good at talking, to deliberately tell the truth about the illegal income of the Regent and Bai Zhi.

Good things don't go out, and scandals spread thousands of miles. What's more, many people have a hatred of the rich, so these words quickly became known to many people.

It's just that people are afraid that if the news comes to the Regent, they won't be able to please themselves, so they either think about it in their hearts or discuss it among a few close friends, and don't dare to tell the Regent or Bai Zhi's people.

Therefore, Prince Regent and Bai Zhi, who were not discussed much by anyone in their original world, are criticized a lot in private in this world, and their reputations are much worse than in their original world.

In addition, An Ran also sent people to discuss the matter of Bai Zhi's father being promoted to a fourth-rank official. As a result, many people in the capital now dislike Bai Zhi and the regent. They feel that these two families are a nest of worms. .

The more proud the Bai family is that their daughter and the regent are powerful, and the more they say that the regent loves their daughter more and more, the more those who can't stand them will hate them, thinking that they are the kind of shameless people, come on Illegal benefits, not keeping a low profile, but showing off everywhere, what is it but shameless? I think Bai Zhi is a traitorous concubine and the regent is a traitorous king. In short, they don't have a good reputation.

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