Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1811 Return of the Dead 9

But at that moment, Mrs. Qingyang Hou, who appeared to be fair but actually favored the Minister of Civil Affairs, frowned and said to Bai Zhi: "Miss Bai, can you tell me why you pushed Miss Song (the daughter of the Minister of Civil Affairs, surnamed Song) into the water? Are you going in?"

Although Mrs. Qingyang Hou tried her best to hide her expression, An Ran could tell that she hated Bai Zhi. This was normal. If something happened at her family's banquet, she would naturally hate the person who caused the trouble. However, she did not dare to hate the culprit. The daughter of the minister of the Ministry of official affairs can only hate Bai Zhi, thinking that there is no smoke without fire. If Bai Zhi had not done something to offend the daughter of the minister of the Ministry of official affairs, what would have happened? ——She didn’t know the relationship between Bai Zhi and the young minister of Dali Temple, so she only guessed like this, but she was right. Bai Zhi did offend the daughter of the Minister of Civil Affairs, but it was not an ordinary offence, but because of a man. .

Hearing that Mrs. Qingyang Hou was obviously favoring the daughter of the Minister of Civil Affairs, and settled the matter as soon as she opened her mouth, saying that she was the one who pushed it, Bai Zhi couldn't help but look ugly, secretly thinking that when she was the Queen Mother, when this bitch saw her , with a smile on his face, he praised her to the fullest. Unexpectedly, her true temperament turned out to be such that she flattered others and followed others. When she got up again, she would definitely make this woman look good.

It is good for her to be in trouble now. At least she can see clearly how some ministers in the court are like. When she takes office in the future, she can also have regulations and know what can be used and what cannot be used - well, she obviously only understands them. He has a wife who judges ministers based on their performance, and only Bai Zhi can do that.

At that moment, Bai Zhi said: "I didn't push it, she pushed me, then lost her hand and accidentally fell down."

It was true that Miss Song pushed her, but the mistake was false. In fact, it was the nanny who was protecting her who pushed her. However, there was no one else around anyway, so she didn't have to worry about being found out when she lied. After all, she couldn't push her. It would still be detrimental to her to confess and let her be punished. Not to mention that it would still be detrimental to her. Just because the regent sent her to protect her, she couldn't send her out.

Because it was not true, Miss Song naturally denied it immediately and said, "You little bitch, how dare you deny it? You were the one who pushed me down! I don't know if someone pushed me?!"

It was true that someone pushed her, but she didn't see who pushed her, but it didn't matter. Anyway, as Bai Zhi thought, no one around saw that it was Bai Zhi who pushed her, so she said it was Bai Zhi who pushed her. Bai Zhi couldn't deny it, and based on her family's status, Mrs. Qingyang Hou would believe her own words, but not Bai Zhi's.

Besides, even if it wasn't Bai Zhi's recommendation, it should be her maid's recommendation. The maid's wife is Bai Zhi's person, so she must have acted according to her words, so the maid's recommendation was the same as Bai Zhi's recommendation. Is there any difference? So if she said it was Bai Zhi who recommended it, it wouldn't be a lie.

Mrs. Qingyang Hou was indeed what Miss Song thought. One party was the daughter of a minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, and the other party was just the daughter of a fifth-grade official. There were no other witnesses except each other. It was needless to say which side they were on, so at that moment Mrs. Qingyang Hou said to Bai Zhi: "Miss Bai, if you can't find definite evidence to prove that you didn't recommend Miss Song, then I can only believe what Miss Song said. If this is the case, I hope you can give Song a Miss, please apologize."

Bai Zhi almost exploded after hearing this. She thought that when she came to power, she would kill this bitch. While thinking about it, she said, "You believe what Miss Song said, why don't you believe what I say?"

"Miss Song is the daughter of a third-rank official, for no reason. Why would she accuse you, the daughter of a fifth-rank official, to cause trouble for herself, or even tarnish her reputation by accident?" Mrs. Qingyang Hou said.

Many people nearby couldn't help but nod after hearing this. They felt that what Madam Qingyanghou said was indeed true. If Miss Bai hadn't pushed her, Miss Song would have no need to involve Miss Bai. She could just say that she accidentally fell into the water. .

Bai Zhi said: "You also said that she is the daughter of a third-grade official, so how stupid am I to promote the daughter of a third-grade official for no reason?"

In fact, what she said made sense, but Mrs. Qingyanghou naturally would not stand on her side. She only said coldly: "I don't know why you are crazy. Maybe you are jealous of Miss Song. In short, you want to If there is no evidence to prove your innocence, then apologize to Miss Song."

Bai Zhi's eyes were almost red with anger. She had lied before so that no one would see her, but now the other party insisted on her proving herself. This turned into a disadvantageous situation when no one saw her.

In fact, it was indeed not her who pushed it, but it happened too fast and Bai Zhi didn't react, so it was her subordinate who did it.

If she had reacted, she might have taken action herself. After all, she had been the Queen Mother for several years and was not a good-tempered person who could tolerate others treating her like this.

However, there is an advantage in not taking action personally at this moment. At least she can deny without guilt that she did not push anyone into the water.

Seeing that Bai Zhi was about to be at a disadvantage, the nanny and maid sent by the regent to protect her were so angry that they wanted to go back and tell the regent to remove Miss Song's father from his official position to see if she could still be arrogant. .

Just when Bai Zhi couldn't find any evidence and was about to be accused by Mrs. Qingyang Hou of being the murderer who pushed Qian Jin into seclusion and asked her to apologize. When Miss Song was happy, she heard a magnetic voice coming from the side, saying: "I can help Bai Zhi." The girl testified that it was indeed not Miss Song who she pushed, but Miss Song who fell into the water herself. Miss Song wronged Miss Bai, and I hope she can apologize to Miss Bai."

After hearing this, Miss Song on the side couldn't help but change her face. She looked at the person who came and saw that it was the young minister of Dali Temple whom she liked. Seeing him testify for Bai Zhi, she couldn't help being stunned. She felt sad, but she didn't dare to argue, saying that Dali Temple Shaoqing is perjuring herself. She was indeed pushed down.

She really didn't expect that Bai Zhi seduced the young minister of Dali Temple, and that she was actually seduced by her. At this moment, she actually ignored her own identity and helped a daughter of a low-ranking official. This made Miss Song not only sad, but also , and hate Bai Zhi even more.

——However, she still knew how to hate Bai Zhi at this time. Not long after, the regent became angry and cut off her father's official position, making her a commoner's daughter. It was useless for her to hate her anymore.

And An Ran couldn't help but sneer when he saw the young minister of Dali Temple defending Bai Zhi like this, thinking that they were really on the same page. Bai Zhi is the kind of person who will retaliate for his anger. This young minister of Dali Temple, a high-ranking official of the imperial court, who presides over the administration of justice, gave false testimony like this, knowing the law and breaking the law. To be able to become a high-ranking official is to be drunk. If this group of people really takes over, this dynasty will end sooner or later.

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