Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1800 The capsized fast traveler 41

Of course, that was what happened in the past. Now, Su Anran has captured their son and made him willing to get married. This is a good sign. As long as he keeps this state, he can count on his grandson instead of his son.

In fact, when they were most desperate for their son, the strict father and mother did not think about finding a willing girl.

But not having a family like that is obviously not good for the children, so they naturally hope that their son can get married and start a family and have children, so that the family can be like a family. This will also be better for the future development of the children.

The Yan family is happy, and the Su family is naturally even happier.

You must know that in the past two years, because An Ran and Zheng Zheng have not been married, Su's father and Su's mother are really afraid that Zheng Zheng is just playing with their daughter.

They didn't want to be greedy for wealth. After all, their family was rich, so they didn't care about other people's money. However, they didn't want the other party to delay their daughter's youth, so they were afraid that the other party was a playful Su's father and Su's mother, so they kept urging An Ran and Serious Break up and quickly find an honest and reliable person to marry.

Fortunately, now that my daughter and Zheng Zheng are finally married, they can finally let go of their worries.

After marriage, the seriousness is as expected by the Yan family. He is no longer like before talking to An Ran, who spends all day drinking and drinking, but is still very considerate of his family. Unlike before, he sleeps out day and night and rarely goes home; now not only does he go home every day When I come back, even if I go out to play, I often take An Ran with me.

Even if he goes out alone, it's mostly for fun, but he doesn't touch women. After all, he still remembers what An Ran said. If he cheats, he will get divorced. He likes An Ran - at least now - so he He was honest and didn't go too far.

An Ran got pregnant half a year after marrying Yan Zhen.

Surprisingly, they turned out to be twins.

This was not the first time she had given birth to twins, but in her impression, this seemed to be the first time twins were conceived naturally without the use of high-tech power. This made An Ran feel miraculous. After all, the chance of twins was very small.

And when Zheng Zheng heard that An Ran was pregnant with twins, he was even happier than An Ran. Everyone in the Yan family was also very happy, thinking that their son was very lucky. He used to be away from home all day long, and they were worried that he might have children when he was forty years old. Now, I have a child at the age of thirty, and I have two children in my arms. My life is complete.

There is no need to elaborate on how much the Yan family and Su’s father and mother took care of An Ran. I just want to say that An Ran soon gave birth to two little boys, because they had agreed before the marriage that it would be fine if the couple only had one child. She gave birth to two children, one for each family, so it looked like they were two little boys at this time, one with the surname Su and the other with the surname Yan.

Although one is named Su and the other is named Yan, because An Ran took over the responsibility of the Yan family company after her children went to kindergarten and ran the company better and better, there will be no contradiction in the distribution of property. The two children were divided equally. Anyway, the group operated by Enron was large enough and its business directions were different. Let the two children choose which company they liked to manage.

On the other hand, everyone in the Yan family was surprised that Enron had the ability to manage the company. However, Enron had never managed the company before. Now that he has learned a little bit, he has shown his ability in this area. The plot is not OOC, which makes people suspect that something is wrong.

Seeing that Enron is managing the company better and better, the Yan family really feels that their ancestors have blessed them. After all, they were all discouraged and thought that their son's generation did not need to be counted on, so they had to train their grandson to take over the family business. Unexpectedly, their daughter-in-law Being so powerful doesn't mean he feels blessed by his ancestors.

This means that Zheng Zhen has always been an open-minded person. It doesn't matter. If you change someone who doesn't like to see his wife being better than him, he is just afraid that seeing his wife manage the company so well will cause conflicts with his wife.

Seriousness is different. He doesn't have to manage the company by himself. His wife is as good as his sister, so he becomes a hands-off shopkeeper. His main task every day is to eat and drink. At the same time, he feels that he is so lucky. Everyone says that he is incompetent. The Yan family will be defeated by him in the future, but now, he has found a powerful wife! Not to mention defeated, the Yan family's territory is still getting bigger and bigger! He can continue to enjoy happiness, and enjoy it for a lifetime. He does not have to worry about the Yan family being ruined by him, and his later life will be miserable. He just said that the fortune teller said that he will be rich and happy in his later years, and it will not be wrong.

Seeing how powerful An Ran is, some Li Xuanzhang and others regret it, thinking that if they marry, the family will become more and more prosperous; but there are also some who are more chauvinistic and have no regrets, thinking that An Ran is too powerful, and they might not want to marry him back. Contradictory.

But no matter whether he regrets it or not, he and An Ran are not enemies. Although An Ran doesn't think they can be friends without being lovers, at least sometimes they bump into each other at banquets, and everyone can greet each other and nod, no Hatred, An Ran looked at it and couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that with this, the mission should be completed.

Li Xuanzhang later followed his family's wishes and married a girl from a well-matched family; but Yu Wenhao did not marry, but found a girl he was willing to marry, and did not marry his first love Bai Yueguang, just as he told An Ran Like that, he had already fallen in love with An Ran and had no feelings for his first love Bai Yueguang.

It's normal for the two of them to do things differently.

Li Xuanzhang is pursuing an official career, and it is not good to have a wife. As for Li Xuanzhang's official career, even if he may not have much affection for his wife, he will definitely respect his wife. After all, the discord between husband and wife is not conducive to his official career. From ancient times to the present, people have always respected his wife. They like to talk about cultivating one’s moral character, harmonizing one’s family, governing the country, and bringing peace to the world. But if you can’t even bring your family together, do you still want to govern the country? That's what people think.

As for Yu Wenhao, he is engaged in business. It is a good thing not to have a wife. He does not have to worry about being divided into the joint property of the husband and wife.

As for Luo Yi, he did not get married for a long time after he retired from the industry. He did not marry his assistant until he was in his fifties. It is said that the assistant has been taking care of him after he retired from the industry. He is used to getting along with him, so Eventually he married the assistant.

By the time he was in his fifties, he no longer had so many crazy fans, so his assistants were not targeted.

All three of them had a pretty good life, but Shen Duo had a rough life.

Just as An Ran thought, because of Ding Ling's existence, women with similar conditions to him couldn't stand the existence of such a woman, so after ending his relationship with An Ran, he finally got over the shadow of broken love and had a relationship. It also collapsed because of Ding Ling.

Afterwards, we talked a few more times, but they all ended because Ding Ling had nowhere to go.

In the end, we met a woman who was pretty but not on good terms and came for his money. This woman tolerated Ding Ling, married Shen Duo and had children. She was honest at first, but when she had a son, she felt that she was on her own feet. She often quarreled with Shen Duo because of Ding Ling, and finally Shen Duo became impatient with her and left her.

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