Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1785 The capsized fast traveler 26

Now it seems to have been successful. Grandma Su suffered a stroke, but it was not serious. She just couldn't speak. Although her movements were not quick, she could still move around. This was good. Grandpa Su was taking care of her, so she didn't need Ma Su to wait on her for the time being.

At the same time, she can't speak anymore. Even if Grandma Su wants to help Uncle Su and Aunt Su ask for this or that from her, she can't help. After all, she can't speak out, so how can she help?

Because something happened to Grandma Su, An Ran went back to her hometown. Firstly, as her biological grandmother, something happened, so it would be inappropriate not to go back and take a look. Secondly, she also needed to remove the bad luck charm from Grandma Su. She is now like this That's it, we can't continue to be unlucky, lest something happen.

This time when she returned home, Grandma Su really didn't talk so much anymore. Firstly, she couldn't speak anymore and couldn't think of anything to say. Secondly, it was mainly because she was sick and was not in the mood to take care of her youngest son's family affairs.

However, Uncle Su and Aunt Su were still inquiring about serious matters, so An Ran made some casual remarks. She didn't want to brag, lest Uncle Su and Aunt Su harm more other girls.

When she came back this time, she saw Cousin Su buying a car with Cousin Su's gift, and then because Uncle Su and Aunt Su praised her, many people felt that although Cousin Su loved playing games all day long, didn't work, and didn't have a house. , but his parents have jobs and support him. In this way, it doesn’t matter if he doesn’t work. As for the house, the resettlement house is also a house. And then his cousin also dated such a well-established boyfriend, who also married Got it.

Because of these thoughts, she was willing to go on a blind date with their family, and then she watched cousin Su driving on dates every day. She was very worried that this would harm many other girls, so naturally she couldn't brag about anything and let Uncle Su and Aunt Su know about it. Add more fuel and jealousy, brag even more outside, and then deceive more people who don't know the inside story.

Since Grandma Su had nothing to do, An Ran returned from her hometown soon. At this time, she saw a big news happened in Xuancheng: the Liu family fell.

Through this period of investigation, the police announced various violations and crimes of the Liu family. Everyone in the Liu family did not know how much was seized, and the assets were also seized and recovered.

Because there were so many properties whose sources were unclear, after the state recovered them, all the properties bought by the Liu family through improper sources were naturally seized and auctioned, leaving Ms. Liu without a place to live, like a bereaved dog. Similar.

If she had known this day, she probably wouldn't have troubled An Ran again if she was beaten to death.

When she made trouble for An Ran before, she always felt that the Liu family was very powerful, while Su Anran was just a little person. For a giant like the Liu family, it would not be easy to deal with a little person from such a background, so he insulted her arbitrarily.

Who knew that she would be kicked on the iron plate? If she knew that she would be kicked on the iron plate, it is estimated that Miss Liu would not do this. After all, flattering the superior and suppressing the inferior has always been the rule of survival in the circle she is in.

Not only did the Liu family fall, but many of the members of Miss Liu's sister group, in addition to the rich second generation and politicians who they used to look down upon, were also found to have problems, and they all fell. Like her, they became destitute dogs. .

The Liu family fell, but naturally it was impossible to imprison everyone. After all, some people were not involved in politics, so there was no way to talk about corruption, corruption, and corruption. So at this time, they gathered together to discuss.

"This must be someone targeting our family, otherwise they wouldn't do this to us." Someone said.

Many people agreed with this view, but some people objected: "I don't think it is aimed at our family, but at the daughter of the third family. After all, our family's affairs were not reported to our family from the beginning, but from the exposure. The embarrassing things that happened to the daughter of the third family started when her affairs were exposed, which led to many netizens discovering her identity. They felt that the things she used to show off her wealth were beyond what our family deserved, so they went to report her, and then Our family is in such bad luck, so I don’t think who is targeting our family intentionally. It’s all because of her involvement and it’s an unwarranted disaster. Otherwise, if they really want to target our family intentionally, they can definitely commit the crimes of Third Brother and others. The matter is directly addressed to the top, so there is no need for such twists and turns."

Many people agreed with this person's inference. Since they agreed, they couldn't help but be dissatisfied with Miss Liu who had brought all this trouble. They immediately said: "I don't know who she offended to let the other party punish her like this."

"Can you find out?"

"I checked, but I didn't find out who did it, but I suspect it was the kid from the Li family."

"why do you say so?"

"Before this incident happened, the girl from the third family was fighting with a so-called mistress. As far as we know, this mistress's account was the girlfriend of the boy from the Li family. I guess she was a girl from the third family. The organization Someone made trouble on the Internet, saying that he was a mistress, and scolded him too much. The other party became unhappy and cried to Li Xuanzhang, so Li Xuanzhang took action to deal with the girl from the mistress's family, and then we were implicated. Apart from him, I really can't think of anything else Who else out there would deal with the girl from the third family like this?"

"If it is really possible, then this boy from the Li family has a very dark heart!"

"That's why I said that it might have been a boy from the Li family. But since there is no evidence, I can only think about it this way and don't dare to do anything to him."

Besides, even if you want to do something to him, you can't do it. After all, the Liu family has fallen now, how can you do anything to him?

Although I can't do anything to Li Xuanzhang, I can do anything to Miss Liu.

When I think that it was because of her that the Liu family fell, the attitude of the entire Liu family towards Miss Liu and Miss Liu's family was very bad, making her a loser, so Miss Liu's family who went to seek refuge were very bullied. Had a meal.

In the past, they were the only ones who bullied others. They had never been bullied. Now that they have been bullied, they know what it feels like to be bullied. It is uncomfortable. I wish I had known it earlier... Forget it. I had known what to do earlier. Even if I knew it earlier, If they had known it earlier, they probably wouldn't have believed that their family would still bully Su Anran when they were in such a situation.

But even if she is bullied, Miss Liu is not in the mood to care about it now. After all, being bullied is nothing compared to being pointed at and looked at with strange eyes as soon as she goes out, which makes her afraid to go out. .

At this moment, Su Anran sued them for spreading rumors and defamation, and the court also sent a summons.

This kind of thing is considered a trivial matter. After all, the court will not hear it in public. She is not afraid. As for the compensation, it is only tens of thousands of yuan. She will not ask for too much compensation. She can still afford to pay so much. After all, no matter what her family is doing, Even if you are poor, you won’t be unable to spend tens of thousands of dollars.

And the result was better than she imagined - Su Anran only asked each of them to compensate 20,000 yuan. Of course, they could get 20,000 yuan. Even if they couldn't get it, they could still afford it by selling a bag. .

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