Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1769 The capsized fast traveler 10

An Ran felt much more at ease, and stopped thinking about serious things, and began to prepare things for her cousin's wedding.

No wonder An Ran had to think about what to give to her original cousin. Originally, giving money would be enough, but when it came to cousin Su, giving money was not the best, mainly because if she took the money, she would definitely not be able to get it. In the hands of my cousin.

According to the original person’s rare memory, after her cousin graduated from junior high school, Uncle Su and Aunt Su stopped letting her go to school. Uncle Su and Aunt Su sent her out to work. All the money she earned from working was taken away by Uncle Su and Aunt Su. ——Then it was filled into cousin Su’s bottomless pit, and it was not saved.

When they reached the age of marriage, Uncle Su and Aunt Su demanded a large sum of money from the man as a bride price, and planned to find a wife for cousin Su in the future - this was what Su's father and mother said last time on the phone.

Since my uncle's family treats Cousin Su like this, and Cousin Su herself, judging from her original memory, has been brainwashed by her parents, she is a demon who supports her younger brother. In this case, it is naturally inappropriate to give money.

Thinking of this, An Ran thought about buying a set of clothes and shoes for cousin Su from head to toe. It would not be appropriate to give jewelry because it would definitely be snatched away by Uncle Su and Aunt Su. Buying clothes and shoes, at least Su could wear them. For her cousin, of course, she wanted to keep them young and fresh, so that Aunt Su wouldn’t snatch them up. The clothes were a bit better, but she probably had a different figure and wouldn’t be able to wear them, but the shoes really needed to be fresh and fresh, so that Aunt Su wouldn’t be embarrassed to snatch them. Go wear it.

With this thought in mind, An Ran started to pick things up online.

Nowadays, everything can be purchased online, so there is no need to go shopping in real life to pick and choose.

Just as she was waiting for Zhen Zhen to come to her door, Li Xuanzhang came to see her again.

"I have solved Miss Liu's matter. Now no one on the Internet is scolding you. Now you should calm down and come back with me, right?"

An Ran shook his head and said: "No, if your family can marry you once, they will definitely continue to marry. Obviously, they don't want us to be together. A marriage that is not blessed will not be happy. I don't want to live in your family in the future." Happy, so let’s forget about our matters.”

To be honest, even if there were no other people, no this Shura field, and only Li Xuanzhang, she would not want to marry because of the attitude of the Li family. As she said before, she now has money and leisure, so there is no need to feel wronged. Why should I marry a wealthy family and suffer the consequences?

When Li Xuanzhang heard what An Ran said, he couldn't help but frown and said: "I remember that you love me very much. Since you love me, you can't work hard for me. When you see difficulties, you leave me to fight alone. What about you? Deserter, ran away?"

After hearing Li Xuanzhang's accusation, An Ran smiled with crooked eyebrows and said, "Yes, that's the kind of person I am. I'm not willing to let myself be wronged. Of course, I'm not willing to let myself be wronged. If others make me It’s even worse to be wronged. If Mr. Li thinks someone like me is not good, wouldn’t it be appropriate to break up?”

Li Xuanzhang couldn't help but be startled after hearing this, thinking that there was something in what An Ran said.

Oh, she couldn't bear to be wronged herself. Does this mean that he made her feel wronged? Uh...well, he did make her feel a little wronged by this recent matter, but didn't he solve it immediately?

At that moment, Li Xuanzhang said: "I will not let you be wronged again in the future. If anything happens, we will handle it together."

An Ran said calmly: "Don't promise so quickly. You haven't settled your family affairs yet. You can't guarantee it now. How dare you guarantee the future?"

Li Xuanzhang heard it now. If he didn't convince his family, An Ran would never associate with him again.

At that moment, he couldn't help but sigh and said: "I have stopped living at home for a long time. You married me. In the future, we will live together and not with my family. Even if they object, what are you afraid of?"

An Ran couldn't help but chuckle after hearing this, and said: "After all, it's your parents, your grandparents, etc. You can't just throw them all away. You will always have to deal with them. I don't want to be ignored by them even once I meet them. It's not like I can't find anyone to marry, so why should I marry someone I've wronged?"

Seeing An Ran's candid words, Li Xuanzhang knew that if the matter at home was not resolved, the girl might not be able to continue with him. He had no choice but to say: "Well, give me a little more time." , I’ll go and persuade them.”

An Ran neither agreed nor objected, just let him go.

She didn't think Li Xuanzhang could easily convince his family.

Even if you are convinced, you may find out that you are dating someone else when we meet again next time. The Li family will also know about it by then. I am afraid that like other family members, they will not agree with you being with Li Xuanzhang. Even if Li Xuanzhang persuades them, they will not agree if they see how many boats they have stepped on.

So she doesn't need to give any reaction now. I'm afraid Li Xuanzhang will retreat automatically by then.

Within two days, the clothes and shoes that An Ran bought online arrived, but at this time, Zhen Zhen had not come to the door, and Yu Wenhao hadn't come either. An Ran was afraid that they would come soon, so she decided to go home early to avoid the limelight.

Because there were things for cousin Su and things bought for Su’s father and mother, it was inconvenient to take the high-speed rail or something with large and small bags, so Anron prepared to drive back by herself. It happened to be from here to her hometown. The highway is only four hours long, so it’s very convenient to drive.

Of course, An Ran bought the car recently. Although she was rich, she didn't buy an expensive car. She only bought a Volkswagen model worth more than 200,000 yuan. For her, cars are not used to show off their wealth, as long as they are of high quality. Yes, if you can travel, that's fine.

Fortunately, I have a driver's license, otherwise I wouldn't be able to drive even if I had money and a car.

Su's father and Su's mother received a call from An Ran early in the morning, saying that she was coming back, so they made preparations at home early. When An Ran arrived home at noon, they found that a big meal was being prepared at home, and the whole house was filled with fragrance.

Although Yuan Shen bought an expensive school district house and an elevator room in the provincial capital, in her hometown, a small tier 18 city, the old couple still lived in the ordinary six-story non-elevator house they bought before. Fortunately, the floor was not high, so they lived in On the second floor, An Ran has been practicing pretty well recently and her strength has increased, so she is not too tired after taking large and small bags of things from the car and going upstairs.

On the other hand, Su's father and Su's mother saw that she had brought back a lot of things, and couldn't help but scolded her: "What are you spending so much money on?"

An Ran smiled and said: "It's not worth much, but I won a 100 million grand prize, so I'm rich!"

When Su's father and mother heard what she said, they couldn't help but smile and stopped talking. They happily tried on the clothes and shoes that An Ran bought for them.

After the test was done, Su's father hesitated and said: "Now that you are back, why don't you go back to your hometown and visit your grandparents? Otherwise, when you know you are back, you don't even look at them. It's not appropriate, as others will say." "

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