Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1757 The heroine who can read minds 27

These people were thinking, how can Empress Cao understand people's hearts? She clearly knows everything about what they are thinking! When he thinks that he has no privacy in front of Cao Rui, Cao Rui knows everything about what he is thinking. Maybe people know some of his little thoughts and are still laughing at him secretly. Can these people not look dark? He immediately stayed away from Cao Rui, fearing that Cao Rui would know what he was thinking.

It should be said that Cao Rui's ability is really useful, but can Emperor Yongqing keep her to listen to the voices of the ministers? If Cao Rui could hear it from a long distance, then he could arrange something. Every time he went to court, he would have her hide behind the wall to listen for him. It would be really good to understand the recent mentality of the ministers.

However, according to the prompts in the dream, Cao Rui could only hear voices within one foot. In this way, the distance was too short. Could it be that every time he called the minister very close, and then asked Cao Rui to stand very close and run Going to eavesdrop? Even if these people in the palace don't tell Cao Rui's role at this moment, the ministers will feel strange just doing this. After all, who would have a concubine by his side all day long for no reason? She is still a concubine. The concubine who murdered himself and the prince was around - everyone in the palace knew about Emperor Yongqing's aggressive attack on Cao Rui - it would be strange not to suspect it.

On the contrary, this woman is very poisonous. If she can't get rid of the root at the moment, God knows if she will harm him in the future.

Considering that she was far more dangerous than useful, after hearing her words, Emperor Yongqing slammed the table and said angrily: "I don't want to say whether you have this ability, but you do. Don't trust those who employ you, and don't trust those who doubt you." , I took you everywhere to eavesdrop on the voices of my ministers and concubines. Is this what a wise king would do? Besides, how can I guarantee that what you say is true? What if you want to harm someone and deliberately tell lies, wouldn’t I? You want to wrongly accuse a good person?! So how could I not hold you accountable just because you have this ability! Someone, please escort this vicious woman away and send her on the road immediately."

Cao Rui also didn't expect that even though he had such a powerful ability, he couldn't save his life. He couldn't help but despair, thinking, could this emperor be a fool?

So when the eunuchs pulled her down, she was still shouting: "Your Majesty, concubines have a great role. Please think about it!"

Unfortunately, Emperor Yongqing refused to listen, so Cao Rui was sent on the road in despair with a glass of poisonous wine.

But they said that everyone in the Cao family was slaughtered. It sounded pitiful, but no one sympathized with them.

He actually wanted to murder the emperor, queen and prince, and dared to kill people so unscrupulously, causing so many families to be destroyed! Before they did this, didn't they know what would happen if they were discovered? I never thought about how sad it would be for the families of those who died by doing this? Now that they know it and still dare to do it, we can only say that they are motivated by greed! This is the fate they deserve!

After the death of Concubine Cao, An Ran's mission was almost completed.

She had observed that after the palace servants gave Cao Concubine a poisonous drink, Cao Concubine really died. The golden finger did not protect her from death. This made An Ran feel relieved. She secretly thought that the golden finger seemed to be of average effect. If it has the function of protecting the host, it will be troublesome.

The task was almost completed, and An Ran felt relaxed. Of course, she could not relax completely. She also wanted to let herself die naturally and not be killed by the emperor or anyone. In addition, I was afraid that the prince must succeed to the throne. Then there won't be any accidents. You have to be cautious. After all, just because Cao Rui is gone, it doesn't mean that there is no danger in the palace. After all, there are dangers everywhere in the palace. Without Cao Rui, there is still Li Rui and Zhang Rui. , if the prince and himself had not died in the hands of Cao Rui, and she had capsized in the gutter and died in the hands of other concubines, it is estimated that this mission may not have been completed. At the very least, the original five-star evaluation would have been lost.

Therefore, although Cao Rui is gone, An Ran does not directly enter the state of retirement and leisure, but still needs to pay attention. After all, Ye Hou Ye has investigated before and found out that many people are doing small things secretly.

At the moment, An Ran asked Ye Houye to continue to monitor several families. On the one hand, as her cultivation became stronger, she also used her spiritual consciousness to explore the situation of several families from time to time. Once she found out which family was making bigger moves and threatened her own family, , she will react.

And this reaction should be as normal as possible. You can't use the Dream Technique every time to put Emperor Yongqing into a dream. After all, if you do it once, Emperor Yongqing won't doubt it. If you do it two or three times, Emperor Yongqing won't know it. Doubt it? Naturally, she couldn't make such a fool of herself, so she only used the Dream Technique to deal with Cao Rui that time. At other times, she dealt with it manually. After all, Cao Rui's time was related to whether the mission could be completed, so she naturally wanted to make sure that, and then other things. Human, she just needs to make sure that nothing happens to her and the prince. As for whether she can catch the murderer, that's secondary.

Of course, it would be best if she could be caught. If not, she would not try her best to get it like she did with Cao Rui, so as not to expose her special ability.

The main reason for being so careful was that after the Cao family's matter was settled, when Lord Ye and others entered the palace to chat with her, he said that this matter was incredible.

"We only went to investigate the Cao family after being reminded by the empress. Only then did we discover such a thing. How could His Majesty think of investigating the Cao family and then find out that they were going to do something evil?" The Ye family didn't know that An Ran was doing something to Emperor Yongqing. After learning the art of dreaming, one or two of them were so curious.

And their curiosity naturally made An Ran restrained, fearing that if they did too much, it would also arouse the Ye family's surprise. After all, the people who wanted to harm his daughter and grandson were discovered by the emperor one by one, and then solved. Oh, this is too much of a coincidence! They said before that one or two of Mr. Cao's opponents had an accident. It was too coincidental. Then they found out that there was a person like Aunt Wu. It was hard to tell. If this happened to An Ran, they would not think about whether there was something wrong with it. Fame.

As for An Ran, naturally she cannot be considered weird, so she must use formal means to deal with other people. This is a must.

Just as An Ran thought, after Cao Rui dealt with it, the battles in the palace not only did not stop, but also became more and more intense. The reason is also very simple. As time goes by, Emperor Yongqing is getting older and older. Many people think that Emperor Yongqing will not live for many years. In this case, those who have princes will naturally want to give it a try. After all, since ancient times, the proportion of eldest sons who have been established as princes and then ascended to the throne is very small. Most of them are actually The son of a concubine came to power. There is such a history in front of him. Many people feel that if they struggle hard, they may not be able to rise to power. Driven by this idea, there are many people who do tricks.

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