Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1743 The heroine who can read minds 13

But unlike others who sent spies to the Queen's Palace to inquire, Cao Rui always wanted to get the answer from Emperor Yongqing. After all, what the people in the Queen's Palace said may not necessarily be the truth, because it might be the person himself. The speculation is not necessarily what Emperor Yongqing was thinking. Only what Emperor Yongqing was thinking is the real answer.

But Cao Rui felt that it was a bit difficult to hear the most satisfactory answer from Emperor Yongqing's heart. After all, this was not like eavesdropping on Emperor Yongqing's voice. Eavesdropping was simple, but it required knowing the answer to one thing. , unless she asked Emperor Yongqing and listened to what he was thinking.

But, did she dare to ask Emperor Yongqing why he liked to go to the Queen's place? She doesn't dare to ask now! Although it is harmless to ask an ordinary person, the other person is the emperor, and he is with the emperor like a tiger, so he cannot ask casually. After all, if Emperor Yongqing doesn't like others to ask such questions, won't she want to recruit Yongqing? Is the emperor disgusted?

How to inquire about it is the most conflicting thing for Cao Rui now.

But fortunately, she still has a sense of presence in front of Emperor Yongqing, which is much better than those concubines who may not see Emperor Yongqing once a year.

Besides, I am curious about how Queen Ye got favored, and I guess others, especially the Cui concubine, are even more curious. They will definitely make some moves by then. I will wait and see if their moves are successful. If they are successful, I will follow them myself. Just do it.

So she doesn't need to be so anxious about this matter. The most anxious thing at the moment, and what she cares about the most, is how to get promoted. You must know that the status of a beauty is really too low. She has to bow to people wherever she goes. She used to be a queen at home. Miss, she is used to being greeted by others, but suddenly she has to bow to others wherever she goes. She is not used to it at all, so she naturally wants to be promoted.

Especially something happened that day that made Cao Rui even more eager to advance.

But on this day, Cao Rui was in a good mood because he was lucky enough to be summoned the day before. After greeting Queen Ye, he went to the Imperial Garden to walk around and enjoy the beautiful scenery. People, if they are in a good mood, they are in the mood to enjoy the scenery. .

As a result, at this time, he saw Concubine Liu leading a large group of people walking toward him aggressively. She couldn't help but panic. After all, this was an unreasonable master, and it didn't matter how big her gold finger was.

The reason why Concubine Liu is here is because a month has passed and Concubine Liu has been released. Therefore, it is normal for Cao Rui to meet Concubine Liu in the garden now.

Cao Rui panicked for a while, then calmed down, thinking that there was no need to be afraid. The last time Concubine Liu hit her, she was imprisoned by the emperor for a month, and she had just been released. How dare she hit herself? Unless you want to be locked up for another month!

The more he thought about it, the more he was right, so Cao Rui was no longer afraid.

Not long after, Concubine Liu came to him. Since Cao Rui was a low-ranking concubine, no matter how much he disliked Concubine Liu, he still wanted to salute her, so he immediately stepped forward and saluted her.

"I have met the imperial concubine."

Concubine Liu glanced at her and did not say that she was free of charge. On the contrary, she sat down on the stone chair on the side and looked at her with a smile. Her nanny even put tea and cakes on the stone table on the side. , it seems that Concubine Liu is ready to sit down here.

When Cao Rui saw Concubine Liu like this, she knew what she was up to. It was just to find another way to teach herself a lesson if she couldn't hit herself. He would salute her himself. If she didn't let him get up, he couldn't get up. Otherwise, she will definitely say that she is disrespectful and cause trouble for her.

After thinking about this, Cao Rui couldn't help but look ugly. Thinking about this Concubine Liu, it was really disgusting. At the same time, she also wanted to improve her status more and more, even if she couldn't reach the concubine position for a while, even if it was a little higher, because After reaching a certain status, even if you want to salute Concubine Liu, you don't need to do a big salute, just a little blessing, so that even if she torments you like this, you won't feel too uncomfortable.

Concubine Liu deliberately tormented Cao Rui like this, making her squat down to salute. She squatted for half an hour. Finally, she saw Cao Rui's body swaying left and right, and she couldn't hold it anymore, so she let her go and left. , before leaving, he even said harsh words: "What if you seek support from the Queen and the Emperor? I can't cure you?!"

Cao Rui was almost furious after hearing this. He thought that he had been unlucky for eight lifetimes when he met this difficult JP as soon as he entered the palace. He also thought that it was Queen Ye who assigned him to Liu Guifei's palace. At that moment, She couldn't help but complain about An Ran, thinking that Queen Ye knew what kind of person Liu Guifei was, and she assigned herself to Liu Guifei's palace. She didn't believe it even if she didn't mean it. She didn't even know her, so far away. He who has no grievances in the day and no vengeance in the near future should treat himself in this way.

The more Cao Rui thought about it, the angrier she became, and the more she thought about it, the more resentful she became towards An Ran. However, although she felt that An Ran seemed to have deliberately placed her with Concubine Liu Guifei, Cao Rui did not expect that An Ran was deliberately targeting her. She only thought that it was because she was too tall. She was beautiful. Queen Ye was afraid that she would become a favored concubine like Cui Concubine and be wary of her, so she deliberately placed her with Concubine Liu. It was a precaution, not a deliberate target, otherwise she would have been wary.

An Ran naturally didn't know that Cao Rui was resentful towards her, but even if she knew, she wouldn't take it to heart. After all, this woman came to the palace just to bring her down, so whether she resented her or not, in the end both of them were She doesn't have to worry about those who want to fight, she can just find a way to deal with it anyway.

But she said that Cao Rui had a good idea. She was worried about how An Ran would be favored. Someone was more anxious than her. This person was none other than Cui Bin, who was the most favored before.

Cui Bin was not very old, not yet twenty years old. It was the most youthful, beautiful and prosperous time in a woman's life. She felt that as much as the emperor pampered her before, she could still maintain it for a few years. As a result, she could not be pampered. It's not pampered. The number of bedtime visits per month has dropped from five or six times before to only once or twice a month now. Although it's still much more than people like Cao Rui, after all, Cao Rui sometimes does it once a month. It wasn't even once, but compared to the number of times she was favored in the previous month, she was obviously out of favor, and this naturally made her unwilling to accept it, and she wanted to know the reason.

It's a pity that the spy sent to the Queen's Palace couldn't explain the reason. He said that the Emperor and the Queen got along with each other as before when they were not favored, and nothing had changed.

Seeing that she could not find the answer, Cui Bin became more and more anxious. It was not her fault that she was anxious. Although she had been favored for three years, she gave birth to a child, but unfortunately, it was a princess. She had not yet given birth to a prince, and without giving birth to a prince, she would not have a child. Everything, so she was naturally anxious. Seeing that she could not find out the reason for her favor from Queen Ye, Cui Bin decided to ask the emperor directly.

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