Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1741 The heroine who can read minds 11

After hearing Concubine Liu's plea for help, Queen Mother Liu was naturally furious. After all, the arrangements she had made yesterday were all overturned today, and she still maintained An Ran's original intention of imprisoning Concubine Liu for a month. She intuitively felt that Empress Ye was responsible for this. She was up to no good, so when Emperor Yongqing greeted her, he banged the table and cursed An Ran.

"Emperor, the Ai family really didn't expect that Queen Ye would be such a troublemaker. After the Ai family dealt with her, she could still sue you and ask you to slap the Ai family in the face. Is there such an unfilial daughter-in-law? ? It’s too much for her!”

Emperor Yongqing saw that his mother was really as worried as Queen Ye, and without asking about the situation, he directly blamed others, saying that they were stirring up trouble and that she complained. He couldn't help but frown at the moment, feeling that his mother was really She was becoming more and more like the evil mother-in-law that people often say, so she immediately said: "I asked her, she didn't take the initiative to say it. She didn't want to say it, but I said it, and she didn't answer. I'll do the same as others, She just said it, and she didn't tell stories at all. I've already asked someone to verify it, and everything she said is the truth, so don't blame her anymore, mother."

Hearing what Emperor Yongqing said, Queen Mother Liu couldn't help but be speechless. If the emperor asked it himself and it was not Queen Ye who said it, then she really couldn't blame Queen Ye. In fact, as long as the emperor found out about this and asked about it, Ye If the Queen didn't say it, others would. There was no way to hide it, so Queen Ye didn't need to file a complaint.

This is the truth, but when Empress Dowager Liu saw that all the orders she issued were overturned by the emperor, and the final result was still according to Empress Ye's decision, she couldn't feel comfortable in her heart. She covered her face and cried: "Emperor, you What you say may be true, but the Ai family dealt with it like that yesterday, and now you have overturned everything I said. What do outsiders think? Why don't you say that you are unfilial and don't listen to the Ai family? "

Empress Dowager Liu seemed to be thinking about Emperor Yongqing, just wanting Emperor Yongqing to cancel his imperial edict and return to her previous disposition.

But how could Emperor Yongqing return to her previous treatment and prevent herself from seeing Queen Ye? So she immediately said: "The queen mother was deceived by Concubine Liu. Now mother realizes that she has been deceived by Concubine Liu, so I will It's normal to redispose. As for filial piety or not, does the mother think her son is unfilial?"

Can Emperor Yongqing be suppressed by Empress Dowager Liu's unfilial piety? Absolutely not, so I immediately kicked the blame back to Queen Mother Liu.

Empress Dowager Liu was speechless when she heard Emperor Yongqing ask this question.

Naturally, she couldn't say that Emperor Yongqing was unfilial. Otherwise, if she said that, the ministers would use her words as evidence and cause trouble for Emperor Yongqing. Although she was jumping up and down, she didn't want to cause trouble for her son. After all, From time to time, her son would tell her that running the country was tiring and hard. Emperor Yongqing knew that he could not reason with Empress Dowager Liu, but fortunately, Empress Dowager Liu still had some mother-child affection for him, so in order to make Empress Dowager Liu feel at ease, she would often Pretending to be pitiful and complaining, in this way, Empress Dowager Liu would feel sorry for her son, and she would be less likely to cause trouble with Concubine Liu - besides, the result of causing trouble is very likely to be that her son is separated from her, and the child will be born when the time comes. After the separation, she was no longer as obedient to her as before. She even put the troublemaking Queen Mother under house arrest like some emperors did in history, which would cause trouble. So when Queen Mother Liu heard what Emperor Yongqing said, she said Can't go down anymore.

Emperor Yongqing felt relieved when he saw that Empress Dowager Liu was no longer making trouble, but in his heart he became more and more disgusted with Concubine Liu, thinking that if it wasn't for his mother's sake, he would have put her in the cold palace.

Not to mention that Queen Mother Liu failed to help Concubine Liu, Concubine Liu still had to be detained for a month, but she said that Cao Rui lived a good life with Concubine Zhang and no longer suffered as much as she did with Concubine Liu.

Seeing that Concubine Zhang was not a person like Concubine Liu Guifei, Cao Rui quickly used her golden finger to listen to Concubine Zhang's thoughts several times and said a few words that spoke to her heart. She was quickly attracted by the simple Concubine Zhang. She was a confidant, treated her like a good sister, and lived a good life in Xingqing Palace, although she was not the master, but with Concubine Zhang as her back, she was better than a master.

What's even more gratifying is that after the injuries on her face from being beaten by Concubine Liu were healed and her beauty recovered, she received a blessing, so she finally didn't have to worry about getting any blessings.

Although this is a full three months later than in the original world, it is finally a start and it will be easier to handle in the future.

Of course, what's more important is that on the day she was blessed, because she could hear the emperor's voice, she didn't do anything to displease the emperor. On the contrary, everything she did satisfied the emperor and impressed Emperor Yongqing on her. It was just like the original world, very good, which naturally made Cao Rui happy, feeling that he was slowly reaching the goal he set when he entered the palace.

She didn't know that she quickly became favored after being summoned in her original world. She just thought that such development would be very good, but she didn't know that her current development was actually much worse than in her original world.

Because of his love for sleeping with An Ran, even though Emperor Yongqing favored several newcomers including Cao Rui, he did not like Cao Rui more and more in his original world, but still loved An Ran. The chance of running away and finding Cao Rui is at most a little higher than that of other newcomers, but not at all comparable to the situation in the original world.

But because Cao Rui didn't know what was going on in his original world, he was very satisfied that he was the most favored among the newcomers.

However, apart from the emperor remembering to summon her, she felt that she still had to take the initiative, otherwise sometimes it would not come once a month, and it would be too slow to achieve her goal of entering the palace.

So that day, when the emperor asked the concubines to greet An Ran, he told her something, letting her hear her voice, saying that he would come to An Ran in the evening. Then, in the afternoon, after Cao Rui woke up from An Ran's "siesta" (cultivation), Come and find An Ran.

It turned out that the last time he wanted to come to An Ran to have a chance to see the emperor, although he failed due to Liu Guifei's interruption, Cao Rui had been thinking about it, so he came again this time, planning to wait in An Ran until the emperor came.

But she definitely couldn't hang around here all the time. It was too conspicuous, and she couldn't keep talking nonsense until the emperor came, so Cao Rui's excuse at the moment was to give An Ran a gift and then ask her to take care of her.

He gave gifts to Queen Ye and asked her to speak kindly to him in front of the emperor. This was also in line with the image of a low-ranking concubine. I guess Queen Ye would not doubt her motives for coming here now.

But she didn't know that An Ran would doubt her motives for every strange move she made, so now she saw Cao Rui lingering here, not planning to leave, and then when the emperor came, she looked happy With the look on her face, An Ran understood what she wanted to do. It was probably that the emperor came during the day and overheard the news that the emperor was coming at night, so she lingered on, hoping to increase her presence in front of the emperor and make him pay attention to her. The impression is getting deeper and deeper.

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