Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1729 Doomsday Town 43 (End)

Four hundred years later, he passed away peacefully and returned to the real world.

At this time in the mission world, humans have been able to completely suppress monsters, and have even begun to raise monsters in captivity to obtain energy for training.

Before Enron passed away, he also issued an announcement through the town system, asking everyone to go to the big base, saying that because humans are safe, the town system that exists to protect humans will leave - the reason why Enron did not hand over the town system. To others, the main reason is that this system is too powerful. She is afraid that handing it over to someone with ulterior motives will harm the world in the future, so she simply doesn’t hand it over to anyone. Fortunately, the world is now at peace, and residents are safe when going to other bases. Everyone They went to the big base together, and no accidents occurred.

An Ran's mission was successfully completed this time, and his original body also gave him a five-star rating.

There is an unfinished story in this world, so An Ran spent some life points to buy and read it.

At this glance, An Ran knew that he was right not to hand over the town system to others. Let's see what kind of development the town system will develop in the end if it falls into the hands of Mr. Tu.

After his original body was killed by Tu Yue and Song Huahua, Tu Yue became famous because he got the small town system. But at the same time, because he knew that the system could change hands, he was also very vigilant. After getting it, he would not go outside the town again for fear of death. , or was killed by others, and the system changed hands.

And when the national team wanted to enter Taoyuan Town, he was afraid that the national team would affect his dominance and refused them entry.

He only allowed his people to stay in Taoyuan Town, drove away all the people who originally lived in Taoyuan Town, and then recruited elites from all walks of life to build Taoyuan Town into a city of masters. These masters were all very loyal to him. , after all, he will drive away anyone who dares to be disloyal, so this kind of loyalty is actually a false loyalty. Once Tu Yue loses this method of controlling them, it will not matter whether these people are loyal to him or not. That’s for sure.

In addition to masters, he recruits beauties from all over the world. As long as he thinks that women can score above eight points, regardless of their talent, he will invite them into the town and become his harem. Those who he does not want will be given to his "loyal" men.

Song Huahua saw that Tu Yue had taken over the harem, but there was nothing she could do. After all, Tu Yue had control over the town. If she dared to have any objections, she would kick him out immediately.

As for Miss Zhao, who dealt with Song Huahua and Tu Yue in the Enron world, because in this world, Tu Yue knew that he could not go out, and also told Song Huahua not to go out. In addition, they were both the leaders of the town, so naturally they would not use the town account. The deal went out, so although Miss Zhao hated these two people, she couldn't do anything about them.

So Taoyuan Town, within a year, quickly became Tu Yue's den of prostitution. He lived a life of drinking and meat, drunkenness and dreams every day. Because he knew that the town was safe, he gradually slacked off on his cultivation and only played with beauties.

In the world, because humans have not yet grown up, and scientists do not have a safe place to study technology, humans are retreating steadily. It is not like the world of Enron, where scientists developed powerful weapons and defeated monsters.

Human bases were breached one after another, leaving only the safe zone of Taoyuan Town. People wanted to enter the safe zone, so Tu Yue's standards for selecting people became higher and higher, but he basically chose women.

However, a town with tens of thousands of people - he was not as serious about upgrading as Enron, so it took many years for the town to only accommodate tens of thousands of people. Unlike Enron's small town, which could accommodate hundreds of thousands of people - almost seven Of the eight thousand beautiful women, the remaining two or three thousand were the loyal masters he selected to go hunting and provide him with monster meat.

Of these seven or eight thousand women, he himself accounted for five or six thousand, and the remaining one or two thousand was divided among the loyal masters.

People are born in sorrow and die in peace and happiness. Tu Yue died in peace and happiness.

Taoyuan Town was too comfortable, so he didn't practice actively. Even though he later learned that higher levels can extend his lifespan, he worked hard for a few days, but because he was used to slacking off, he couldn't practice, so he only lived a hundred years old. Like Enron, he lived for four hundred years.

He was about to die, and he was reluctant to hand over the town system. He was afraid that if he didn't die, he would hand it over, and what would happen to him?

So until his death, the town system was in Tu Yue's hands.

Because they were never unbound and re-bound with new people, after Tu Yue passed away, the town system disappeared, and everything built based on the town system disappeared like a bubble.

So those people living in Taoyuan Town, except for Tu Yue's masters who survived for a while, most of them were eaten by the monsters that rushed towards them at the first moment, including Tu Yue's people who had changed for who knows how many generations. Women, and his descendants, because of their weak abilities - women rely on their pretty faces to serve Tu Yue in the small town of Taoyuan; his descendants all live in Taoyuan in the name of Tu Yue's descendants In this small town, few people practice hard and become powerful - in front of monsters, they are not much stronger than sheep. Naturally, they take one bite at a time and eat them up quickly.

As mentioned before, his loyal men were loyal to him because they had no choice but to see him dead and the town disappear, so naturally they ran away quickly. No one would spend energy to protect his women and descendants. After all, they He couldn't take care of himself, how could he have the energy to protect these delicate flowers in the greenhouse, which led to Tu Yue's death, and it was normal for his wife and children to be wiped out.

And these loyal men, although they are masters recruited by Tu Yue, how can their personal strength compete with the monsters densely populated in the world? Soon they were besieged by the monster army, like bread crumbs dropped into an ant pile. , was quickly digested by the monsters. Who knew that outside at this time, human beings were basically extinct and there were monsters everywhere.

Shortly after the death of these people, the remaining humans on the planet also died one by one. After all, there were too many monsters, and no matter how powerful an individual was, they could not withstand thousands of troops.

At this point, mankind perished.

Seeing this, An Ran couldn't help but secretly screamed "fuck", wondering if this was Tu Yue destroying this world. After all, if Tu Yue hadn't only cared about his own enjoyment, such consequences would not have happened.

Having said that, this Tu Yue has really had enough, with thousands of beauties, how are his kidneys?

Just after watching the exciting unfinished plot, An Ran's phone rang. It turned out that it was Chu Fei of the Cultivation Alliance who called her to ask if she had improved her cultivation recently.

"Not yet, it's still the third level of the foundation building stage." An Ran said.

In fact, of course not, she now has the cultivation level of the fifth level of the Foundation Establishment Stage.

However, although An Ran now has a cultivation level of the fifth level of the Foundation Establishment Stage, she only measured Chu Fei's level in the Cultivation Alliance and registered a level of the Third Level of the Foundation Establishment Stage. There was nothing she could do about it. She cultivated too fast. She was better than Chu Fei. Unless she is a genius, it will be much faster. She is afraid that before she has grown up and is not afraid of anyone, she will be spotted by others if she is found practicing too fast. She does not want to be feared, coveted or attracted by others, so she only fills out a form. The third floor of the foundation building stage. Anyway, she doesn't need to go to the Cultivation Alliance to buy raw materials now. Lu Zhanxing does it for her. She doesn't have to worry about being discovered if she doesn't register her true cultivation level.

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