Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1715 Doomsday Town 29

But this time, no matter how much Wang Qinqin provoked the general, An Ran really stopped talking and kept looking at her with a smile - after all, her plan was successful, so there was no need to say too much.

Wang Qinqin had no choice. Seeing that she couldn't find anything to say, she had to leave. Anyway, she had obtained important information today, and she thought she could deal with Song Huahua.

But...for such important information, Song Huahua had given so many things before, which was not enough.

So Wang Qinqin immediately called Song Huahua and asked her to give her more supplies.

"I got important information from Ji Anran, so the little material you gave me before is not enough to buy my information. If you don't give it, I will sell the information to others. I believe there will be people willing to sell it. I bought it at a big price." Wang Qinqin said.

Song Huahua naturally didn't want to spend more on supplies, so he immediately said: "Are you blackmailing me? I gave you supplies and asked you to help me find out the news, but you found out the information, but you didn't give it to me, and you even raised the price. It's too much. !”

Wang Qinqin said: "Since you don't want to, that's fine. I'll return the supplies you gave me and I won't do your business anymore. Isn't this head office a blackmail? Anyway, according to this news, some people are looking for me to buy. No. I need your supplies."

Hearing what Wang Qinqin said, Song Huahua became a little curious and thought, is this really big news? Otherwise Wang Qinqin would not be so sure.

At that moment, Song Huahua hesitated, and after a while he said, "Well, I'll go back and ask our team what they say."

Wang Qinqin let her ask. Anyway, she felt that Song Huahua would give it to him in the end. After all, people are curious, and they would definitely want to know what important information she got from Ji Anran.

Sure enough, when Song Huahua went back and mentioned it to Tu Yue, Tu Yue took out the supplies Wang Qinqin asked for and asked her to ask. At the same time, he told her not to tell the team members about it - lest the team members know that he had worked so hard for so long. There was no time and no information was obtained. Song Huahua got some important information as soon as he took action. He would think that he was incompetent and could not catch women. This was not what he wanted to see.

Song Huahua didn't tell everyone about it, but only mentioned it to Tu Yue. He knew that Tu Yue loved face, so he told it in private. At this time, Tu Yue's order was obviously for the sake of face. Song Huahua knew it in his heart, so Song Huahua didn't ask why. By doing this, Tu Yue would not lose face, so he immediately executed it and said, "I will do it."

Wang Qinqin couldn't help but be happy when she saw that Song Huahua had obtained the supplies as she expected. She accepted them with a smile, and then told her what An Ran said.

"It's just such a sentence. I don't know whether it's true or not, but you charge me so many supplies?!" Song Huahua was furious and felt that the supplies were not worth it.

Wang Qinqin did not feel that she had gone too far, and said: "Why can't we collect so many supplies for such important news? Besides, of course this is true, and I have evidence."

Immediately, he took out his mobile phone and played the conversation between her and An Ran to her.

After Song Huahua heard it, Wang Qinqin said: "I knew at that time that I had to leave evidence in case you didn't believe it, so I turned on the recording function of my phone. Now you should believe it."

Now Song Huahua really believed it, and immediately said: "Send me that recording, and I will go back and show it to our team members. Otherwise, without evidence, with just one sentence, others will say that I can't do my job."

After collecting the supplies, Wang Qinqin was able to talk. She did not continue to ask for supplies, but forwarded the recording to Song Huahua.

Song Huahua got the recording and immediately found Tu Yue and played the recording to him.

When Tu Yue heard this, he couldn't help but feel angry. He thought that he was in love with this Ji Anran, but he really hid it from himself! It seems that I still have to work hard and continue to inquire to see what kind of permissions she has.

——And this is An Ran's purpose, to make Tu Yue and the others think she has a secret and not plan to attack her for the time being, so that she can improve her strength again. When her strength far exceeds that of Tu Yue, she won't have to worry about being unable to deal with him.

So Tu Yue immediately said: "In this case, I will continue to investigate Ji Anran, and I won't do anything to her for the time being. Don't leak this recording of yours."

Song Huahua heard that Tu Yue said that he wanted to continue to associate with Ji Anran. Although he was unwilling to do so, he felt comfortable when he saw that Tu Yue was very angry with Ji Anran because of Ji Anran's concealment. Thinking about Ji Anran deceiving Tu Yue like this, he wanted to come It was impossible for Tu Yue to like her. Thinking of this, he felt less uncomfortable, so he nodded in agreement.

After talking about Ji Anran's situation, Song Huahua asked, "Brother Yue, hasn't he been upgraded recently?"

It had been a few months since they came to Taoyuan Town, and she saw that Tu Yue's strength seemed to have stagnated, although the same was true for her - because An Ran also put a bad luck charm on her, after all, this woman was also the cause of death. One of the murderers who died, An Ran couldn't help but deal with her - but she was different from Tu Yue. Tu Yue was much more talented than her. In the past, when others would fail to upgrade, Tu Yue always upgraded smoothly. , has never failed, and now that Tu Yue has not upgraded, she can't help but wonder if he has failed to upgrade like her.

If so, this is not a good phenomenon. Generally speaking, as long as the talent limit is not reached, the upgrade will always be smooth and rarely fail. Only when the talent limit is reached, the upgrade will always fail.

Therefore, if Tu Yue really fails to upgrade, it means that he has most likely reached the limit of his talent, and it will be difficult to upgrade in the future. This is naturally not a good phenomenon.

After hearing Song Huahua's inquiry, Tu Yue couldn't help but feel embarrassed on his face, but he quickly restrained himself to prevent Song Huahua from seeing it.

In fact, he has been trying to pass the level recently, but he has been failing. He doesn't want people to know that he has been failing to upgrade, which will make him lose face. You must know that he has been successful in upgrading before, so after listening to Song Huahua's inquiry, naturally Unable to tell the truth, he covered it up and said: "No, I have been thinking a lot recently in order to win over Ji Anran, so I haven't had time to upgrade yet. Let's wait until this matter is over before talking about the upgrade, so as not to worry about something and become unstable. If you fail to upgrade, if it’s serious and you not only fail to upgrade, but your strength deteriorates, that would be bad.”

He was afraid that he would never be able to get promoted, so he deliberately delayed the time until after Ji Anran's matter was resolved, thinking that after taking so long, he would be able to get promoted.

Seeing that his expression seemed normal, Song Huahua believed him and immediately said: "Sure, as long as Brother Yue is fine."

Seeing that Song Huahua had no doubts, Tu Yue breathed a sigh of relief, but he also knew that he had to hurry up when it came to upgrading. Otherwise, if he didn't upgrade for a while, on the contrary, someone among his teammates kept upgrading and finally surpassed him. I'm afraid that the captain's position is unstable. After all, strength is respected now. If your strength is not good enough, no matter how senior you are, others will not obey you.

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