Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1695 Doomsday Town 9

Although An Ran is very cautious, the other party should not be able to find out that she is the owner of the town in this life, but the original person wants revenge. Even if the other party cannot find out that she is the owner of the town, they will confront her sooner or later, so she does not exercise, What if you don't strengthen your own strength?

As a result, the group of enemies who killed the original person had not yet appeared, but Ji's father and his family came over. This was beyond An Ran's expectation.

This is something that has never happened in the original world. An Ran thought about it. It was probably the butterfly effect caused by the post he posted on the local forum. Maybe someone in the Ji family saw the post and felt that the situation was not good and it was inconvenient to go to those big bases. , so I came to Taoyuan Town recently.

An Ran's guess was good. The Ji family indeed saw the news from the forum.

At first, only Enron promoted Taoyuan Town. Later, many local people came. Knowing that this place was safe, many people spread the word. So Jifu and others naturally knew that there was such a good place in this city and wanted to come.

It's just that they are in the city, a little far away from the suburbs, and at first, they didn't dare to go out, thinking that maybe the country would eliminate the monsters, so that they wouldn't have to go out and take risks.

As a result, the country had nothing to do with these monsters. They didn't finish them off for a while. They saw that the situation was not good. At this time, human beings' own power also developed, so Ji's father conveniently used the materials in his hands to make a deal with an adventure team. , the other party protected them from coming to Taoyuan Town.

Because there was someone to protect them, even if they paid a huge price, the whole family came to this legendary place of absolute safety.

When An Ran saw them, she didn't drive them away until they violated the town's rules, even though she didn't like them at all.

But if you drive them away suddenly without any reason, it will be easy for people to feel strange. Then if you discover her existence, you may notice that she may have a relationship with the town system. Otherwise, why is she here? She doesn't like it. Ji's family would not be able to get in because they would suspect that she was not just someone who worked in the system's city hall.

She didn't want her original enemies to have any suspicion, so she naturally stayed put.

The town is very small. Although it has developed for a period of time, it now only has more than a thousand people. In addition, An Ran often walks outside, so Ji's father and others naturally saw An Ran.

At first, they didn't know that this was An Ran. After all, since the divorce, Ji's father and others, let alone paying alimony, had never seen the original person at all. In this way, how could they know that this was An Ran? After all, An Ran was the same as when he was a child. Completely different.

I still often hear people call An Ran An Ran. This name is still familiar to Ji's father and others. When I inquired about it, it is said that the surname is Ji, which makes it even more familiar. The Ji family feels that there is no such coincidence in the world, plus An Ran's somewhat familiar profile , so it was almost certain that An Ran was Ji's father's child.

As soon as they heard that An Ran was Ji's father's child, the Ji family wanted to recognize him.

If it were to be put aside before the end, of course he would not admit it. Even if Ji's father wanted to admit it, Mrs. Ji, whom Ji's father married later, would not agree. She was afraid that if she recognized her original identity, her children's property would be divided between her and her children's property.

But it's different now. They heard about it and said that An Ran was very lucky at that time. She went on an outing nearby and the town fell near her. Then she came in and grabbed the task issued by the city hall. Now she is a junior high school student. The town security inspector has some authority in the town, and the income is also good - others work hard for a day, and only earn a few hundred gold coins. She does that job, and is very free, and the salary is only a hundred gold coins a day.

In the past, they would have looked down upon this little money, but it was different now.

Although the Ji family has a lot of supplies, how can he dare to bring a lot of supplies on the road when he escapes? Even if he wants to bring more supplies, the adventure team will not agree. After all, for them, time is money. If they bring too many supplies, It will definitely affect the speed. They don't mind if the Ji family provides supplies on time, but if time goes by, the Ji family can't afford it, so they just drag two vans of things over.

In fact, Ji's father wanted to use a big truck to load it, but the adventure team disagreed, saying that the big truck was too slow. Once a monster caught up, should they stop to protect their supplies? The longer they stay in one place, they will attract more and more monsters. Even if they have the ability, they will not be able to leave, and they don't want to risk their lives to protect their little supplies; but otherwise To protect their supplies, they would be vain, so it was suggested that they use vans to decorate them, which would run faster and protect them.

So Ji's father listened to their suggestions and packed two cars in a van.

Although two trucks of supplies are quite a lot,... Taoyuan Town is not short of anything now, especially as more and more factories are being built. I am afraid that many supplies can be made. In this case, their supplies are not too valuable. .

On the contrary, for their large family, just renting a house costs a lot of money, and they will also have to spend money on food, clothing, housing and transportation in the future.

Ji's father and others considered themselves to be high-class people and were unwilling to work in the fields or factories. They felt that it was too inconsistent with their status, especially since they were still relatively well-known in the city. People could see that the rich people in the past were now as good as the wealthy. They are just as destitute, even so destitute that working like them is so embarrassing, which makes them unable to let go of their bodies no matter what.

And if they don't work and just rely on supplies for gold coins and supplies for food, clothing, housing and transportation, they will run out of money sooner or later. After all, they are no longer the rich people before the end. Now that all their property is in vain, they have an ordinary net worth. With such an ordinary net worth, She didn't want to do anything, and she would get nothing soon, so if she accepted An Ran, they would have no money to use. Could she just watch her biological father have no money to use? I'll definitely be able to support them a little bit then, so they don't have to travel so hard.

Just do what you say, and after it was immediately confirmed that An Ran was Ji's father's daughter, Grandma Ji was ready to take the initiative herself and recognize An Ran.

The reason why Grandma Ji planned to take the lead was mainly because she was afraid that An Ran would complain that Father Ji, her biological father, had ignored her for so many years. As for Grandma Ji, she was older and cried while talking. They thought it would inspire An Ran's sympathy, at least. It will definitely be better than facing Father Ji, and it will be easier to talk to him then.

If Grandma Ji can't succeed, then Grandpa Ji and Father Ji will be sent to play.

Mrs. Ji would definitely not agree to admitting Ji Anran back to the past. After all, she was afraid that Ji Anran would come back to compete with her children for property.

But now, the wealth of the Wan Guan family has come to naught. On the contrary, life is now unbearable. Mrs. Ji will naturally not be stupid enough to continue to stop her. She will naturally agree to their proposal to take advantage of Ji Anran. Besides, as long as it is not divided The thing was given to Ji Anran, but on the contrary, it was to get money from Ji Anran, and it was Ji Anran who suffered the loss. So what did she have to object to? Not only did she not object, but she even gloated when she saw Ji Anran's loss.

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